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  • #76
    Originally posted by mercguy View Post
    OK, I see where Neal was confused too (cause apparently I am too).....the 15SS class (B now right?)............was confused with being the 15 motor, which is the A class............now, that is confusing!

    BTW, ya wanna make a wager on the 15 Sidewinder outselling the 302 Yamato???????
    NO, The 15 motor is the 15ss class(B). The A motor I believe is going to be a 12.5 or something, or a choked down 15.
    Ryan Runne
    Wacusee Speedboats

    "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

    These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


    • #77
      Originally posted by csh2z View Post
      ***The 15c.i. motor is going into the current B class. 2008 the name of the class changes to 15SS. ***
      The next phase will be the 20 c.i. Sidewinder into the current 20SSH. This motor will be probationary for 2008. In 2009 the class name will change to BSH. *** 2008 will be the last year the restricted Yamato's will be able to run in the 25SSR class. *** Phase 3 is the A class. We are hoping to have the Sidewinder available at some point in the 2008 racing season at which time it will immediately be probationary. If, at the end of next season we are comfortable with the performance of the A motor and availability is not a problem we will probably make it legal for the 2009 season.
      After the 2009 season we will evaluate each class to begin to develop a phase out plan. ***!
      John: None of this is accurate! This was a PLAN adopted by the 2007 SORC whose term ends in 21 days. As I explained to you at the meeting after we adopted this PLAN, it is not part of the rules of Stock Outboard until the SORC approves rule changes WHICH WERE NEVER ADOPTED! I cautioned you that these rules needed to be adopted or else the plan would be nothing more than that: a plan! This is the same problem that befell "the SEA-TAC Plan"; and I explained that at the SO Commission Annual Meeting. Your committee was to draft the rule changes in order to implement the Plan. Was that ever completed?

      21 days and counting...

      "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Ron Selewach View Post
        So I take it from your response that you intend to buy a new Hot Rod at the Jesup races, as all here are witnessing. The motor is entirely new, with a new block and a new crank - a complete, new motor. That's what you've wanted and been whining about; glad to hear you're ready to put your cash money where your mouth is. See you at Jesup. And if you can get new cranks made for $500 that will stay together, why haven't you offered that solution to the racing community? Or does this go right along with shooting your mouth off offering to sell your Dad's inventory without even consulting him or getting his permission? Its a sad day, Tony, when a father has to call to apologize for his grown son's behavior, repeatedly. It's out of respect for your Dad that I don't address more of your dumb comments, but you're really pushing me. So that you don't embarrass him further, why don't you just drop all this; you're damaging the sport and making yourself look bad in the process, in case that hadn't occurred to you. The Sidewinder design is locked down, new motors will be available when all the numerous vendors deliver the parts we've ordered. Orders have been placed for a first run of 75 motors, at a considerable cost savings compared to the rotary valve version. And noone believes you when you say that your only purpose is to get it in writing; you've not damaging our project and that's what you're really trying to do.
        Ron Selewach
        Ron, Stupid is what stupid does. My Dad didn't apologize for me.Why don't you truly tell what he said to you on the phone. Again it seems that you can't be honest! I have not called you names or said anything that has been untrue. A man of your stature should be above name calling. Do you run your daliy business this way? I think not. I have praise you for what you are doing for the sport, have I not? I will ask questions when others won't does this make me wrong or negative? I guess thats up to people interpretations.Ron I have offered you THREE different people to make crankshafts. YOU WERE NOT INTERESTED again TELL THE TRUTH. I would pay you 6800.00 for new HOTROD, but THAT WOULD BE PRICE GOUGING. Further more why haven't you advertised to the public that you have new HOTRODS available and NEW PARTS? RON I do want to THANK YOU for letting my Dad and AOF barrow the Briggs& Stratton motor. RON I have helped you in the pits several times when no one else would lift a finger and just what you struggle. To say that I'm hurting the sport is reaching. I didn't buy hotrod and then turn around tell the diehards your sol,you did. That affected more 30 racers we can't afford to lose one . But we could work together save them and bring new ones in to the sport. TELL the public how I thought your two motor plan to make the hotrod and then working on the sidwinder was a great idea to keep everyone involved. Did you forget that RON? REmember this Ron I'll never take it to a personal level, but you can if you want I have thick skin. I doing a favor for ED HEARN he told me to lay off. CALL ME WHAT YOU WANT. TONY STARON


        • #79
          Originally posted by sponsonhead View Post
          ***the botched handling of the Tohatsu project, and that perhaps those on the SORC and the Steering Committee are trying to avoid this with the Sidewinder.

          *** Shoudn't we learn from our mistakes?

          Pat: This is really unbelievable to me. I quite understand how the Bass Brothers may feel that the process was a difficult one and not very pleasant. But after having seen how the 302 waited for approval for nearly 5 years by the SORC and it took another 5 beyond that for it to become competitive and having seen how the SORC asked the APBA BOD to build it an A engine and then made danm sure that the engine, once made, was not competitive in the A class, I think that the result that the Bass D Engine achieved is pretty remarkable.

          I guess that I don't get caught up in the "feel-goodness" of the process. If it takes a war and a good fight to get what you want, so be it. The Bass Engine is a legal, competitive engine in D Class. Isn't that what Bass Machines wanted?

          Why you would wish something different upon Racing Outboards is beyond me. I'd rather see a new manufacturer sell engines that can win. If their feelings get hurt in the process, maybe we can take up a collection and send them flowers after it is all over.


          "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


          • #80
            Originally posted by PRAOF View Post
            Ron, Stupid is what stupid does. ***I doing a favor for ED HEARN he told me to lay off. CALL ME WHAT YOU WANT. TONY STARON
            Tony: I know now why I'm always comfortable when you tell me you've got my back: I can't imagine what would have happened if I'd've said: "sick 'em."

