Originally posted by jtower3941
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Millville Cancelled!!!!!!
"The Coffee Guy"
Cranked up and ready to Roll
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)
"Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
" IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)
time to start digging
This looks like a situation where someone is looking at one specific law and trying to impose it where it does not fit.
1. In Michigan you have to get a DNR permit to have a boat race, it clears you from having to obey things like speed limits, boats running in close proximity to each other, life jackets meeting coast gaurd aproval yadda, yadda, yadda
2. All patrol boats need to abide by the rules, like jackets, speed limits so one and so forth
3. I have found that sometimes people find one particular law or regulation and say heywe need to enforce this here, but if you where to look at all the regulations and laws you may find where there are specific exceptions to what they are trying to impose on you or there may be laws from a higher athority that over rule the local or state law
It is very important that somone out there look into this, call your congressman, state rep, state senator and find out what the heck is going on, do not take any one persons word on what is law and what is not, I think somone has there head up their a-- or is trying to stop something that someone objects to.
Please do not let them snow ball you, get to the bottom of this, it is very wrong and needs to be corrected.
Maybe Ed Hern knows a little about this type of stuff
Anyone intending to race at any event (not just outboards) in NEW JERSEY will need proof that they have taken the NEW JERSEY Boating Safety test. A boating safety course from another state won't work; it has to be the NEW JERSEY test. This will affect all events in NEW JERSEY. Those from out of state may take the test at www.boat-ed.com . The cost is $39.50 upon passing the test. Afterward, an in-person test is also required. For testing dates, check out www.thinkboatingsafety.com , www.njboatsafety.com or www.coastboatingschool.comLast edited by John Sherlock; 04-24-2009, 04:08 PM.John Sherlock
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man
standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. -- Winston Churchill
Originally posted by John Sherlock View PostAnyone intending to race at any event (not just outboards) in NEW JERSEY will need proof that they have taken the NEW JERSEY Boating Safety test. A boating safety course from another state won't work; it has to be the NEW JERSEY test. This will affect all events in NEW JERSEY. Those from out of state may take the test at www.boat-ed.com . The cost is $39.50 upon passing the test. Afterward, an in-person test is also required. For testing dates, check out www.thinkboatingsafety.com , www.njboatsafety.com or www.coastboatingschool.comTeam Tower
2) Out-of-state residents who are at least 16 years old and in New
Jersey for less than 90 days may operate a power vessel on the
waters of the State of New Jersey if they possess a certifi cate
issued by their state of residence or they have in their possession
written proof of successful completion of a boat safety
course approved by another state, the U.S. coast Guard, or
the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators
Originally posted by John Sherlock View PostAnyone intending to race at any event (not just outboards) in NEW JERSEY will need proof that they have taken the NEW JERSEY Boating Safety test. A boating safety course from another state won't work; it has to be the NEW JERSEY test. This will affect all events in NEW JERSEY. Those from out of state may take the test at www.boat-ed.com . The cost is $39.50 upon passing the test. Afterward, an in-person test is also required. For testing dates, check out www.thinkboatingsafety.com , www.njboatsafety.com or www.coastboatingschool.comDOUG SCHULTZ--HERE FOR THE SUPPORT OF OUR SPORT
Originally posted by jtower3941 View PostA point should be questioned. All persons that would enclude rescue and patrol boat operators will have to have same certification. A question on our life jackets. Are they Coast Guard Approved. If not , this is a fine. Having your race boat registered in the state that you are from will be a issue at Pennsylvania Races. So let us bit the butts of all local officals and be up to date on things.
Jim Tower 118-PLast edited by Moon child; 04-24-2009, 05:53 PM.Dave W. Young
"Roll it up or roll it back on the trailer"
Originally posted by John Sherlock View PostAnyone intending to race at any event (not just outboards) in NEW JERSEY will need proof that they have taken the NEW JERSEY Boating Safety test. A boating safety course from another state won't work; it has to be the NEW JERSEY test. This will affect all events in NEW JERSEY. Those from out of state may take the test at www.boat-ed.com . The cost is $39.50 upon passing the test. Afterward, an in-person test is also required. For testing dates, check out www.thinkboatingsafety.com , www.njboatsafety.com or www.coastboatingschool.com!"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."
