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Grass Lake, MI Promo...

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  • #46
    Tiffany? who's Tiffany?

    Wouldn't the box have "Heather" on it???


    • #47
      $100 to the first guy who tries to rebut Heather's message.

      Heather and or Mark....did your kids have any sickness after Dayton? Josie has had some serious stomach/GI issues since then. We're not sure where she got it...from the lake or public pool down here.

      Just curious.



      • #48
        It's our 25th this year and I offered to take Krysti to Louisianna in March. She was excited at first until she realized it was for the winter nationals.

        Maybe I’ll tell her were going to Florida in January????

        Wakefield next July????

        I will have no idea what do if it’s not racing related. Do people really just go sit around on vacation??? Sound pretty boring to me…Maybe I can sneak a 20 power head in the suitcase and sneak back in the room and rebuild it.

        …For putting up with me for 25 years she deserves more than I can afford. Vegas is cheep…Right?
        "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

        Don Allen


        • #49
          $100 from Holt...this is serious


          No issues with our kids and I'm pretty sure Nik (even though I told him 100 times not to drink that lake water while swimming) got a good dose of Eastwood Lake in his system. All we came back with were a few bug bights and too much sun.

          Hope she's getting better. We now these things are no fun for anyone.



          • #50
            Originally posted by dholt
            $100 to the first guy who tries to rebut Heather's message.

            Guys remember, if you do try to rebut Heather's message...Mark will be the one to pay. Give the guy a break and make it easier on him. Unless of course you like watching him suffer.
            "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

            Don Allen


            • #51
              No rebutle necessary

              Donny read hmiskeriks post a few times, I think it speaks for itself.....

              If that does not scare you I am not sure would!

              Oh well their is always Margret, I am sure she has had her on the that 20 rig. Don't be suprised if you lose your ride..... after all like hmiskerik pointed out you "have your priorities straight"



              • #52
                Vegas cheap

                Vegas is chaep... thats what I thought when I gave tickets to Lesli for her B-Day in November..... very very poor racer planning though!!! Now my daughters B-day falls around the Natioanls every year.

                Oh well, she better get used to cake and presents in the pits or she is going to be in for a lot of diappointment. Maybe for her sweet sixteen she will get a new Hydro.



                • #53

                  Guys..............Let Desperate Housewives deal with that kind of drama. Let's get back to talking about portchampering, illegal fuel and dirty driving.


                  • #54
                    Send me the Franklin

                    Originally posted by dholt
                    $100 to the first guy who tries to rebut Heather's message.
                    Okay. I'll take it. And since I know that I've had this discussion with Heather before, I'm not on unchartered ground.

                    It is the passion, drive and ambition, love for the "family" of racing, will to succeed and to do what is necessary to accomplish a goal, to fight hard for what you want, it is the lessons learned from utter failure and defeat as well as winning with humility, and many other fine qualities of a kneel-down outboarder that makes us who we are. It is not a matter of having priorities out of whack, it is a matter of our own character and makeup. And, I say, if those spouses have chosen us, it is this which is part of us that they have chosen too.

                    I realize that other matters must be considered as responsibilities change. But, if our spouses love us for who we are, THIS IS WHO WE ARE.

                    I don't think I'm really disagreeing with Heather. But I want the hundred bucks nonetheless. Dana, I'll collect it at the Grass Shack (or, perhaps, Anna will!). Ed.

                    "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                    • #55
                      Louisiana -

                      Don't get us started on that discussion...we have a 2 week trip to Alaska in July to afford..... one can only begin to speculate which budget that might cut into?? (And YES ... it concerns FAMILY...once again!)
                      Last edited by hmiskerik; 09-01-2005, 10:40 AM.


                      • #56
                        Dangle a $100 and look who leaps...

                        Originally posted by 14-H
                        Okay. I'll take it. And since I know that I've had this discussion with Heather before, I'm not on unchartered ground.

