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  • #31
    Where is the communication?

    I am not upset at how long it is taking at all! I am confused as to why there is such a lack of information and communication from Racing Outboards. How much time does it take to post an email once in a while and let people know what is going on. I think Racing Outboards could be the savior or Stock Outboard, God bless them. However, I think they are hurting their own cause by keeping people in the dark and letting the rumor mill churn as to expectations and timeline. If it is going to take another year, that is fine. I can understand that, but let us know now. Instead we all play the guessing game....and that is not good for anybody, new racer, existing racer or Racing Outboards.



    • #32
      Originally posted by CSH12M View Post
      I think Racing Outboards could be the savior of Stock Outboard, God bless them.
      I agree with you there Dean.
      I just want to clarify my position stated in my previous post. There seems to be little disagreement that new motors are needed for these classes. I only wanted a few answers to some of my concerns. I'm not made out of money, $4000-$4500 is a lot of money to invest in a motor without having a good idea how the old and new motors will be made to compete. I went through kinda the same thing when I was looking to buy a Bass/Tohatsu. But, in that instance, the Bass motor already had an established place in AOF/NBRA. So I could just go race with them if I wanted to. I don't know if that is the case here with the sidewinder.
      In my opinion, my big maybe for a 20 motor IS a vote of confidence. NOT down talking the project.

      Jeff Yungen
      Last edited by jeff55v; 10-03-2007, 06:35 AM. Reason: spelling


      • #33
        Just because I'm too lazy to search the threads ...

        ... would someone please post exactly what "Sidewinder" engines are being produced in what sizes (c.i.) for what APBA classes ... J, A, B etc. ... which engine(s) are due to be sold first and what current engines are they expected to ultimately replace. Which engine(s) has the SORC approved to this point... what is going to be introduced on a probationary basis? Thanks.
        Untethered from reality!


        • #34
          I think its safe to say that everyone agrees that we need an official press release from an official SideWinder spokes person to calm the waters and stop all the rumors. If someone from SideWinder gets me an official release I will post it ASAP for the troops.
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          • #35
            Stock Outboard Co.

            Well Im just readin stuff here. I note a large ad on the front page of HR for Stock Outboard Co.
            The Racing Outboards Web Site Should Be Online Soon Click Here To Email Ron Selewach
            Does the e-mail not work? Or has anyone tried to use the link? I would think a direct answer from the source would elimate speculation and wasted time typing heresay.....

            Im unfamiliar with this motor, but is 4500 bucks a good deal?
            I think i can get a D-Stock fer that much, no?
            Last edited by Kip69w; 10-03-2007, 03:32 PM.


            • #36
              I am not knocking Sidewinder either, but to be honest, my 125 (either the Minerelli, the Yamaha or the VRP) did not cost 4500...and ... if I need parts, I just make em or go to the go cart or motorcycle shop. Can't beat that for a good reliable ride.
              Brian Payn X21


              • #37
                Originally posted by Dr. Thunder View Post
                ... would someone please post exactly what "Sidewinder" engines are being produced in what sizes (c.i.) for what APBA classes ... J, A, B etc. ... which engine(s) are due to be sold first and what current engines are they expected to ultimately replace. Which engine(s) has the SORC approved to this point... what is going to be introduced on a probationary basis? Thanks.
                for right now there making a 15 and a 20 c.i. hot rod. the 15 will be run in the bsr and bsh. and i think that they are going to try and hope that the 20 c.i. hot rod will work in 20ssh.
                spider pig, spider pig, spider pig does what'ever a spider pig does.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Cameraboy View Post
                  We'd be looking at a 20, maybe a 15 depending on interchangeability. There's a distributor out this way, so I'm not too worried about seeing before I buy.

                  Tony - question for you. What AOF classes will the new Sidewinders be legal in?
                  AOF Rules state that you have to have 25 motors in stock. This would be a new motor. Make a proposal for the sidewinder. It would probably be raced in the A and B class and ran with the Hot Rod , Mercs and no motor would be eliminated. Run what you Brung. AOF lets everyone have an chance to race what ever motor they may have. It's about every racer not a click.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by mike ross View Post
                    Remeber Tony we all are not happy it has taken longer than expected. But for our sport to grow in the future we need manufactures of motors. The major outboard motor factories have abandoned us. So now we are relying on individuals like the Bass Brothers (Tahatsu) and Ron's Sidewinder. The undertaking of what a factory has is a major investment and i'm sure it comes with many headaches. Be patient everyone as it looks like we are just about to break the ice. Keep up the good work you do promoting racing. Just my 2 cents worth. Owe Ya put Vicky Smith down for one .Thanks for hooking Skipper and company up on those Hot Rods. Mikey
                    Mikey, You know I couldn't let something go without stirring up the punch. I tell it like I see it facts no b/s. Remember I was on the Pink team when it all began. ToeKnee


