Good intentions.. and The Road to...
Bill Thomas's level-headed comments are commendable. However the ''J" fiefdom marches to the beat of a different drum
... which, I have come to realize
, has had many more good consequences than naught. Still, they bear watching.
I'm always concerned when we lend ourselves to the mercy of the insurance 'experts' because they'll do everything they can 'for us' if we hand ourselves over to them.
Haven't we been screwed enuff?
Cut suits. Tell me..., what defines a problem? What defines a SAFETY problem of such magnitude that it must be acted upon, right now (by the Grand Poobah) and another freaking rule laid on the books? Please... don't answer me here, call my Mom.
Yup..The cut-suit issue started as a discussion of tatty, faded equipment, and the improper use of duct-tape. It rapidly took the shape of a "problem". More aptly, it was the solution to a Safety PRO-BLEE-UMM which did not exist. However, when talked about under the safety mantra, some folks thought indeed "inspections" would be just the ticket. How the "inspection" was to be done, who would/could do it, to what extent/specification it would be done to, etc ad nauseum.... hohoho... All of that was left up to guess who? Why the MFG of course.. whoever the heck that happened to be/have been. Nevermind that. To the folks with the 'good intentions' (ie the ones who would pave the road to --LL) it was indeed a safety issue that deserved immediate attention KA-BLAMMMO!! Nevermind, the fact that we already have adequate rules in place for addressing: appearance, behavior, breaking of rules, etc. Err ah.. maybe we do need one just for DUCT TAPE...arrrrrrghhh!!!

So there I go again!! Spending vast amounts of my campaign funds on this issue. No problem... Mad Russian Racing likes operating in a kitchen where there's some heat. And up here in Maine baby... that's about the only place there's heat this time of year unless your in your heated sno-sled suit.
Bill Thomas's level-headed comments are commendable. However the ''J" fiefdom marches to the beat of a different drum

I'm always concerned when we lend ourselves to the mercy of the insurance 'experts' because they'll do everything they can 'for us' if we hand ourselves over to them.

Cut suits. Tell me..., what defines a problem? What defines a SAFETY problem of such magnitude that it must be acted upon, right now (by the Grand Poobah) and another freaking rule laid on the books? Please... don't answer me here, call my Mom.
Yup..The cut-suit issue started as a discussion of tatty, faded equipment, and the improper use of duct-tape. It rapidly took the shape of a "problem". More aptly, it was the solution to a Safety PRO-BLEE-UMM which did not exist. However, when talked about under the safety mantra, some folks thought indeed "inspections" would be just the ticket. How the "inspection" was to be done, who would/could do it, to what extent/specification it would be done to, etc ad nauseum.... hohoho... All of that was left up to guess who? Why the MFG of course.. whoever the heck that happened to be/have been. Nevermind that. To the folks with the 'good intentions' (ie the ones who would pave the road to --LL) it was indeed a safety issue that deserved immediate attention KA-BLAMMMO!! Nevermind, the fact that we already have adequate rules in place for addressing: appearance, behavior, breaking of rules, etc. Err ah.. maybe we do need one just for DUCT TAPE...arrrrrrghhh!!!

So there I go again!! Spending vast amounts of my campaign funds on this issue. No problem... Mad Russian Racing likes operating in a kitchen where there's some heat. And up here in Maine baby... that's about the only place there's heat this time of year unless your in your heated sno-sled suit.