                        It is the passion, drive and ambition, love for the "family" of racing, will to succeed and to do what is necessary to accomplish a goal, to fight hard for what you want, it is the lessons learned from utter failure and defeat as well as winning with humility, and many other fine qualities of a kneel-down outboarder that makes us who we are. It is not a matter of having priorities out of whack, it is a matter of our own character and makeup. And, I say, if those spouses have chosen us, it is this which is part of us that they have chosen too.

                        I realize that other matters must be considered as responsibilities change. But, if our spouses love us for who we are, THIS IS WHO WE ARE.

                        I don't think I'm really disagreeing with Heather. But I want the hundred bucks nonetheless. Dana, I'll collect it at the Grass Shack (or, perhaps, Anna will!). Ed.
                        This is quite an accomplishment on my part if I can get Ed to "not really disagree" with me....

                        Just making sure I've made myself clear.... you stated (very well I might add) what it was I've learned to appreciate and respect about my hubby... I love him all the more because of it. (SORRY MATT....MORE DRAMA ....)

                        My point (which always takes me forever to get to) - until we can really LEARN WHO YOU ARE.... we'll try to make life miserable for you... because we "don't get it".... once we come to this "understanding".... we become your #1 fan!

                        So FAMILY Reunion at Grass Lake or FAMILY Reunion at Heather's moms....its one in the same anymore.... but can you blame a girl for wishing/hoping....


                        • #57
                          Man, I'm ready for a big group "Hug" at the Grass Shack after reading these posts!
                          Heather, your making everybody "soft" here.

                          PS-There are some great "Miskerik Family" pictures on Krysti Allens CD she is selling. Some great shots of your kids! Some Justice pic's, Hearn pic's, Holt pic's, Great shot of Dean, some Ladd and Pater pics...too many to mention..

                          Anyone that wants to order one, send her an email at (dallen4@new.rr.com)

                          Tom K.


                          • #58

                            This is tame... one of the best threads in a long time....other than the one Ed started on boat numbers.

                            But if you want to see drama...come over here and watch Kathleen & Margaret battle!!! Or Margaret & Nick race against each other. Holy crap!!! We found a roll of film from last year that was not developed. If Sam Hemp or Del (owners of some of the equipment they loaned us) & myself had seen those earlier I'm not sure we would have let them race against each other any longer. Margaret pushing Kathleen's boat out of the way with her hand as they are colliding trying to get the insde on the start... Or Margaret chopping her sister in the middle of the back streach...

                            Almost as good as Margaret being mad at Nick this year at the Nationals for not giving her a lane in the first turn and listening to her yell at him in inspecton. "you A$$ H@le you chopped me" I almost wet my pants from laughing so hard.

                            I figure Donny's mad at me might as well have all the kids mad...

                            Margaret in Donny's 20...hmmmm. OSY???
                            "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                            Don Allen


                            • #59
                              makes sense........this part anyways......

                              Originally posted by hmiskerik
                              This is quite an accomplishment on my part if I can get Ed to "not really disagree" with me....

                              Just making sure I've made myself clear.... you stated (very well I might add) what it was I've learned to appreciate and respect about my hubby... I love him all the more because of it. (SORRY MATT....MORE DRAMA ....)

                              My point (which always takes me forever to get to) - until we can really LEARN WHO YOU ARE.... we'll try to make life miserable for you... because we "don't get it".... once we come to this "understanding".... we become your #1 fan!

                              So FAMILY Reunion at Grass Lake or FAMILY Reunion at Heather's moms....its one in the same anymore.... but can you blame a girl for wishing/hoping....
                              Heather says "My point (which always takes me forever to get to) - until we can really LEARN WHO YOU ARE.... we'll try to make life miserable for you... because we "don't get it".... once we come to this "understanding".... we become your #1 fan!

                              .........how long does that take??????????????????


                              Team Darneille



                              • #60
                                Originally posted by mercguy
                                .........how long does that take??????????????????
                                Well.... let's see: Miskeriks are at 10years, I'm at 3. mmmmmm somewhere between 3 and 10 years.

                                "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.

