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You Know You Have Boat Racing On The Brain When...

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  • #61
    Your daughter calls you from the UK and tells you she is getting married on April the 23rd and your first thought is, I have to fly to the UK I wonder if I am going to miss a race that weekend, And I dont even own a boat..:-)


    • #62
      You have got it bad when your girl friend says she wants to get married in July. You tell her that is racing season and the wedding will have to be in the middle of the week...........

      We got married on Tuesday 36 years ago going on 37. Everyone at the wedding kept asking why did you get married on Tuesday?


      • #63
        You're peripheral vision catches cars on your right flank while you're driving down the interstate and for a second...it's all on water. And, every lake has to get a look as to size, pit area and protection from the wind. And, like many others, when the weed-eater, Mantis tiller and anything else two-stroke brings back today's racing and yesterday's running my Dad's KE-7 Lightning (which still hangs in the garage.)



        • #64
          Seems my entire life revolves around boat racing.
          1st wedding: really screwed up by planning week of Dayton Nationals in 80 Brother never forgave me for that one. And the girls on the stand called that day to give me heck.
          2nd wedding: tried to schedule around Millville, only to have it backfire and both lost guests and got the evil eye from many. They switched to my day.
          Son is totally hooked, thank goodness his wife likes it and has made her own friends. Her family told me they now schedule their lives around boat racing.
          And finally, my 5 yr old on her way to grandmom's in Lambertville says, every time we cross the bridge, 'There's Gregory's boat races'.
          Beth Maurer
          'Let us show you how fun concrete can be!!!'


          • #65
            This thread should be made into a book

            "The Coffee Guy"
            TEAM CAFFEINE
            Cranked up and ready to Roll

            Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

            "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
            " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


            • #66
              You know you have boatracing on the brain when....

              When did boatracers get brains???
              Connie Payn


              • #67
                Hey Connie! It's not that we have brains, It is brain.... we all share the same one!

                Joe Franck


                • #68
                  Originally posted by YankeeRacing View Post
                  When did boatracers get brains???
                  Connie Payn
                  That subject, is subject to the reality of relativity.
                  in other words
                  I am pretty smart...when compared to a rock.

                  "The Coffee Guy"
                  TEAM CAFFEINE
                  Cranked up and ready to Roll

                  Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

                  "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
                  " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


                  • #69
                    That's Funny!

                    Originally posted by BP125V View Post
                    Mustachio - be quiet and go help your dad work on the 20SSH rig otherwise Mike is going to punch you in the face.

                    Hey Chochie- Joanie called & wants to know if you will be in N.C.?

                    "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by JBM View Post
                      As the rains continue to fall here in the northwest, I look at the farm field next door and think... I'm really sick of this rain, but a little more and maybe we can do some testing...
                      Brian's got it bad also..
                      Hmmm.......wide 3 buoy turns Brian is using there......must be a hydro.....



                      • #71
                        I don't know how widespread these things are, but on some of the crosswalks where it has the hand that tells you when to cross and when to stop, there is a timer for the light that counts down from about 25. I've pretty much figured out where they all are, and I try to figure out where it's at from a ways back, and try to cross the line when it hits zero without hitting the brakes. I know I've probably pissed some people off behind me, but it's for the good of racing, and Lord knows I need all the help I can get with starts.



                        • #72
                          I remember hearing a story from some one, where they rode up to wakefield on their snowmobile and took a couple of laps on the frozen lake.
                          Youngest Member of the Flyer Raceboat Gang


                          • #73
                            I bet they stopped at the resort bar too

                            "The Coffee Guy"
                            TEAM CAFFEINE
                            Cranked up and ready to Roll

                            Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

                            "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
                            " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


                            • #74
                              How Does It feel To have Lost Your Mind?

                              Dave Bryan asked me that not long ago. He said, "Ron, how does it feel to have lost your mind?" I told him I'd never thought about it much..

                              But this morning, looking at what I did yesterday, maybe I have lost my mind...I left my house yesterday with a perfectly clean truck. Rod Zapf, Dave Bryan and I went to Apple Valley yesterday and this is what happened along the way!...

                              Not to mention buying a 302 this week, and Gary Lewis's 20 SS Yamato and Gary's four boat trailer...

                              Maybe I SHOULD take a break......and go to the APBA Meeting next week!

                              Pictures are of my new Lifeline jacket...45 I bought, dual prop Bravo, Mark 55E, Quincy throttle.....some propellers, V-6 Merc carbs...Every ****!

                              Bare foot to show it is warm in Southern California..Knife in case I want to make a sandwich!!! LOL!
                              Attached Files


                              • #75
                                well what ever you do. You better bring some southern Cali warmth with you. Cause we are a bit short on that!

                                "The Coffee Guy"
                                TEAM CAFFEINE
                                Cranked up and ready to Roll

                                Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

                                "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
                                " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)

