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rule proposal 21

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  • rule proposal 21

    what are peoples opinion on this rule proposal? I feel too uneducated in the issue to have a valid opinion and would like views from others, pro and con.
    feel free to PM or email if you dont care to post your opinion.

  • #2
    What is rule 21?

    Hey Kevin, is this the one that makes coffee a prohibited substance for boat racers? Could this be another steroid issue? Seriously, I have no idea what you are referring to here. If it is something we are supposed to get by mail it hasn't reached us here in the great white north yet.


    • #3
      for those of us that are not sure what you are talking about. How about quoting the rule, or tell us where you found the rule.
      Gene Schertz 26V
      Cranked up and ready to Roll
      Reeds for Speed!


      • #4
        yes, i recieved the ballot in the mail today
        I will summarize (I am a terrible typist) any class not having 35 participants would be dropped to local -regional status for the next year.
        furthermore the class would not be eligible for high points, divisional and national awards and championships, Menzies and waldman awards, no activity in the class will count toward hall of champions points
        now the way I READ IT this would be effective the year participation falls below 35. these classes would become probationary classes unless participation increases to at least 35. the following year (after participation is 35 or more again)they would become eligible for national standings again.
        it states there are 3 classes in stock that would be affected by the new rule now. the three classes are not listed
        if i got this wrong please someone in the know correct me !


        • #5
          I will take a guess, DSR, 45sst are two of the three.
          bill b


          • #6
            Originally posted by pops67g View Post
            Hey Kevin, is this the one that makes coffee a prohibited substance for boat racers? Could this be another steroid issue? Seriously, I have no idea what you are referring to here. If it is something we are supposed to get by mail it hasn't reached us here in the great white north yet.
            ROFL not as a racer additive just as a fuel additive


            • #7
              Originally posted by bill boyes View Post
              I will take a guess, DSR, 45sst are two of the three.
              Yep, BSR is the 3rd


              • #8
                and B will have a new motor available by spring correct?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kws View Post
                  and B will have a new motor available by spring correct?
                  I think it's the "A" or 15 motor coming out first.


                  • #10
                    I'd say it is a good idea.
                    Work to keep your class alive or move to a class that is a national class.


                    • #11
                      I disagree

                      I like watching the BSR class race! And I know DSR is popular with the spectators in the mid-west. I think it's silly to not recognize these classes nationally just because their driver support has waned. In fact it could hurt the class even more so as people may not want to race it if they're not getting national points.
                      64W & 22B


                      • #12
                        I disagree also. DSR is making a comeback in the northwest and has large fields at Top O'. The Sidewinder motor will certinaly help BSR.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by CSR4C View Post
                          I disagree also. The Sidewinder motor will certinaly help BSR.
                          If the stock guy's ever get a chance to buy them. Ron should give us a monthly report on the progress on them. Just to keep us informed.
                          When the green flag drops, the bull**** stops!!!!!!!!!!!
                          Keep'em Sunny Side Up Boy's!



                          • #14
                            Disagree Also

                            It apears the apple did not fall to far from the tree on this one!

                            Agree with Rachel on this one!

                            SORC is here to promote racing. Limiting those opprotunities to promote or allow racers to participate or potential racers is counter productive.

                            We can't limit numbers. It pays for Sanctions!!

                            Keep It Simple Stupid! We need racer participation!



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Steve Warnock View Post
                              We can't limit numbers. It pays for Sanctions!!

                              You could still run a class as a local class and keep your numbers the same? Would not hurt your entry fee income.

                              ...I for one am tired of watching 4 boat races.
                              "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                              Don Allen

