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  • Sidewinder/hotrod

    Question of the day.

    How many racing members after a Three year wait, would purchase a J-A-15ci- 20ci sidewinder? Please be honest and post your name.

    Part two;

    How many racing members after a Three year wait, are not satified with RacingOutboards. That would have purchase a HotRod that RacingOutboards made a commitement to build ?

    Again please be honest and post your name.

    Tony Staron

  • #2
    long time no see

    Where have you been hiding? I finally get an good BMR Hot-Rod running and your no where around!!! I was the only Non Jap BMR at Nationals and Dayton I needed an wing man. No Need 4 reeds and they start fine in the water!!!



    • #3
      Can you post the costs for these critters, and maybe shipping costs as well?
      Sean Byrne


      • #4
        Since I am the First

        Part One

        I am considering purchasing two of the 15 cu Sidewinders for the new 15SS class. One is for Austin who has outgrown AXS and A Stock. For his size and experience this class seems to be a good fit.

        The second would be for me even though I would be grossly overweight in the class. Until the class is stronger I would run when needed to ensure that Austin and other racers who support the class would be able to race, or be able to race for points.

        Part Two

        I admire what Ron and Racing Outboards are trying to do. I recently read where EVERYTHING takes twice as long as you plan so the Sidewinder project is no exception. I believe in taking the time and doing the job right. I believe the end (the benefit to Stock Outboard racing) will justify the means.

        One Small Thing

        Since I am the first to publicly declare an intent to purchase a Sidewinder in this thread I have one small thing to ask of Ron and Racing Outboards. I want engine serial numbers 00000001 and 00000002.

        Another Small Thing

        Now that I’ve established a racing budget for next season, I’ve got the pesky problem of being able to FUND the budget. Would anyone like to purchase a great boat racing shot for $200? Going once…going twice…
        Last edited by Mark 72@E; 10-02-2007, 06:19 AM.

        Mark Ritchie
        Former Boat Racer
        21st Century: CSH, CSR, and "J Dad" x2
        20th Century: ASH, ASR, BSR, 25SSH, 25SSR



        • #5
          1 20 CI for me

          and as long as it runs good, then i think Racing Outboards has done a good job considering the resources

          Shawn Breisacher


          • #6
            I intend to purchase a 20ci Hot Rod as soon as they are available. Mike Marshall, Raceboat61-S


            • #7
              Remeber Tony we all are not happy it has taken longer than expected. But for our sport to grow in the future we need manufactures of motors. The major outboard motor factories have abandoned us. So now we are relying on individuals like the Bass Brothers (Tahatsu) and Ron's Sidewinder. The undertaking of what a factory has is a major investment and i'm sure it comes with many headaches. Be patient everyone as it looks like we are just about to break the ice. Keep up the good work you do promoting racing. Just my 2 cents worth. Owe Ya put Vicky Smith down for one .Thanks for hooking Skipper and company up on those Hot Rods. Mikey
              mike ross


              • #8
                I will have a complette 15 cu in and a powerhead when avaliable.
                Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.


                • #9
                  I am good for one....

                  I will buy a 15c.i. to support the project, but I am really hoping the 20c.i. takes off as it fits my weight better. If it does become the J motor I would buy one of those as well.



                  • #10
                    I will buy the 15ci as soon as they become available. And as soon as posible after that a spare power head. 3yrs? so what. We need new motors.
                    Last edited by 26V; 10-02-2007, 05:59 AM.
                    Gene Schertz 26V
                    TEAM CAFFEINE
                    Cranked up and ready to Roll
                    Reeds for Speed!


                    • #11
                      I'm getting a 20ci and Ryan will be getting a 15ci. When the A is available, I'm sure Stacy will be on board as well. My new B boat is almost ready to go. Get psyched for the best ride on water!
                      John Runne

                      Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                      True parity is one motor per class.

                      It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                      NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


                      • #12

                        Any news from Ed on when the various models will be available?



                        • #13
                          I'm considering a 20ci motor for the B Class. (Need to hope for a good financial year.)


                          • #14
                            Good questions..............

                            Cost and class weight will dictate my interest. To be honest I have my eye on a TOHATSU.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by csh2z View Post
                              I'm getting a 20ci and Ryan will be getting a 15ci. When the A is available, I'm sure Stacy will be on board as well. My new B boat is almost ready to go. Get psyched for the best ride on water!
                              What will be the typical size B boat for the new motor?

