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Grass Lake, MI Promo...

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  • Grass Lake, MI Promo...

    Make plans now to attend MHRA's big Grass Lake event 9/10 & 9/11. The competition is always fierce with 150+ entries of Stock Outboarders. If the annual Saturday night party, cooler bobbing, and Grass Shack weren't enough, we're throwing in an additional kicker this year... Prize Money !!

    $250 will be awarded to Saturday's Winner of a class (with 8 registered entries or more) drawn at random. Class to be drawn at the 3 Horse Club Saturday night.
    An additional $250 will be awarded to Winning Driver of the largest class of the weekend based on overall points from Saturday and Sunday (in case of a tie, $ will be split). Registered entries for both days will be totaled at Sunday's Driver's Meeting (in case of a tie, the class drawn Saturday night will be eliminated; if still a tie, $ will be split between the class Winners).
    So bring those extra J, A, and 20 Hydro rigs to be in the running.

    If you didn't beat the top dogs at Dayton, here is your chance to redeem yourself. With typical elims in 3 to 4 classes, you can bet several National Champs will be on hand (Miskerik's going down...). And if Top'O wasn't enough Marathoning for you, we have that too.

    See you there-

  • #2
    ...and others

    Yes, I'll be there, but so will a ton of other great SO Hydro and Runabout competition. The best the Midwest has to offer (Hearn, Holt, Trolian, Ross', Backus, Pater, Kargus......too many to name). I've even heard that past 20SSH National Champ Chris Allen may be there to do battle amongst the 20SSH and CSH competition.

    Let's not forget the J-category Central Divisionals. Expect to see be surprised if Nydahl, Jenkins, Tates, Allens, McCourtie, Smith, Rykse.....some of the top runners in J and AXS classes at the Nationals.

    So if anyone from Region 3/4/5 wants to attend a great race head on up/over.



    • #3
      Another 500 miles plus....but

      Val will be there to see if she can keep up with all those fast guys. She promised me she wouldn't jump the gun this time!!!!!!

      Grass Lake was the best race we attended last year. Assuming the same group runs it again I am sure it will be another top shelf event. I may even bring a mystery driver or two from back East...............

      MATT, Val and.......

      ps.........Guess we will leave the 20 Hydro home since looks like Mark's coming. Ladd just can't keep a secret.
      Last edited by Matt Dagostino; 08-26-2005, 09:08 PM.


      • #4
        Bump to the top...

        Just a reminder to be there...

        ps. Miskerik rarely wins at Grass Lake. Or Constantine for that matter... He only seems to be able to win the Nationals. ; )
        My $ is on Forshey in his new B&H or Donny (not Chris) Allen in his Pavlick...


        • #5
          See you There...............

          My $$$ will be on who I am bringing with me to run 20 Hydro!!!
          I promise it will not be a boring race!


          • #6
            Matt's 20 Driver....


            Are you bringing someone from Richmond w/ya?

            "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


            • #7
              You need a new bet

              I hear the Allens arent coming ???
              SMOKE ON WATER


              • #8
                Andrew don't you worry about which one of those girls is coming. I think your dad needs some help sanding a boat bottom or washing your hockey uniform. Didn't your mom tell you. No boat racing chicks. She knows how you boat boys are. TOMMY BOY!!!!!!!!
                mike ross


                • #9
                  Football game

                  I'm planning on being there for Sunday, I have a Notre Dame vs. Michigan football game to attend. Pretty sure the rest of the gang is staying home. 20ssh will pretty much be the same field as the Nationals... should be a blast. K-Ladd are you guys skipping the big game???


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by D_Allen_III
                    I'm planning on being there for Sunday, I have a Notre Dame vs. Michigan football game to attend.
                    hmmm ... let's see ... you are on my APBA ballot, at least I think its you. My question is not why you are one of the better candidates, but which team are you routing for in ND v. Mich.?


                    • #11
                      Jr Jr...

                      Don Allen Jr is on the ballot, Not JR JR.

                      "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


                      • #12
                        Maize and Blue !!

                        The Allens are all about UofM of course.
                        If I weren't the Race Director, I'd consider being there too.
                        I'm thinking about broadcasting it on the PA system at the race.

                        There better not be any ND fans among the SO guys...


                        • #13
                          The Allen's (this clan at least) bleeds Maize & Blue. Even though we are in Badger country. But we all know a Wolverine is tougher then a Badger!!!

                          And yes it looks like we're done after Oshkosh, except for Donny who may race on Sunday after the Michigan/Notre Dame game.

                          And Mike is correct leave them Allen girls alone!
                          "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                          Don Allen


                          • #14
                            And another thing...Hell must have frozen over!

                            Don't let Donny kid you guys, he's missing a boat race because of a girl!

                            Yes they are going to the game, but I think it's more who he's going with than the game itself. Now he certainly can't come on here and argue because that would only get him in more trouble with his friend if he tried disputing it. Guess I win this one kid.
                            "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                            Don Allen


                            • #15
                              Cmon Donny say it aint so...you should not be dating anyone who makes you choose between a race and any other outing.

                              It starts out harmless, Grass Lake or Michigan Vrs. Noter Dame. You think hey the game will rock.....but you set a precident. Next thing you know you are missing the nationals to go to her third cousins friends wedding shower. Or even worse you end up with a couple of greyhounds a few Russian exchange students and spend every second you have in home depot trying to match paint to the new drapes.

                              Cmon Donny......we lost Kenny, Adam and Chris you were the Allen I thought was going to make it. What is it with Allens and racing past age 22......

                              Hope to see you Sunday at Grass Lake....that is if you can miss your girlfriends family Sunday brunch or her making you go to the mall because the Gap is running a fall sale.

