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Future of OSY - Pro or Stock

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  • #31
    Parsing words


    people arent as dumb as you think. what I said was you signed the papers, certifying in your official function as chief referee that the race was run properly according to the rules to make it a record race. I never said you signed the inspection papers personally. The facts are pretty clear as to what you did or didn't do and the consequenses of your actions. If it makes you feel better to call me names at this point for bringing your shortcomings in the performance of your duties at the Winter Nationals to the attention of your constituents, so be it.

    It doesnt't change anything as to whose respsonsibility it was to see this race was run properly according to the rules of the category involved.

    As Always:



    • #32
      Please no mud slinging. I started this thread as a serious question. If as Bob Dunlap has suggested, OSY - CSH - 20SSH was combined on a national level, which I think he may have won me over on the idea, would it go to Pro or Stock?


      • #33
        Originally posted by DougMc
        Please no mud slinging. I started this thread as a serious question. If as Bob Dunlap has suggested, OSY - CSH - 20SSH was combined on a national level, which I think he may have won me over on the idea, would it go to Pro or Stock?
        Now pardon me here. "You" do realize that nothing will really get settled on this discussion board. The discussion is riveting (and at times childish), but never the less, it is just discussion. I would not expect that the PRO Commission will act upon any motion made in this forum. However, it would not suprise me if someone in another category tried to usurp the class by going to the APBA BOD.

        Boy this is fun!! But, the effort wasted here could be better applied towards the SO/MOD thread on combining classes.
        David Weaver


        • #34
          David, please pass the popcorn


          I'm with You, this is a serious question. What stands in the way of unifying the rules for CSH, APBA OSY-400, and UIM OSY-400? plus 20ssH?

          1) From observation, I think the 20ss drivers would prefer to driver a lighter rig than current CSH rules permit. They (20ss drivers) would have to advise on this.
          1a) At TRORA's Franklin race, BOTH 20ssH and CSH ran eliminations to get down to 12 boat finals, Both days. -It might be better left to the (regional/club) race committee's discretion to combine these classes as needed.

          2) The UIM rules specify some boat design parameters such as rounded/breakaway sponson tips that have (reportedly) been rejected by APBA SO members.

          3) Weight limit? I've been observing this thread, And am now less clear than before. I do know how much a APBA CSH or PRO OSY-400 needs to weigh, No clue on UIM OSY-400 limit.

          4) Start method - Again, it seems that the rules allow the (regional/club) race committee to allow what works in their conditions.

          It appears to me that just unifying the specifications of the boat/motor/driver combo would allow all of the divisions to host an event including the CSH/OSY family as They see fit. Special events?

          These are just my rookie observations, so flame away, I might just learn something.

          Larry Spencer 301M
          CSH as far as I can tell!


          • #35
            Good post. Thank you.


            • #36
              Originally posted by David Weaver
              ... "You" do realize that nothing will really get settled on this discussion board. ... I would not expect that the PRO Commission will act upon any motion made in this forum.
              Sorry you feel that way. You are not the first person to tell me I am wasting my time.
              Last edited by DougMc; 06-06-2006, 07:14 PM.


              • #37
                "You" are not wasting your time

                Doug, the discussion is good. Personally, I think that the race organizers can put on classes that seem to work in their region and not worry whether it's a PRO class or not: entries a little low? Schedule OSY and CSH and make a few extra bucks.

                Two examples:

                1. region 4 doesn't put D or 25 hydro on our schedules, typically, because there aren't any raced locally - this changes radically when you travel to region 6 (only 300 miles away from my house).

                2. this is the first race in recent memory (Sharptown) that region 4 doesn't have PRO scheduled; the Augustine's aren't running their stuff right now. It would have been wasted effort in scheduling.

                It doesn't matter what category OSY is in - it's a bonafide class that you can run or not as you see fit.

                As an organizer, you can schedule whatever you think will draw the most entries - you don't need a category VP, BOD or LMNOP to do that. Run YOUR schedule that benefits your club the most.

                As for some members wanting to rid the PRO category of OSY; it is the largest class at the PRO nationals each year, was the second largest class at Raleigh last year, and allowed a stock guy (myself) to race, with the PRO members of my family, at DePue, Norwood, Constantine, Lake Village, and Raleigh. We towed a trailer with 3 or 4 OSY to many USTS events and had a great time doing it.

                In short, it's not all negative by having a gas-burner in your category.



