Hey everyone that isn't at Dayton, My parents are there and said they would be calling me and letting me know what is going on and so i figured i could relay that info to everyone else. There are around 370 entries this year which isn't to bad considering mod nats were last week. Elims in just about every class except i believe DSR and DSH, and maybe one other.
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Stock Nationals News
hey everyone today's news
20ssh - 3 elimination heats - qualifyers are : matt d'agostino, tom kargus, scott clark, travis pond, dean forshey, don allen, mark miskerik, kevin ladd pre qualified- dana holt, mike pavlick, billy allen, gary lewis
winners in elims: donny allen, matt d'agostino, and scott clark
ASH - 3 elims- bill hemp, mike kench, dylan justice, dudley smith, ryan runne, andrew tate, mike hauenstein, andy hanson, dave bennet
pre- ron france, gary lewis, ed harrington
winners: mike kench, andrew tate, dave bennet
25ssr- 2 elims - joe pater, rich runne, J michael kelly, ed hearn, guy desilva, jason thompson, vic brinkman, jerry davids, travis pond, ryan burdick, mike cook
winners: runne, and pater
pre- tim ross
BSH - 1 elim- travis pond, kevin ladd, mark miskerik, steve warnock, chris dudek, tom sutherland, bob smith, ed hearn, amanda hagerel, george stillwell jr, nathan forshey
pre- dom difebo
winner- miskerik
AXSR- 2 elims - james luce, jeff scheffler, daniel kobren, dave beiswenger, justin fierek, andrew tate, nick jenkins, chris hageral, amanda hageral, mike perman, bill hemp, eric kozuszek
winners- andrew tate, Jenkins
Csh ran but have to update later due to inspection: winners: billy allen, hannon bowman, brian palmquist
JR- 2 elims- brent tate, mike werner, more to come tomorrow those two were the winnersShawn Breisacher
Just got back from first day of elims....gotta go to work tomorrow but will
be back there tomorrow evening. This is probably the best water I have
ever seen down there and have been going since the early 70's. Flat water,
no wind and excellent racing.....hope it's that nice for the finals.
Ron (the good Sax)
friday's racing
CSR- Qualified - Brent Backus, ryan runne, jerry davids, craig bowman, kevin harrell, tim ross, brock schwebke, daren goehring, mike ross
elim winners- Backus and Harrell
Pre qualified- Rich Runne, Joe Pater, J Michael Kelly
BSR - qualified- Dom Difebo, Cooper Jess, Rob Zilka, Jeff Scheffler, Dana Holt, Paul Trolian, Andy Anderson, Don Hageral, Tim Sidor, Jesse Swain
elims winners- Difebo and Trolian
Pre- Brian Trolian, Ed Hearn
DSR- Final - 1st-Dan Hauenstein,2nd Josh Pierson, 3rd George Luce, 4th Bob Smith
ASR- qualified- J michael kelly, dom difebo, AJ Jennings, Carl holt, mike beiswenger, ed hearn, dave hemp, bill pavlik, greg lyons
elim winners: kelly and beiswenger
pre- dave bennet, andy anderson, mike hauenstein
still have jh and axsh to post have to jet for nowShawn Breisacher
I recieved a report from Jack Stotts last evening (Sat) just as he was leaving the pits. He said that after a wind delay late Saturday afternoon they finally finished up all classes as the sun sank in the west.
He said there was a pretty serious accident involving three boats in one of the turns. AJ Jennings was injured and had to be taken to the hospital. Last Jack heard was that he took a pretty good shot to the sternum but that he seemed okay. I guess Ed Hearn was involved in the same mishap (or perhaps another) so I guess it was in ASR ? Anyway, 3 boats collided and there was injury and damage.
By the way, we owe Jack Stotts a big round of applause for his efforts at the Stock Nationals. Though he was not an "offical" on the race committee (he' snot even a "Stocker"), he volunteered his time and efforts for 5 consecutive days to help the race officials. He manned the rescue boat and herded many of the turn judges all day, everyday, for every heat run this week ! Thanks, Jack. Thanks, also to the Race Committee and all of the other volunteers that made this such a great Nationals competition ! Mike Marshall, Raceboat61-S
ASR wreck
J. Michael Kelly was the 3rd boat involved in the wreck in heat 2 of the ASR final. I was behind them going into turn one, crazy watching boats launch off each other like that. Fortunately AJ was just bruised and did show up later at the awards banquet. After the wreck the race committee decided to call the race after one heat. Kind of a bizzare way to end the 2005 Nationals.
thanks to Ed Hearn and crew for working so hard to make this event happen.
Bill Pavlick III
2005 champs:
AXSR Nick Jenkins
AXSH Rachel WarnockSupport your local club and local races.
Bill Pavlick
I'm just glad I'm not Michael Mackey - BPIII