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Update on Dan Kirts

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  • #76
    Great report Jim. Now the prayer will be not only for a full recovery, but doing it at a reasonable pace that Dan's system can keep up with.

    Bud Gann


    • #77

      Great news ! I was thinking the same thing about re-hab, he will push it hard, I did the same thing after a bad car accident 10 years ago. Did I push a little harder than the doctor wanted, YEP ! Your Dad is going to do the same !

      John Biagio


      • #78
        The good news is what I expected from Dan. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he showed up in OK and OK.


        • #79
          Great news

          Jim, very good news, tell Dan I am lokking forward to seeing him in Oklahoma, sorry I missed his birthday, first time in about 10 years. Say happy birthday for all of us.
          Hall Racing
          Rex, Doug, Jackson, and Denise


          • #80
            Jim, that is great news. God was good to the Kirt's family. Still in our prayers.


            • #81
              Go Dan!
              BRF doesn't make participation so difficult


              • #82
                I'll bet there are a lot of guys in my position, being out of your geographical region and having met and talked with Dan only one time, who still are enormously pleased by your last post.


                • #83
                  Dan Kirts

                  Jim, give us a daily update on how your dad is doing!


                  • #84

                    I have been following this on Facebook. Yesterday they had to Move Dan to a new room. He kept getting out of the bed and trying to go home. So now he is in a room with another person, and a nurse on guard.

                    Yup, he is as tough as they come.
                    Dave Mason
                    Just A Boat Racer


                    • #85
                      What else would anyone expect from Dan?

                      Take your time Dan.

                      All of your boat racing family, friends and fans are pulling for you and praying for your complete recovery
                      BRF doesn't make participation so difficult


                      • #86
                        I talked with dad on the phone yesterday. He is doing so much better. It is truly a miracle. They had him up and walking with a walker. Mom took him outside in a wheelchair for the first time since his injury. He was loving it. He told me to get my stuff together so we can go to a boat race and see what we can do. He still has hopes of going to Oklahoma, to watch of course, and help me. I am pretty sure his driving days are over. Mom says the only thing he will be driving is the rescue boat, which we all agree. He has 3 more weeks of therapy at the hospital and then will be released. He is ready now. He said he has been doing 75 to 100 sit ups in his bed every day and has been doing things with his right leg and arm on his own to strengthen them back up. We wouldn't have expected anything less out of him. He will be back in time. The good lord has heard all of our prayers and we thank him for that. I will post more later on his progress, but he is doing great all things considered.



                        • #87
                          Fantastic report Jim. I do not think anyone who ever knew Dan expected anything less. Our continued prayers for all the Kirts family.


                          • #88
                            Great, great news Jim! Tell him hello from his #1 Canadian fan.

                            God be Praised! He is there for all of us....You just have to have the faith to ask.


                            • #89
                              That Dan Kirts is one tough cookie! Keep the good work up. Thanks for the report Jim.


                              • #90
                                75 to 100 sit ups in bed??? I do 10 and I'm ready to go to the hospital!!
                                Glad to here positive news!

