I talked to literally hundreds of people this year that had at least some interest in entering into our sport. Not one of them thought that taking the Merc A out of A (although I made it perfectly clear that it is not competitive in A) would help them enter into the sport if they were looking at J for their kids and A for themselves. SOME thought they would rather get the Merc so as their kid gained skills they could be competitive and they(parent) could go for rides in A with the same motor. the other half felt they would rather try to find a good omc so they could have a shot at being competitive while the kid gained experience running the slower (for J) OMC. If the sidewinder is not approved for A, it really doesn't enter into the equation UNTIL it is approved for points.
stock cars,motocross etc. Part of the BIG draw there is that everyone has a place to race every single weekend of the season within 20-60 miles of their home. while we travel hundreds of miles for many of our races. of the people i talk to in my neck of the woods (or corn field) that is the absolute biggest drawback to our sport