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Grass Lake, MI Promo...

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  • #31
    Dean, Dean, Dean...

    The 'girl' is my sister-in-law and future AXSH National Champion (probably not, but...).
    He isn't moving away from racing - he's making a smart move. It helped me compete with you. lol...

    He better not fall into the MI Allen trap !! We're pulling for you Chris... you can make a comeback !!


    • #32
      Return the HURON!!!

      Whew, now that I know that it is a fellow HURON (well Eagle now) I feel a little bit better. EMU girls are not known for being high maintenance...... actually they are known for some other pretty cool things. What is the story about any female graduating a Vir.... and the water tower falling down....

      EMU, where UM goes to party!

      You are right though Tom if I see him in a CSH next year with 53M or 153M or 5 or 3M with duct tape I am going to be pissed.


      • #33
        Kevin get your bum a ** off the internet and go rig your tunnel boat


        • #34

          I am... right now buddy.

          Dean, who is Tom? If you're not sure who 4-M is, ask your son, Ryan.



          • #35
            Donny's going to the game with Amy?

            Man I feel real bad...If I had known it was Amy he was going to the game with I would have never thrown him under the bus.
            "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

            Don Allen


            • #36
              My Defense

              WOW!!!!!!! I don't have the internet at my house yet, so I couldn't stay on top of this one and defend myself...
              Where to start...
              First of all thanks dad, you are throwing out in the cold on this one. Second for the record I DO NOT HAVE A GIRLFRIEND, I have an acquaintance that I am going to a Saturday afternoon college football game with. No marriages, or wedding showers, or choices to be made... yet.
              If she wasn't a boat racer I would have drawn the line already... but I have nothing to worry about. The worst part of the whole deal is I think she is rooting for ND... so we could have some problems before we even get to kickoff.

              But really guys, it means a lot to me that you all care enough about the future of my racing career and my relationship status. I won't be following any Allen's before me and leave before I'm 25, TRUST ME!!! Seeing that I'm a DON Allen you can't just leave once you've started. Like Uncle Tom (Kargus) said, "It's either T!%'s or Pistons".

              GO BLUE! See you at SLOSH-kosh... )I'm kicking you A$$ when I get home Dad).

              Last thing: If I knew I would be getting one of the rigs Kevin gets to race, I'd be speeding up the marriage process... just kidding.


              • #37

                The spotted boat will be guaranteed to be mixin' it up in ASH and AXSH.


                • #38
                  [QUOTE=D_Allen_III]***for the record I DO NOT HAVE A GIRLFRIEND, I have an acquaintance ****QUOTE]

                  Jr.: Is #3 studying pre-law???? This sounds like a bunch of slick-talk to me. I know: I'm a professional! Ed.

                  "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                  • #39
                    is this Grass Lake promo or.....

                    Although I got to say this has been one of the more entertaining threads since Hearn started with the #'s, it diverged quite a bit from the Grass Lake promo that it was started as.

                    Regardless, with all the trashing young D Allen, it kept it on top of the heap of reading material. So now that Donny has stood up for himself, who's coming to due battle? Justice is in, Looks like D'Agostino and the top secret driver are making the trek. Who else?



                    • #40
                      forgot to mention

                      Forgot to mention that one of the boat's mentioned in Ed's post was named "Heather's new couch". I would know as I'm married to Heather.

                      You guys figure this one out:

                      "_ _ _ _' _ new ring"



                      • #41
                        I'm IN!

                        Pete is bring both Amy & Kurt to run both JSR & JSH. John Evans & Dennis Shaw are also coming with us. See you Friday about NOON!
                        Last edited by 17W; 08-31-2005, 07:36 PM.

                        "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


                        • #42

                          I am offended, you know us Pater girls aren't like that!!!


                          • #43
                            Just can't keep my mouth shut any longer....

                            For most of you that know me - if I have something to say I usually say it! Much to the dismay of my dear husband.... But I won't apologize! (Of course he made the mistake of telling me that this discussion was taking place)... and has already called to beg me to get off-line as he saw me signed on.... he's sweating it I JUST KNOW IT!

                            Donny - girlfriend/acquantenance whatever you call it (despite the fact she's already "broke in") your doing the right thing! Enjoy the game and we will see you on Sunday.

                            And for some of you (and you KNOW who you are)....putting your OTHER priorities into check wouldn't hurt you either! Donny knows EXACTLY what he's doing...and despite her being part of the FAMILY (and then you need to realize there are MANY OF US who WERE NOT at one time), he still has a significant amount of "woo-ing and courting" to do.... got to really LOVE the man to come to "terms" with the passion they hold within (realizing its not "you") ....with that said.... until "us outsiders" can come to terms with this passion you all hold so near and dear to your heart its a hell of a rollercoaster ride! We don't understand why a HOBBY is more important then being with your significant other when they want you to attend a FAMILY REUNION (one who you barely know because you RARELY COME TO ONE OF THESE THINGS!) on the same day as just "another Grass Lake" race.... (yes, boys there will be other Grass Lakes) - and YES....we have our "grass lake" dilemma as well..... so thanks my friends for adding some heat.... guess this is one battle I will lose!

                            On a side note, before you all start bashing me (CSH12, KLADD, 14H!) it took the first Hall of Championship Induction and a tear-jerking speech to open my eyes and love my husband for EVERYTHING he is and EVERYTHING he loves. I gained an entirely new respect for what you all do and why you do it....however (MY LONG SPEECH TO A SHORT POINT).... love your ladies, treat them right, give them the sun and the moon and you can have "yours" too.... and we'll all be happier in the end for it!!

                            FYI - it took me nearly two years before I saw "HEATHER'S NEW COUCH"! and am still waiting for my SUN and the MOON.... but I know he's reading this so now's the time to add...."Honey, our 10th yr Anniversary is coming up next month and since I've come so far for you (AND I KNOW WE ARE GOING TO JAMAICA).....I would really love something shiny and new ..that comes in a little blue box marked TIFFANY".


                            • #44

                              Well said!

                              "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


                              • #45

                                Heather: Alexandria, Louisianna will have the same heat, swamp and humidity. How about celebrating #10 there in March??? LOL. 14-H.

                                "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.