                    • #40
                      Let me see if I can make this simple enough for you, Tony. 1) In a previous post, you complained that we weren't making Hot Rod parts and offered up your father's inventory in support of the effort. I replied listing all the improvements we had made and all the new parts that were available. Also, you should check with your father before you made that offer - he has no intention of diluting his stock in that manner. 2) In this thread that you've started, its not real clear what you're complaining about except the fact that there's no one racing Hot Rods anymore. Again I replied stating the logic of what we're doing and pointing out that new Hot Rods are available. Still you complain. The only sensible conclusion is that you really want a brand new Hot Rod Tony. So I tell you what - you're coming to Jesup to run numberous heats, I'll sell you a brand new Hot Rod delivered on the spot. As I explained they are more expensive to make - the price for a rotary valve Hot Rod is $6800. Now, Tony, what have you got to complain about - parts are available, complete motors are available. You don't want a Sidewinder. So put up, or shut up Tony. Buy a motor at Jesup or stop your empty-headed jaw flapping.
                      Ron Selewach
                      "Its never too late for a good childhood"


                      • #41

                        Thanks, Ron!! Tony was starting to hurt my brain.
                        !"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."


                        • #42
                          Hi, Todd - a lease program would be a nice program to have. I have been talking with our bank, which is also a client of my other company, trying to work something out. So far, all they have suggested is to let the purchaser's bank finance the deal, or do it through a credit card or leasing company. People seem to buy Jet Ski's with credit cards, so maybe its not such a big deal. But for manufacturers to do a lease program of their own is the kiss of death for a company - it dries up the cash flow that is needed for the second and subsequent production runs. I'm not at all against a lease program, its just not a good idea for the manufacturer to do it.
                          "Its never too late for a good childhood"


                          • #43

                            There are a lot of leasing companys out there. We use Great America leasing co for bussnesses that do not want to spend the money up front for network equipment and phone systems.
                            And a manufacurer that does the leasing in house had better have a big pocket book!! or see you later gater
                            Gene Schertz 26V
                            TEAM CAFFEINE
                            Cranked up and ready to Roll
                            Reeds for Speed!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Ron Selewach View Post
                              Let me see if I can make this simple enough for you, Tony. 1) In a previous post, you complained that we weren't making Hot Rod parts and offered up your father's inventory in support of the effort. I replied listing all the improvements we had made and all the new parts that were available. Also, you should check with your father before you made that offer - he has no intention of diluting his stock in that manner. 2) In this thread that you've started, its not real clear what you're complaining about except the fact that there's no one racing Hot Rods anymore. Again I replied stating the logic of what we're doing and pointing out that new Hot Rods are available. Still you complain. The only sensible conclusion is that you really want a brand new Hot Rod Tony. So I tell you what - you're coming to Jesup to run numberous heats, I'll sell you a brand new Hot Rod delivered on the spot. As I explained they are more expensive to make - the price for a rotary valve Hot Rod is $6800. Now, Tony, what have you got to complain about - parts are available, complete motors are available. You don't want a Sidewinder. So put up, or shut up Tony. Buy a motor at Jesup or stop your empty-headed jaw flapping.
                              Ron Selewach
                              Ron, That's all I wanted to be printed,so we can now buy a brand spankin new hotrod great! Can you start advertising it ? I also can get a CrankShaft built for around 500.00 so that would drop the price to 4800.00 right? Ron you must of made a new casting for the block at 250,000.00 right? This motor will be with all new parts not ones that you bought from the public? Ron, Just be HONEST and tell people what your real intetion were and are.NOT a BAIT and SWITCH! Then I would be fine with what direction you chose to go.The Whiner Thanks for the nickname Tony
                              Last edited by Tony Staron; 10-09-2007, 02:15 PM.


                              • #45
                                So I take it from your response that you intend to buy a new Hot Rod at the Jesup races, as all here are witnessing. The motor is entirely new, with a new block and a new crank - a complete, new motor. That's what you've wanted and been whining about; glad to hear you're ready to put your cash money where your mouth is. See you at Jesup. And if you can get new cranks made for $500 that will stay together, why haven't you offered that solution to the racing community? Or does this go right along with shooting your mouth off offering to sell your Dad's inventory without even consulting him or getting his permission? Its a sad day, Tony, when a father has to call to apologize for his grown son's behavior, repeatedly. It's out of respect for your Dad that I don't address more of your dumb comments, but you're really pushing me. So that you don't embarrass him further, why don't you just drop all this; you're damaging the sport and making yourself look bad in the process, in case that hadn't occurred to you. The Sidewinder design is locked down, new motors will be available when all the numerous vendors deliver the parts we've ordered. Orders have been placed for a first run of 75 motors, at a considerable cost savings compared to the rotary valve version. And noone believes you when you say that your only purpose is to get it in writing; you've not damaging our project and that's what you're really trying to do.
                                Ron Selewach
                                "Its never too late for a good childhood"