                • #38
                  Originally posted by bill van steenwyk

                  people arent as dumb as you think. what I said was you signed the papers, certifying in your official function as chief referee ***
                  Cliff: You're right. Apparently it is much worse than I imagined... at least for one person in particular. I didn't sign any such doc umentation that would apply to the OSY-400 class. Do you even know how an APBA record race is run?

                  Where's Karla when she's needed?
                  Last edited by 14-H; 06-06-2006, 08:00 PM.

                  "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Sean Augustine
                    Doug, the discussion is good. Personally, I think that the race organizers can put on classes that seem to work in their region and not worry whether it's a PRO class or not: entries a little low? Schedule OSY and CSH and make a few extra bucks.

                    Two examples:

                    1. region 4 doesn't put D or 25 hydro on our schedules, typically, because there aren't any raced locally - this changes radically when you travel to region 6 (only 300 miles away from my house).

                    2. this is the first race in recent memory (Sharptown) that region 4 doesn't have PRO scheduled; the Augustine's aren't running their stuff right now. It would have been wasted effort in scheduling.

                    It doesn't matter what category OSY is in - it's a bonafide class that you can run or not as you see fit.

                    As an organizer, you can schedule whatever you think will draw the most entries - you don't need a category VP, BOD or LMNOP to do that. Run YOUR schedule that benefits your club the most.

                    As for some members wanting to rid the PRO category of OSY; it is the largest class at the PRO nationals each year, was the second largest class at Raleigh last year, and allowed a stock guy (myself) to race, with the PRO members of my family, at DePue, Norwood, Constantine, Lake Village, and Raleigh. We towed a trailer with 3 or 4 OSY to many USTS events and had a great time doing it.

                    In short, it's not all negative by having a gas-burner in your category.

                    Good post. Thank you.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Sean Augustine
                      ***As for some members wanting to rid the PRO category of OSY; it is the largest class at the PRO nationals each year, ***
                      If C Stock Hydro were made an Offshore class, it would be the largest class at the Key West Worlds, too. I think we're on to something here.

                      "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by ChrisH
                        Pease, Please, Please take OSY-400 from the PRO category. We have a few more classes to shed as well!

                        I have to say that I am a bit disappointed in your response.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by David Weaver
                          PRO Eastern Divisionsals:

                          1) Antiques' event will be held at a race in region 7. Probably only PRO classes at that event (with the exception) of OSY 400.

                          2) USTS June Race in DePue - All "normal" USTS classes on schedule. This race will serve as Divisionals for these classes.

                          3)USTS race in Constantine - Divisionals for OSY 400 and 1100cc Runabout.

                          4) 2 classes without a divisional race, so far, are 175cc hydro and 500 sprint hydro.

                          In my opinion, "lightening rod for controversy" is an exageration. The situation in Pineville would have been the same whether the class had been 250cc hydro, antique C service or K PRO. With regards to the divisionals, only 1 bid was made for all the classes and there was concern regarding the particular race location and date to draw a sizeable field of boats in most of the classes. The Spring DePue race will draw a good field of baots, but the USTS did not want to race from sun-up to sun-down. Constantine has run OSY 400 and 1100 runabout for a number of years to give our west coast friends a chance to race a week before the nationals and get more bang for their travel buck.

                          Stock Outboard would appear to have more than enough classes. Wht re-introduce a C2 Hydro again??

                          The PRO Category enjoys OSY 400. It brings a lot of drivers into the category and has resulted in a number of these capable drivers trying other PRO Classes.
                          When did 125ccr and 125cch become a USTS class? I thought that there were just "6" classes - 250, 350 and 500?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Sean Augustine

                            Two examples:

                            It doesn't matter what category OSY is in - it's a bonafide class that you can run or not as you see fit.

                            As an organizer, you can schedule whatever you think will draw the most entries - you don't need a category VP, BOD or LMNOP to do that. Run YOUR schedule that benefits your club the most.

                            In short, it's not all negative by having a gas-burner in your category.

                            It is a sad day when Sean and I become the voices of reason. Just a sad, sad day
                            Brian 10s


                            • #44
                              Sad? I don't think so...

                              A little disturbing, but not sad.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by 14-H
                                Where's Karla when she's needed?
                                No Kidding. I need another beer and a bowl of peanuts for all this excitement.
                                Sattler Racing R-15
                                350cc Pro Alcohol Hydro
                                TEAM VRP
                                The Original "Lunatic Fringe"

                                Spokane Appraiser