            You and Ron need to go bowling!

            "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


            • #81
              I really dont know much of what is going on with this thread, but it hasnt been noted that Ed Runne drives 2 hours to his shop and 2 hours back, all the while wondering if he might have a inner ear attack during the drive in his tiny car..... for a sport. So thank you Ed for all that you have done for racing and supporting your family. Rachel


              • #82

                If you have a copy of the June Propeller (has a bunch of National Mods and 1.5 Ls on the cover), you'll find an article that includes a table laying out the Plan. This article is available online on the APBA site as well. http://www.apba-racing.com/apps/prop...tock+Outboard+ It should be easier to follow. That was the idea at the time.
                Last edited by Cameraboy; 10-11-2007, 08:08 AM. Reason: Add APBA website link
                Mike Johnson

                World Headquarters
                Portland, Oregon
                Johnson Racing


                • #83
                  Todd, You might want to consider running for a postion on the SORC. I for one would love to see someone with your vision have a vote on what's to happen. Particularly since we are in a time of transition with Stock right now. Too many people want to stick with the status quo, it's nice to see some people looking toward the future.
                  Ryan Runne
                  Wacusee Speedboats

                  "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                  These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by 371-M
                    I do truly love the sport and always have, - it's just FUN!
                    That's the most important thing to being a good commissioner!
                    Ryan Runne
                    Wacusee Speedboats

                    "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                    These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


                    • #85
                      Ed, I sent that information to the rules committee months ago! Do we still have time?
                      John Runne

                      Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                      True parity is one motor per class.

                      It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                      NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


                      • #86
                        I often wonder how many would be new racers we loose just by all the BS that is put on here, or better yet how many vendors or sponsors that would like to get involved in the sport and read the bickering and say no way do I want a part of this, boys we are our own death.
                        Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by csh2z View Post
                          Ed, I sent that information to the rules committee months ago! Do we still have time?
                          Who did you send it to? Because unless Ed fired me and forgot to mention it, I am on that committee and haven't seen anything - ever.
                          Brian 10s


                          • #88

                            Originally posted by G Stillwill View Post
                            I often wonder how many would be new racers we loose just by all the BS that is put on here, or better yet how many vendors or sponsors that would like to get involved in the sport and read the bickering and say no way do I want a part of this, boys we are our own death.
                            you nailed it George.

                            Support your local club and local races.

                            Bill Pavlick

                            I'm just glad I'm not Michael Mackey - BPIII


                            • #89
                              Good Grief Charlie Brown

                              "I often wonder how many would be new racers we loose just by all the BS that is put on here, or better yet how many vendors or sponsors that would like to get involved in the sport and read the bickering and say no way do I want a part of this, boys we are our own death."

                              "LOTS" is my answer ....... I am working right now putting my CSR and trailer up for sale I am probably going to go to the OPC side of things!!! or maybe just go fishing with my kid (before anyone gets on my case I volunteered to not only the pro's and will continue to do so and to the TCPBA (great folks)drove two hours north with my trailer and personal boat and offered my help on a whim plus I vote and support as much as I can)here we are in the land of Ten thousand lakes and we didn't have one race not one and I am sorry guys at Sidewinder I think what you are doing is the most coolest things ever resurrecting a dinosaur from the past.As I have posted at least a hundred times before that is not a general stock engine I don't care what way you put it or how you package it a Yamato or Sidewinder is not a stock engine ....the question is simple can I go down to Supreme Marine and buy that "STOCK" engine to go and race (would have to be in the next state cause we don't have anything here!!! ) Look I like the idea of these boats simple cheap and light but man o man get it together stock is not stock unless the average guy can go get an engine and go racein plain and simple and as long as I am putting my two bits out here... scaring the s*** out of a guy cause he was asking questions a couple weeks ago is not a good way to put the best foot forward or have promotions that are none existent, the APBA should not have to fix this stuff they are a sanctioning body and a rule organization not a race club if you want to fix this get back to basics..... complicated is not going to fix this, you want sponsors.... make it simple give good value and it will work, no magic recipe here guys

                              Frank Laursen
                              APBA 12089

                              quote Paul Elvstrom's famous saying,
                              "If in the process of winning you have lost the respect of your competitors you have won nothing"


                              • #90
                                Holy Blank Batman

                                You guys want it all - brand new motors build yesterday and cost a dollar and now a website that is all flowers and love but that everbody comes to multiple times per day and can express their own opinions. And I want $100 bills to come out of my . . . pocket, yea that's it.

                                Both subjects are double edged swords.

                                Brand new motors cost money and takes time to get to market - plain and simple. If it was easy and quick, everybody and their cousin would be bringing a new engine to our door. If you want new motors, you have to wait for the manufacture to finish them. The only people who have a right to complain about the time table that RO is working off of are those that have put their $4800 down. Who has a cashed check for a new sidewinder? Anyone . . . Bueller . . .

                                As for the lack of love on HR and scaring off new racers - if you want love and information, there is the APBA website and many club sites that provide just info and not contraversy - how many times do you check out those sites, once a week, a month?
                                HR has grown into a site for information, sales and entertainment and the freeflow of ideas and opinions - when you open the door to opinions, you get them all, not just the touchie feelie ones. Does anyone really think pointing someone with just a passing interest in racing towards a site with open and varied opinions is the best way to bring them into the family? Do any of you air all your dirty laundry and past history on the first date as well?

                                People check on HR multiple times per day to see what someone said next. Start to censor the opinions you don't like or agree with and how many people will be checking it out in the future?

                                Of course, these are just my opinions.
                                Brian 10s

