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  • #91
    Originally posted by G Stillwill View Post
    I often wonder how many would be new racers we loose just by all the BS that is put on here, or better yet how many vendors or sponsors that would like to get involved in the sport and read the bickering and say no way do I want a part of this, boys we are our own death.
    Wouldn't it be great if we had so much interest in this sport and HR.net that it possibly could. Sad fact is the majority of the people who read these posts are the few hundred that post them. I would be willing to bet that fewer than 5 people who wanted to start racing came to HR, saw the posts and changed their mind.

    Most computer literate folks nowadays realize that these boards don't represent the true flavor of the sport, (or other relevant topic). Heck, by reading some threads you'd think we'd be throwing wrench's at each other in the pits, but in actuality is completely the opposite.

    We all have a passion for racing our boats, that's why we write with emotion. But the words written here aren't was crippling boat racing. IMHO our death is our resistance to change.


    • #92

      You really think boat racers are the only ones that *****. Access some of the other racing sites such as auto, motorcycle,etc, racing. Go to your local racetrack and see what happens in the pits. Does not look like it hurts them. Even at the local dirt trackl I see 18 wheel rigs 2 car teams with sponsors. Actually boat racing disputes are quite mild as compared too the other motor sports. Witness F1 now Mclaren fined $200 million for espionage.
      Stock & Mod needs to wake up. The key is promotion-promotion-promotion. The first thing I see that has too change is races that last all day. With no consideration for spectators. Several races We have attended the last few years, there was no attempt to even draw a crowd. How are you going to get new boat racers when the only one attending are the boat racers?
      Art K


      • #93
        I want a new engine that I never have to maintain
        I want an engine that cost less than 2000.00
        I want an engine that I can buy today and my Great Grandkids can still race
        I want a boat I never have to test
        I want to buy only one prop and have it work on every course
        I want that prop to never throw a blade
        I want to only travel a few hours to all my races
        I want to only show up for the races and not help
        I want to do my patrol boat shift in the first set but only if I get asked 7 times at the drivers meeting to sign up will I finally volunteer
        I want my class to run in the second set
        I want to be on the road by 3:00 so I can get home before dark
        I want to be able to complain on HR when I don’t get my way or things change
        "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

        Don Allen


        • #94
          If you dont think that this site draws sight seeers then check the whos on line on the front page, right now 31 members and 30 guests Dont get me wrong here I love this site just as everyone and Dan does a sevice and a great job with it. Everyone has an opinion but when a tread thats started turns into an ego bashing trip yes it drives off people plain and simple. Outsiders have no clue to how nuts were are but first impressions last a life time. Bottom dam line Ron bought the Hotrod company and has the right to go in any direction with it be it new motors or resurecting the old motor. Nobody else stood up to the plate to buy it and it was for sale for awhile. The direction was after furthur thought was to design a new motor and produce them at a cheaper cost but more reliable easier to work on. Now for this effort he in being condemed by a certain few for not resurecting the 50 year old motor at a higher cost. Companys change direction evert day just a fact of life live with it. Racing Outboards hold the right to the Hotrod name, casting, designs the whole ball of wax and if Ron decided to pull the plug on the Sidewinder which knowing Ron wont happen and close up shop NOBODY can reproduce parts for the old motor unless Racing Outboards oks those parts.
          Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.


          • #95

            Originally posted by don11w View Post
            I want a new engine that I never have to maintain
            I want an engine that cost less than 2000.00
            I want an engine that I can buy today and my Great Grandkids can still race
            I want a boat I never have to test
            I want to buy only one prop and have it work on every course
            I want that prop to never throw a blade
            I want to only travel a few hours to all my races
            I want to only show up for the races and not help
            I want to do my patrol boat shift in the first set but only if I get asked 7 times at the drivers meeting to sign up will I finally volunteer
            I want my class to run in the second set
            I want to be on the road by 3:00 so I can get home before dark
            I want to be able to complain on HR when I don’t get my way or things change

            This might be the best post ever...........i know you are being sarcastic, but a lot of people are really like that! Change is part of life boys and girls........
            Shawn Breisacher


            • #96
              If Big Donny gets all his wishes, then...

              I want to be an Allen! gl
              Future J dad!


              • #97
                Originally posted by csh2z View Post
                Ed, I sent that information to the rules committee months ago! Do we still have time?
                We do still have time, but I'm not sure that it's appropriate right now since the SORC and the Chairman are lame ducks and since it is quite readily apparent from the lack of any answer to my question about availability that the time-table in the Plan needs to be adjusted.

                I would do this however: get the rules in place with blanks for the time table and bring them to the annual meeting so that the actual rules rather than just a plan can be considered and voted upon by the new SORC.


                "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                • #98
                  Done deal Ed. Thanks
                  John Runne

                  Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                  True parity is one motor per class.

