Just ask one question - "Which group of kids shall we screw?"
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J motors...
Originally posted by csh2z View PostJust ask one question - "Which group of kids shall we screw?"
I think it is dead wrong to allow the rings in question to be allowed. There is plenty of time for the parents to change out the rings in question to the legal Merc rings before the nationals. They do not cost that much. Remember last year when the SORC told the new Tahotsu(sp?) owners a couple of weeks before the nationals. That if they ran a XX:XX gear case they would be DQ'd no exceptions. And a new Gearcase cost how much??? In my opnion, if the parents do not change out these rings in question. The kids that run them should be DQ'd. Then parents that know that they are running these rings in question. Would only be screwing there own kids.Mark
When the green flag drops, the bull**** stops!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep'em Sunny Side Up Boy's!
Yes Mark
I think I even remember Eddie posting that the INTENT of the rule was to not allow anything but 1:1 gears. therefor the rule had to be changed to meet the INTENT of the rule
"The Coffee Guy"
Cranked up and ready to Roll
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)
"Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
" IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)
Originally posted by Kev43V View PostYes Mark
I think I even remember Eddie posting that the INTENT of the rule was to not allow anything but 1:1 gears. therefor the rule had to be changed to meet the INTENT of the rule
The request to allow other gears than 1:1 gears was voted down when the Tohatsu was approved for DSH, the rules stated that 1:1 was the only legal gear set.
The rule states that any OEM Merc ring set is legal for J and AXS. It's not fair (right), but the rules are black and white.
Everyone who has questionable rings better be able to prove they are Mercury, regardless of how old or new they are.
I hope the J Committee clarifies this rule for the 2009 season.
Stacy Runne for J Committee 2009"I don't want to just live life, I want to live an extraordinary life." - Kevin Ladd
Oh-oh; I'm outta popcorn
Anybody ready to name names so we know which group of kids are going to get screwed?
This cloak and dagger s*** is fascinating - reminds me of the unlimitedsMike Johnson
World Headquarters
Portland, Oregon
Johnson Racing
Stock Outboard Commission
The Stock Outboard Commission will follow this recommendation for the Mercury 15 hp used in A Stock.
Please be reminded that this has nothing to do with the path the J Castegory will take with the J or AX motors.
The Stock Tech manual says the following.
9. It is permissible to use Genuine Mercury oversized pistons and rings.
There is nothing stating what year or hp the ring needs to be from. But it does have to be a Mercury ring.
Since the rings do not have a distinguishable part number. We are recommending the following.
If there is a piston ring in question the driver will have to produce a like ring and a matching part number with appropriate parts book issued by Mercury.
This of course will be only for Stock.
This path was supported by 9 of your commissioners with one abstaining and 4 not voting in favor or opposed.
Originally posted by don11w View PostThat is what MOD and Pro is for...for the guys that want to tinker inside their engines. Stock should be stock. (not saying it is)
As for go get some of those rings...well if they truely are old 1960 rings how the heck are most people going to get them??????????????????
And if they are not they are old mercury rings then they are NOT legal!
As Matt said, they know of one engine that did not have legal rings in it.
Is your intent to force the Mod parents to race stock ? This is what you you intend ? I agree with you, the J class as it is belongs in the stock category and not as its own category. It is stock in every way.
As for the kids, they only have good intentions. Perhaps we should fine the parents and let the kids finish where they finish ? Fine the parents $1000.00 for every motor DQ. This should wake some up and abide by the rules. This will allow the kids to enjoy the glory somewhat and also impose a penalty to the real culprit. I know if I was a J parent and paid for a fast J engine to be built, then got fined a grand, you bet that builder would be getting a visit.
I feel for all those who can't send their engines to someone and get the good rings installed. Any Joe Blow Marina could do it, as well as just about any tinkerer. I only wish more parents would get involved with their kids in boat racing. Today it seems so much a buy and go operation with no real skill involved. Perhaps if both kid and parent took some time to learn how to work on the equipment together and be rewarded with the fact they have accomplished something usung their own mind and body. It is very rewarding, at least to me, and it might even get the kids away from the video games more often and become active. It might also drive passion for the sport.
Just my 2 cents. Not intended to offend anyone, just stating what I see more often than not.Dave Mason
Just A Boat Racer
I would like to thank all who responded to this thread. I hate when folks toss there passion/opinion in the class I run and don't race the class or have any intention too (I know, sounds mean, just a pet peeve of mine) ) So I have kind of just watched as you folks posted here since my kids are a few years away. My observation is the rule is clearly way to gray (given the fact people seem to know what rings we are all talking about and nobody with catagory authority has chimed in and said "Jim Bobs rings he installed are/are not legal" It seems to be easy to say "they are legal, here is his number go get some if you can find them" or "No they aren't, you need to run these, these are legal." ) I will leave with this question for y'all. If you know who is running tech for the class at Nationals, will that person tell us if he/she will DQ the motor with the rings, or simply tell us what his/her interpitation of the rule is? Hopefully this is cleared up for next year, but for this year, are they legal? A yes/no anwer is the goal here, no argument regarding intent or quoting the rule book is allowed. (that was all done in the above posts and we still don't know if the parts are legal
) Thanks folks. Stay safe and have a great Nationals!
Originally posted by Dave M View PostDon,
As for the kids, they only have good intentions. Perhaps we should fine the parents and let the kids finish where they finish ? Fine the parents $1000.00 for every motor DQ. This should wake some up and abide by the rules. This will allow the kids to enjoy the glory somewhat and also impose a penalty to the real culprit. I know if I was a J parent and paid for a fast J engine to be built, then got fined a grand, you bet that builder would be getting a visit.
."Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"
Don Allen
Originally posted by csh2z View PostJust ask one question - "Which group of kids shall we screw?"
Easy question, in my mind.14-H
"That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.
Originally posted by Lights View PostI***
I think it is dead wrong to allow the rings in question to be allowed. **.
BTW: the D issue is totally different. The tech manual was printed in error and it was well more than just a few weeks before the nationals that the error was corrected. There is no error in what is printed in the J tech rules.Last edited by 14-H; 07-28-2008, 08:36 PM.14-H
"That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.
Originally posted by reed28n View Post***
Since the rings do not have a distinguishable part number. We are recommending the following.
If there is a piston ring in question the driver will have to produce a like ring and a matching part number with appropriate parts book issued by Mercury.
This business about requiring the driver to produce a similar part along with a tech manual has never been required, is not part of the rules and constitutes a rule change within one week of the National Championships. FOUL!Last edited by 14-H; 07-28-2008, 08:37 PM.14-H
"That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.
Originally posted by Kev43V View PostYes Mark
I think I even remember Eddie posting that the INTENT of the rule was to not allow anything but 1:1 gears. therefor the rule had to be changed to meet the INTENT of the rule
I said nothing about the intent. I only said that the tech manual had an error in it and that it did not reflect the actual vote of the SORC.
I'll say it again: there is no such error here with the J Rings.14-H
"That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.