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Update on Dan Kirts

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  • #61
    Great report Jim, our continued prayers are there for not only Dan, but all the Kirts family as they face the road ahead.

    Bud Gann


    • #62
      Dad is starting to get solid food now. He is much happier with that. He still can't stand or walk because of his right side not functioning well yet. He has started rehab, but it will be slow going. It sounds like he may have to be moved out of the hospital to continue his recovery due to insurance restrictions. We are not sure yet, but will know soon. Dad is starting to remember some things little by little and has even talked about motors with some people. He still has a long recovery ahead due to the weakness of his right side. He improves each day and we thank god and all of our friends and family for the thoughts and prayers.

      Thank you all!



      • #63

        ..........for the update, Jim. Sounds like he has made some great progress in getting back to his old self. We have been watching each day for positive signs with him, and each time you give us news, we have something else to be thankful for. Give him our best and know we will continue to listen for good news. If ANYBODY can beat this................its DAN KIRTS.


        • #64
          Jim, thanks for the good news, tell Dan we all are praying for a full and complete recovery. Hang in there, may be a long battle, but like posted earlier, if anyone can bet this it is Dan Kirts. Thanks again.

          Bud Gann


          • #65
            I met your dad years ago with my first go round with racing and knowing the kind of man he is, he will beat this , just another bump in the road. All the best wishes possible on a speedy recovery!!


            • #66
              Thanks for the updates Jim. Dan the man, all the best to him.


              • #67
                The DePue race must have been a rather subdued, somber affair, what with everybody feeling sad and worried about Dan.

                So glad to hear of the progress. A lot of people are surely checking this thread before doing anything else online.


                • #68

                  It lifts our hearts to hear the great news, we will keep the prayers coming.

                  John Biagio


                  • #69
                    Jim, please keep us all informed on Dan's progress. We are all concerned....Bob N-96


                    • #70
                      Just got a call from mom. Nurse stated that dad was eating breakfast this morning and just drifted off to sleep. He has been unresponsive since. He has a fever of 103.5, his heart rate is elevated, and his white blood cell count is way up. They are doing cultures, x-rays, and a CT scan to try to determine what is causing everything. At this point they don't know the cause and he remains unresponsive. He is back to only 2 visitors at a time and dark and quiet with no stimulation. Hopefully they will find the cause and get him fixed up soon. I will give updates when I get any. Keep the prayers going. We need them know. Please God hear our prayers!



                      • #71
                        Jim, thanks as always for your update and the prayer line is open and working and all the Kirts are included in the prayer requests.

                        Bud Gann


                        • #72
                          Dad is doing better tonight. They found he had a urinary track infection. They have him on antibiotics and Tylenol and have his fever down to 100.? He has woke back up and did eat tonight so it is a good thing. Thank you again God and we pray he keeps getting better.



                          • #73
                            UTI's particularly in older population can cause some pretty crazy symptoms including them seeing and hearing things. Not a fun time. Well wishes coming to you and your family!

                            Welcome to hydroracer, we hope you enjoy your visit.


                            • #74
                              I just spoke with Mom and Dad. Yep Dad. He is doing much better. They came in and told him today that he was ready to start rehab. He is excited. Says he is tired of just laying in the bed. His first words after they told him were that maybe he would be good enough and ready to take the motorhome to Oklahoma. LOL. Well, we will see about that. I told him he needs to take it one day at a time and work on getting himself better first. But, knowing him, he will push it and try to make it happen. I thank the lord for hearing all of our prayers and bringing him back to us. He seems to remember more of what happened and knows he has a lot of unfinished work left to do. I told him that it wasn't going anywhere and it would be there when he gets better and out. He is anxious to get moving again. He has a long way to go. His right side is working better, but still not where it needs to be. I am sure the rehab will be tough on him, but there is nobody tougher in my eyes and I am sure he will be up to it. Thank you all for your prayers and support. I don't know where we would all be without it. Love you all and thank you!



                              • #75
                                Originally posted by froggy3racer View Post
                                I just spoke with Mom and Dad. Yep Dad. He is doing much better. They came in and told him today that he was ready to start rehab. He is excited. Says he is tired of just laying in the bed. His first words after they told him were that maybe he would be good enough and ready to take the motorhome to Oklahoma. LOL. Well, we will see about that. I told him he needs to take it one day at a time and work on getting himself better first. But, knowing him, he will push it and try to make it happen. I thank the lord for hearing all of our prayers and bringing him back to us. He seems to remember more of what happened and knows he has a lot of unfinished work left to do. I told him that it wasn't going anywhere and it would be there when he gets better and out. He is anxious to get moving again. He has a long way to go. His right side is working better, but still not where it needs to be. I am sure the rehab will be tough on him, but there is nobody tougher in my eyes and I am sure he will be up to it. Thank you all for your prayers and support. I don't know where we would all be without it. Love you all and thank you!

                                That is such great news.. As far as rehab if he is like me he will push it and maybe not hear everything the doctor says!!!
                                Mike - One of the Montana Boys

                                If it aint fast make it look good

