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  • #31

    I think you miss-understood some things along the way. Maybe the lawyer in you only allowed snipping bits out of each post as you read through, I don't know.

    First, Danny was referring to the social media aspect of boat racing, I.E. Hydroracer, APBA's Social page. Just want to point that out for you. I do believe Danny is correct in his post.

    Second, you said in a post you are paying for the APBA website out of your own pocket ? Is this true ? From that post I can see where one thinks you stand to profit from your investment at some point. A man as smart as you would not invest money without expecting some sort of ROI.

    Third, I believe the intent of posting results can be a day or two after the races. I don't think anyone expects up to the minute results posted on any website. That would be unrealistic, especially since you are paying for the website, and trying to race at a race, manage your kids and wife having fun, and tracking down results ? Not happening. Happy Wife, Happy life always wins. Perhaps it is best if you procured Dan's services as he has offered so graciously over the past several years. Let someone who knows how to handle this sort of thing. If you don't, it would be like letting me represent one of your clients at a trial.... I prolly would not do so well.

    And as I have tried to explain to you before, perception is a key to success. The perception is, whether it was intended or not, that you were driving business (hits) away from here and trying to upset the balance. Don't do things that could be perceived as mal intent, or suspicious. It just isn't good for the sport.
    Dave Mason
    Just A Boat Racer


    • #32
      I feel like Ron Selewach

      Dave: I appreciate your advice. I know that you only have mine & APBA's best interests in mind. Also, thank you again for insulting my profession. I know I probably deserve that because I have done that so many times to you in the past.

      Unfortunately it is you that do not understand. Let me give you a little bit of a lawyer explanation. I am a dues-paying APBA member. My dues money pays for APBA's social site. That is why it is "my money" invested in the social site... along with every other APBA members' money. The reason you misinterpreted me saying that it is "my money" being spent on that site is because you apparently don't look at membership in a member-run organization like I do.

      Furthermore, I really think that it is in poor taste for people who think that someone who hasn't violated any user agreement and hasnt violated any rules of use, but whom they think did something they just decided they didn't like, now go out to malign that person in a public forum. At least when Facebook does it, they quote the rule to you they claim you are violating and do it privately.

      And, finally, you are just wrong about people not wanting immediate updates. My Dayton updates got over 14,000 hits before Sunday evening of the race. People were sending me nasty messages about delays in the updates when I had the audacity to go out & try to set a record.

      Thank you, though, Dave, for your opinions from on high.

      "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


      • #33
        I have been saying that for three years.

        Originally posted by HRTV View Post

        At this years meetings vote to have me do it and pay me, problem solved. I have over 33 years of experience doing this on a professional level. Resumes will be sent to all that are interested in my services.

        I can be a huge asset to APBA if they so choose to involve me.

        Hey Dan,

        I have been saying that for the last three years. What you have done in your spare time has consistently been of a higher quality than APBA.

        Don't get me wrong I am 100% APBA, but they frustrate the heck out of me sometimes by ignoring the obvious.

        Hire Dan as a consultant for the next two to three years to get your social marketing fixed and your remote coverage of races started.

        He should not need to supply a resume, his work speaks for itself.

        It would be the first motion I would make if I was on the BOD. Going Digital was only the first step in the process. Leveraging it is the next, and he knows how to do it.

        2 cents,


        • #34
          Oh my! Seriously all I wanted to know was if the APBA social site "portal" was down for everyone! The answer quite simply was yes! This wasn't intended to become a debate of policies and procedures, terms of service or anything else. A yes is all that was needed and was received in the second post I believe. (Thank you for that Big Don)

          Let's all just be courteous to one another and if one day I post a link on the social site, which I do visit quite often let's hope the same courtesy is extended to me that is extended to all members of all organizations here on hydroracer.

          I beleive that we all participate in one sport, the same sport, we all ultimately have the same goals at heart.

          APBA could always have their own moderated (by them) forum section right here on hydroracer, all they have to do is ask! The forum is built, it is hosted and it wouldn't of cost them a dime.

          @Ed, I know it is hard to be a juggler, I do it everyday too, work fulltime, take care of several websites after work, train and show 5 horses, spend time with a husband and a special needs child. I frequently act as secretary/registrar, scorekeeper, announce and do other things at races too while juggling husband animals and child. (oh yes and now a 5 year old grandchild). Most sites we race at don't have internet access smart phone or not. I feel your pain! It is still pretty quick to create a document (in word, notepad, etc) when time allows or as announcements are made and then copy and paste to all sites when time allows. I do understand (and appreciate) your loyalty to APBA's Social site and would expect nothing less then for you to paste there first, just please don't forget about us here at hydroracer!
          Last edited by Mrs blueskyracer; 09-24-2013, 01:33 PM. Reason: add Grandchild to list of duties

          Welcome to hydroracer, we hope you enjoy your visit.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Mrs blueskyracer View Post
            Oh my! ***just please don't forget about us here at hydroracer!
            Thought I was doing that with the link.

            No more links!

            "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


            • #36
              Originally posted by 14-H View Post
              I think you misunderstood my post. I am a dues-paying member of the APBA. I make no money from APBA. So to say that I am using your site to gain business for myself is just flat out false. I am a lawyer
              I want to put you on retainer - where do I send the check? I love lawyers like you, especially when they are on my side. Keep on keeping on!


              • #37
                Originally posted by CSH12M View Post
                Hey Dan,

                I have been saying that for the last three years. What you have done in your spare time has consistently been of a higher quality than APBA.

                Don't get me wrong I am 100% APBA, but they frustrate the heck out of me sometimes by ignoring the obvious.

                Hire Dan as a consultant for the next two to three years to get your social marketing fixed and your remote coverage of races started.