                  It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                  NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


                  • #99
                    Ed, I am curious as to the workings of getting a rule change, and why the rule changes proposed in the plan are not already implemented. There was a section in the plan titled "Rule Changes". That was adopted along with the timeline, why is it necessary to repeat this process?
                    Ryan Runne
                    Wacusee Speedboats

                    "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                    These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


                    • On the subject of people not racing because of what they see on HR, I would like to strongly caution anybody who is considering not racing because of this. The is a forum for debate(among many other things). At the races however, this stuff doesn't go on. I couldn't tell you how many beers I've drank with guys like Ed H., or Daren G., etc. On top of that, we rarely discuss politics when we are hanging out drinking. I've spent way more time BSing with Eddie than I have discussing issues. We have, though, been able to make a lot of progress because of this website. I strongly believe that if not for this site, we would be floundering with no future. Instead we have a plan to move forward with, we have goals to be achieved, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel for SO. As I have said before, SO is in a transitional period right now, a majority of our motors are now 2 decades old. Within a couple of years however, a majority of our motors will be readily available from a manufacturer. That alone is a pretty promissing outlook as far as I am concerned.
                      Ryan Runne
                      Wacusee Speedboats

                      "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                      These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


                      • Originally posted by Gunjumper View Post
                        I want to be an Allen! gl
                        After running their 20 motor at Grass Lake I want to be one too!!
                        Ryan Runne
                        Wacusee Speedboats

                        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                        These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


                        • Mr. Stillwill or anyone else with the correct information to my questions,

                          In a conversation I had with someone that I'd rather not name here right now as some people feel this person has been too controversial in the past, that person told me that Ron's 15 ci sidewinder will compete in the B stock class with the 15 ci rotary valve champions and those existing rotary valve champion racers will be forced by APBA rules to detune or restrict their current engines so that Ron's new sidewinder is competitive.

                          Is this a fact or just a falsehood story? If it is true, then what would stop every other class in outboard racing from being subjected to detuning their current, competitive engines for other engine makers that want to enter that class with other new, uncompetitive motors?

                          What about old, outdated engines? Could racers also then demand parity so they can compete with their older, slower race engines again? Where would this logically stop? When everyone is racing with wooden row boats and oars?

                          When my father and I got back into pro racing in 1975 with the Z series of Quincy Engines, we had to play catch up with the current, established technology of the day. It took an extreme amount of expense and effort, but we did it. Nobody restricted the Konigs so we could compete.

                          Please, what are the facts??


                          Paul A Christner

                          PS: How can Ron at Racing Outboards stop anyone from making retro fit replacement parts for Champion rotary valve engines unless he has a current patent on each part. We couldn't. How can he? What does he know that we didn't?


                          • How come nobody has made these replacement parts for the hot rods...........it's sad to see the B class become what it has because the hot rods are fun to watch...........but without new parts, it will never be what the current C classes are
                            Shawn Breisacher


                            • Paul: No, it will probably be slightly slower. The point is, who cares? New motors are the future. We get a viable new motor, then we make it work. We deal with it. Like it or not folks, we must spend money to continue to do what we love. I know some of you are choking down laughter with this comment coming from me, but I am saying it. I hope it comes soon, but it will happen. Ron and Ed have invested too much money, time, and most importantly their own blood, sweat and tears in this project. This thread has given them a kick in the ass, so give them a chance to get it done right.


                              • Originally posted by Original Looper 1 View Post
                                Mr. Stillwill or anyone else with the correct information to my questions,

                                In a conversation I had with someone that I'd rather not name here right now as some people feel this person has been too controversial in the past, that person told me that Ron's 15 ci sidewinder will compete in the B stock class with the 15 ci rotary valve champions and those existing rotary valve champion racers will be forced by APBA rules to detune or restrict their current engines so that Ron's new sidewinder is competitive.

                                Is this a fact or just a falsehood story? If it is true, then what would stop every other class in outboard racing from being subjected to detuning their current, competitive engines for other engine makers that want to enter that class with other new, uncompetitive motors?

                                What about old, outdated engines? Could racers also then demand parity so they can compete with their older, slower race engines again? Where would this logically stop? When everyone is racing with wooden row boats and oars?

                                When my father and I got back into pro racing in 1975 with the Z series of Quincy Engines, we had to play catch up with the current, established technology of the day. It took an extreme amount of expense and effort, but we did it. Nobody restricted the Konigs so we could compete.

                                Please, what are the facts??


                                Paul A Christner

                                PS: How can Ron at Racing Outboards stop anyone from making retro fit replacement parts for Champion rotary valve engines unless he has a current patent on each part. We couldn't. How can he? What does he know that we didn't?

                                These are some very good questions. First, the intent of Racing Outboards is to produce a motor that is as nearly compatible with the current Hot Rod as possible. We would like to see a certain level of parity. However, the current motor must be able to win races, and, to a certain extent, be the motor of preference. Otherwise there will be no incentive for racers to purchase the new engine. As has been evident in the D class over the past few years, this goal will not be achieved in a way that will obsolete the old motor. It has been stated before, neither the SORC, nor the Steering Committee have any intentions of eliminating any of the current motors any time in the near future. This will ensure that current racers can continue to race competetively for quite some time, without having to invest in new equipment. The rumor that the current motors will have to be detuned is just a rumor as far as I know. If the new motor is unable to win, then obviously something would have to be done to change that, but changes would be made incrimentally and on a small scale.

                                As far as other maufacturers bringing in new, uncompetetive motors, this is kind of a non-issue. Between Racing Outboards, and Bass Machines, there will be new motors available for almost all of our classes. The Yamato will be the motor in the C classes for quite some time at there is no sign that availability of the 302 is of any concern.

                                In addition, I don't believe that the SORC has any intentions of slowing down new, available engines, to compete with old, out of date engines. This would only be a step backwards.
                                Ryan Runne
                                Wacusee Speedboats

                                "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                                These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.

