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APBA Social Site

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  • #46
    I just signed in to APBA's social site...I was the only one there...

    How much did it cost "us" for what Crowne did? I've heard $60-100K, for a new web site and a dead social page.

    I wonder if Dan Lawrence would have charged that much?


    • Big Don
      Big Don commented
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      Agree no one goes there. I tried like crazy to help make it go. People just must not like change.

      We didn't pay 60-100K for the social page.

  • #47
    Propeller Magazine is pretty cool though ...
    Untethered from reality!


    • #48
      Originally posted by Dr. Thunder View Post
      Propeller Magazine is pretty cool though ...
      It's always been. I'd join as an associate if I got one mailed each month, but I can get it for free now. No incentive to join APBA unless you're racing.

      Don, my question was for all of what Crowne did, not the social page by itself. I have heard many different numbers for the whole makeover.


      • Big Don
        Big Don commented
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        Yea, I don't have the answer for that one.

        But it would be nice if members used that social page. Not saying anything against using HR but there is no reason there can't be two forums.

    • #49
      Well, the interchange has gotten sufficiently rancorous that I don't think I should chance asking this of anyone specific, but maybe somebody can advise me.

      First, is the APBA social site being referred to something different from the APBA site forum that I joined a couple of years ago?

      In any case, a few months ago, and again last week, I went to the APBA site to find out how much a racing membership costs now (a new membership, not a renewal, which used to be a bit cheaper). Now, I have minimal computer skills which might be why I could not bring that information up in the way a non-member (of the Assn or of the site) would try to do it. Then I tried to log in to whatever it was that used to get me to the site forum a couple of years ago. I only used that forum a couple of times, and couldn't recall my username/password to its satisfaction (I've only used a few over the years and tried them all). So ultimately I could not look at information on getting a new APBA membership.

      THIS IS NOT CRITICISM!!! I greatly appreciate and admire the efforts of website admins, who do something that is far beyond my capability. I just want to point out is that if I can't find out details of joining APBA, prospective novices might have similar troubles . . .

      BTW, how much is a racing membership for 2016?
      Last edited by Smitty; 02-26-2016, 09:52 AM.


      • Matt Dagostino
        Matt Dagostino commented
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        Do like 'The Captain' does...........pick up the phone and call APBA. They have a full time staff that aims to please. 586-773-9700. 586-773-9700. Screw websites and computers...just saying.

    • #50
      The log in to APBA page and the Social site are different usernames and passwords, mine are anyway. $195 for stock/mod/pro individual cats, super license is more

      Last edited by ricochet112; 02-27-2016, 08:58 AM.


      • Smitty
        Smitty commented
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        Thanks to you and Matt. Let's hope the folks who maintain the APBA site will notice this problem and fix it for the sake of any newbies. We shouldn't have to phone them, much better to be able to look at all such info, laid out in an organized manner, to READ and think about it.
        Last edited by Smitty; 02-27-2016, 12:47 PM.

    • #51
      I had to use the googs to get the entry blank. Numerous searching and using the search function never brought up the current racing member application...