Originally posted by Blackhawkguy View PostThis looks like a situation where someone is looking at one specific law and trying to impose it where it does not fit.
1. In Michigan you have to get a DNR permit to have a boat race, it clears you from having to obey things like speed limits, boats running in close proximity to each other, life jackets meeting coast gaurd aproval yadda, yadda, yadda
2. All patrol boats need to abide by the rules, like jackets, speed limits so one and so forth
3. I have found that sometimes people find one particular law or regulation and say heywe need to enforce this here, but if you where to look at all the regulations and laws you may find where there are specific exceptions to what they are trying to impose on you or there may be laws from a higher athority that over rule the local or state law
It is very important that somone out there look into this, call your congressman, state rep, state senator and find out what the heck is going on, do not take any one persons word on what is law and what is not, I think somone has there head up their a-- or is trying to stop something that someone objects to.
Please do not let them snow ball you, get to the bottom of this, it is very wrong and needs to be corrected.
Maybe Ed Hern knows a little about this type of stuff
Matt I mean no harm and I know you guys are on top of this but I am still in shock that this one ass hole made you guys call off a major east coast race.
The vessels are not pleasure craft so I am still completely confused on this mandatory boaters class to operate a racing hull.HTML Code:
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Phil, the problem is practically no other states issue and use certification the way NJ does. For the most part other states use 3rd party testing and honor those certificates, including online programs.
One of the other posts mentioned the NASBLA association. That website lists the programs recognized by each state (for the time being). Here is the link: http://www.nasbla.net/courseListing.php
On that page you can see which programs are recognized by each state (unfortunately it is listed program by program and not state by state, you have to find your particular program and then look down to find the state in question).
On another forum someone mentioned that NJ recognizes certain programs and the NJ MVA puts it on your driver's license as an endorsement if you show up at the MVA with the right paperwork. This may be part of NJ's reluctance to allow under 16 boat driving of any type ... you can't have a driver's license to add the endorsement to until you are 16. I do not know of any other states that are putting your boating safety course info on your car driver's license ... yet
Originally posted by Admin View PostI have to agree with Kerry this whole thing bugs the sh-- out of me and stinks of wrong doing! I know Matt and the entire DVORA crew are seasoned vets but how in the hell did one man this Sgt. who ever stop this whole regatta from happening.
Matt I mean no harm and I know you guys are on top of this but I am still in shock that this one ass hole made you guys call off a major east coast race.
The vessels are not pleasure craft so I am still completely confused on this mandatory boaters class to operate a racing hull.
Another state with license endorsement
I know Alabama puts your boating endorsement on your driver's license. You have to take the boating safety exam at the DMV and it is listed on your license like endorsements for motorcycles, commercial trucks, etc. They did it to tie your privileges to drive a car & a boat together. I guess it was in response to some boating under the influence incidents that resulted in injuries & maybe deaths.
I'll figure out what I need to do before Fall Millville & now I may try to make Lambertville.
A good point is made here.
We wear life jackets that are not Coast Guard approved (even though they clearly exceed all requirements)
We drive boats without registrations.
Our engines (mod) probably do not meet safety or noise regulations.
We are probably not carrying the required safety gear in our boats. (fire extinguisher, audible signaling device, anchor, etc.)
I thought we did not need to meet these requirements because we were participating in a closed and sanctioned event.
Sounds to me as if somebody is being overzealous in law enforcement.
Ad: A "safe boater certificate" does not make a person a "safe boater". Just like a driver's license does not make a person a "safe driver!"
You should see some of the dumb stunts I see auto drivers do!