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Update on Dan Kirts

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  • #91
    All right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • #92
      My niece came up with this idea which I think is great. I'm sure mom and dad can use the help and would never ask for it. You can email Mandy Kirts at ankirts@spartans.manchester.edu to place your order and give her your address and she will handle your donations.

      Hello family and friends! As we know Dan Kirts has been fighting hard and making AMAZING progress these past few weeks. As family and friends are all scattered across the country, I wanted to find a way to connect everyone in pray and thought towards the progress and journey Dan has made. I have ordered livestrong bracelets (royal blue) with "KIRTS STRONG" printed across it. If we all were to stand together and wear these bracelets, Dan and Nancy would always be reminded that no matter the distance, family and friends are always there. I am asking everyone give $2 per bracelet to go towards new clothes, shoes, or other things Dan needs in the hospital or at home. If you could inbox me your address and how many bracelets you would want I can get an idea of how many to order. Please forward this message to family and friends so we can get this going! I am so proud of you grandpa and i love you!!! KIRTS STRONG!


      • #93
        Fred was so pleased after his visit with Dan yesterday. Such a great attitude. Totally committed to therapy. We will continue to pray for his recovery.


        • #94
          I e-mailed Amanda and got her mailing address this morning.

          My check is in the mail, and I urge everyone who calls Dan a friend or is a fan of Dan Kirts to do the same.

          Now that Danny is doing so much better, please post an address where his boat racing friends and fans can send personal greetings.

          Go Dan Kirts!!!
          BRF doesn't make participation so difficult


          • #95
            I talked with dad for a bit yesterday. He is doing great. Really getting back to his old self. He was trying to coordinate he and I and Ike and Fred getting to Oklahoma. Lol. Yep, he's back! His biggest concern was that he wouldn't get out of the hospital in time to go. I told him he needs to worry about himself and getting stronger so he can go home and take care of himself. He agreed. But I think he is doing all he can to get better. Mom said he was practicing writing his name on a napkin with his right hand to help his coordination. He also walked on the treadmill for three, six minute sessions. He had assistance of a harness of course, but said he wanted to go farther. That's my dad! It is unbelievable how far he has come in four weeks. We are all so proud of him. The good lord has watched over all of us and is taking good care of him and bringing him back. The bracelets are going over far better than expected. I want to personnaly thank all of you for your support. I know mom and dad are loved by many, many people all over the country, and this just shows them how much. I am really proud of Mandy, Staci, and Jamie for coming up with this idea and making it happen. I am truly proud to have them as my nieces and daughter. They are the best! I think they are now pushing 300 on the bracelets. Thank you all and I will update you again later.



            • #96
              Wow! What a surprise. Dad called me last night from his cell phone. He said he had a great day. He celebrated Kaylee's birthday in his room with cupcakes and family and friends. Therapy went great and the doctor told him that he was doing so well that he could possibly get out 11/2 weeks earlier than originally planned. That is great news! He is doing so well. Here is the mailing address for him in case you want to send a card or anything else:

              Elkhart General Hospital
              600 East Blvd
              Elkhart, In 46514
              Room 2514

              We are all so happy he is doing so well. Can't wait till he gets out.
              "Kirts Strong"!


              • #97
                Well, you have to take into consideration we are dealing with Dan Kirts. Surely you were not expecting anything less. Going to continue prayers though, prayer helps everyone.


                • #98
                  I talked to mom and dad last night and it is official. Dad gets to go home the end of next week. He is doing awesome. He is even setting records on the rehab equipment, lol. Leave it to dad. He has always got to be the best at whatever he does. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and support! We couldn't have made it through this without all of you.



                  • #99
                    Great news Jim and anyone who knows Dan Kirts knows he is not going to settle for second, and will keep the Kirts on the prayer list.

                    Bud Gann


                    • Jim, glad to here he is making progress. Tell him I am thinking of him and my prayers were with him every week, maybe it helped? Bob N-96


                      • Originally posted by froggy3racer View Post
                        I talked to mom and dad last night and it is official. Dad gets to go home the end of next week. He is doing awesome. He is even setting records on the rehab equipment, lol. Leave it to dad. He has always got to be the best at whatever he does. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and support! We couldn't have made it through this without all of you.

                        This is such great news!!


                        • Great News About Dan

                          I was just wondering about Dan's recovery progress yesterday while participating in a local boat race. Dan has been an inspiration to many of us in PRO outboard boat racing over the years. His recovery and improving condition are really good news. God has provided him with his needs where it counts. Dan is such a pleasure to visit with at the USTS races, and he gave me some sound advice that still reminds me of how to prepare for a boat race (strive to be the first person in the pits before each race day working on your gear and double-checking your equipment's operational status.) I believe our community's prayers, your loving family support, and Dan's inner strength to fight his latest health issues have given him a renewed lease on life. I look forward to visiting with him again some time in the near future, like the UIM 2013 O-250 World's Cup in Florida next year if he is able to attend the event. Dan is definitely a legend in international PRO boat racing and a great boat racing mentor.

                          May God continue to bless your family and Dan's continued recovery.

                          Al & Bonnie Peffley


                          • Well, Dad is home! He is doing really well. He is walking with a walker and trying to most things on his own. He still has therapy 2 or 3 times a week to help continue his recovery. His local friends pick him up each day to take him to coffee with the guys and then bring him home. He really enjoys that. He has even been sneaking a peek in the race trailer at Ike's which mom gave him the evil eye over. Dad wrote a message that he asked me to post on here for him so here it is:

                            "I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers, cards, and phone calls regarding my incident at Constantine. It is really rewarding to know what a family we have in the USTS and the boat racing fraternity. I will never forget this. I would also like to take the time to thank my wonderful children, grandchildren, family, friends, and especially my wife for all of their support. This has been a very hard and trying time and I am sure we would not have made it through it without everyone's support. I look forward to seeing everyone at the races very soon."

                            God Bless you all,

                            Dan Kirts

                            I think dad has said it all.

                            Thank you,



                            • Great report Jim, but those of us who know Dan, would be surprised if he did anything differently to accelerate his recovery. Always 110% and going that extra mile. Thanks for the updates Jim.

                              Bud Gann


                              • Originally posted by froggy3racer View Post
                                Well, Dad is home! He is doing really well. He is walking with a walker and trying to most things on his own. He still has therapy 2 or 3 times a week to help continue his recovery. His local friends pick him up each day to take him to coffee with the guys and then bring him home. He really enjoys that. He has even been sneaking a peek in the race trailer at Ike's which mom gave him the evil eye over. Dad wrote a message that he asked me to post on here for him so here it is:

                                "I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers, cards, and phone calls regarding my incident at Constantine. It is really rewarding to know what a family we have in the USTS and the boat racing fraternity. I will never forget this. I would also like to take the time to thank my wonderful children, grandchildren, family, friends, and especially my wife for all of their support. This has been a very hard and trying time and I am sure we would not have made it through it without everyone's support. I look forward to seeing everyone at the races very soon."

                                God Bless you all,

                                Dan Kirts

                                I think dad has said it all.

                                Thank you,

                                Jim, both Pete and I are glad to hear that Dan is back home and doing well. Give our best to Nancy and Dan.

