Instead of simply posting on here the APBA website social forums, why not simply post the results here, and over there ? That would be the most common sense fix I can think of ? Why even come close to ruffling feathers ? I understand it appears to be Ed's job to ruffle feathers, and he is very good at it. But to avoid people jumping to conclusions, and creating two pages of speculation, just post the same info here as you do on the other site and quit yer *****'n. No links to APBA Social for info or the thread content, just copy paste for petes sake. And people wonder why we can't just all get along....
Instead of simply posting on here the APBA website social forums, why not simply post the results here, and over there ? That would be the most common sense fix I can think of ? Why even come close to ruffling feathers ? I understand it appears to be Ed's job to ruffle feathers, and he is very good at it. But to avoid people jumping to conclusions, and creating two pages of speculation, just post the same info here as you do on the other site and quit yer *****'n. No links to APBA Social for info or the thread content, just copy paste for petes sake. And people wonder why we can't just all get along....