                He should not need to supply a resume, his work speaks for itself.

                It would be the first motion I would make if I was on the BOD. Going Digital was only the first step in the process. Leveraging it is the next, and he knows how to do it.

                2 cents,
                True that homie; let's ride that boat at 420lbs all the way to the National Meeting. Who's coming with me?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by 14-H View Post
                  Thought I was doing that with the link.

                  No more links!

                  No, Eddie, that's NOT what you thought and it was very obvious to MANY that saw the link to the APBA site but just did not put their thought about it down here. You are out of the closet now, so to speak.

                  One good thing that has come from this discussion, is I at least, have found you are not as thick skinned as I thought. Not a good personality trait for the legal profession. Wonder what some of your courtroom opponents would think?

                  That is what little kids do, take their toys and go home. You only make the split wider by playing that game, and convince others that already have thoughts about the matter.

                  Maybe some thought to why even those who go to the APBA site also usually go here, and in greater numbers would be in order. Seems to be more activity here than there about the sport in general.


                  • #39
                    Ed is right....holy crap did I say that?

                    I feel the same way Ed does. I am a dues-paying member of APBA, a region 10 Stock commissioner, and a Seattle Outboard Assoc. board member. I want APBA's site to succeed because my money did help pay for that site. And by making that site succeed I have to help drive people to the site. Hence why region 10's last three races have their results on the APBA page or the SOA FB page.

                    I also find the APBA site and SOA fb page more mobile friendly to post things. HR is difficult to use on a mobile device (IMO) when at a race site.

                    I want to give everyone the results they crave and do it using a site that I think needs to be important to APBA racing. You wouldn't believe the positive response's I get for doing that. People like instant results, just like everything else in the world these days. Using the APBA site to give results for an APBA race is the proper use of the site as well.

                    Dan, you would be great as a consultant to APBA for getting people results, but you can't be at every race, every weekend coast to coast (with multiple races on same weekends). The APBA members need racers/volunteers to make the results happen instantly. Locally at region 10 races, it is currently me because I am a commissioner and run the SOA FB page. It's easy to me, and takes just a little more effort. I don't have 4 kids running around like Ed, I can take a minute and do the results. If that's what it takes.

                    I think the site has become it's intended purpose. Now we need people to use the site to attract sponsor dollars for APBA and boat racing.

                    Also if people are going to attack Ed on this subject then they need to start attacking me as well. I have followed Ed's lead in posting links for SOA results to APBA's website as well. So please, don't make this into a 'lets attack ed' conversation.
                    Last edited by Racerkyle20; 09-25-2013, 01:01 AM.
                    Kyle Bahl

                    "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


                    • #40
                      I notice there are entirely too few H.R.net team members posting on THIS thread.
                      It seems a little impolite to come to a site you don't support, and advertise for a site you do support.


                      • #41
                        If a web sites success is tied to how many hits are generated, is it really a bad thing to use a 'hit' on HR to generate a 'hit' at APBA?


                        • #42
                          It would just be nice if we could all just get a long , I go to both sites and clicking a mouse isnt the much work
                          Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.


                          • #43

                            Originally posted by 14-H View Post
                            That is my understanding as well.
                            WOW..........this flew under the radar??? SO Crowne is no longer employed by APBA?

                            I know Dan Lawrence and think APBA would be well served to solicit his experience for moving the work Crowne started forward!!

                            His work developing Hydroracer and HRTV is a true asset to Powerboat Racing Worldwide.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Matt Dagostino View Post
                              WOW..........this flew under the radar??? SO Crowne is no longer employed by APBA?

                              I know Dan Lawrence and think APBA would be well served to solicit his experience for moving the work Crowne started forward!!

                              His work developing Hydroracer and HRTV is a true asset to Powerboat Racing Worldwide.
                              where you been Matt, the Crowne dismissal happened months ago.................but, ya, it was quietly done..


                              Team Darneille



                              • #45
                                Sorry Ed

                                Originally posted by 14-H View Post
                                Dave: I appreciate your advice. I know that you only have mine & APBA's best interests in mind. Also, thank you again for insulting my profession. I know I probably deserve that because I have done that so many times to you in the past.

                                Unfortunately it is you that do not understand. Let me give you a little bit of a lawyer explanation. I am a dues-paying APBA member. My dues money pays for APBA's social site. That is why it is "my money" invested in the social site... along with every other APBA members' money. The reason you misinterpreted me saying that it is "my money" being spent on that site is because you apparently don't look at membership in a member-run organization like I do.

                                Furthermore, I really think that it is in poor taste for people who think that someone who hasn't violated any user agreement and hasnt violated any rules of use, but whom they think did something they just decided they didn't like, now go out to malign that person in a public forum. At least when Facebook does it, they quote the rule to you they claim you are violating and do it privately.

                                And, finally, you are just wrong about people not wanting immediate updates. My Dayton updates got over 14,000 hits before Sunday evening of the race. People were sending me nasty messages about delays in the updates when I had the audacity to go out & try to set a record.

                                Thank you, though, Dave, for your opinions from on high.
                                I just don't get it I suppose. And my perception is just that, perception. If you want to lawyer up in a conversation with me, please warn me first, I will retain my own so that way I can use mine as an interprepter. I really could give a rats rear end if you post here or APBA social site, or both. Just please don't be so direct and impolite seeming to others. It stirs up contorversey. Sometimes it is best to just bite your tounge and do it.

                                And I am certainly not on high. I am probably one of the most down to earth people you have ever known in your life, hence why I don't understand you. I ain't that smart.

                                EDIT Add: - Lets just agree to disagree. It will save a lot of fingertips.
                                Last edited by Dave M; 09-25-2013, 09:24 AM. Reason: Added:
                                Dave Mason
                                Just A Boat Racer

