Try Shell premium, 91 octane. During early spring last year we passed with flying colors at the sectionals, and that is supposed to be the time when Shell has the woe is me hug a tree blend that tosses the meters off the scale.
Have you got any Chevrons around you? We mix 50% 110 VP octane, 50% Chevron regular, and Red Line oil at 25-1, passes with flying colors....Simple blend....
Try Shell premium, 91 octane. During early spring last year we passed with flying colors at the sectionals, and that is supposed to be the time when Shell has the woe is me hug a tree blend that tosses the meters off the scale.
Have you got any Chevrons around you? We mix 50% 110 VP octane, 50% Chevron regular, and Red Line oil at 25-1, passes with flying colors....Simple blend....