Originally posted by don11w
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Racers want to know . . . why? What difference does it make if the SW is ready for sale in 08 or in 09? Really, can somebody tell me the world of boatracing (or just the world of Stock Outboard) will come to a screaching halt if the SW 15 isn't under the tree this Christmas? Is there that many racers with 5k burning a hole in their pockets? If so, I am sure Ron would take preorders. Send him your green, then you can call him and complain about the current timeline.
I understand that in a business, deadlines need to be meet and sometimes a vendor needs a kick in the pants to hold them accountable. Only 2 problems with using this thought process. Racing is not a business (for us) and that kick only works when you have a suitable alternative. Is there another option?