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If True - Something to think about

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  • #16
    Oback Arama will in fact, remove any racing engines that we all love and force electric motors on hydros. Or he will force manufacturing of a barbecue sauce powered 6 stroke engine using a spit for a propeller. If you need the boat to run faster, just place a larger chicken on the spit.

    He will continue giving hand outs to inept ghetto urchins who are perfectly capable of getting jobs and becoming productive members of society, as this is a large guaranteed voting base for him.

    He will in fact socialize medicine so we all will wait a year to see a dentist.

    He will in fact ruin the greatest defense systems in the world and cater to muslims just like he is...Remember Oback Husien Arama, only thing missing is the pull starter.

    He will also give blanket amnesty to 20 million vagabonds who are doing jobs and committing crimes Americans just won't do

    He is the least experienced person ever to seek the most prestigious job in the world. He also just might axe the Hildabeast to be his VP...

    The better of two choices is McCain however, I'm getting very sick and tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. This guy just does not have a great deal to offer anyone.

    Compare the two, one is a muslim extremist who gives handouts to urchins,. The other, a guy married to a young broad who owns a beer company....What is to choose?????

    We need a JFK or Ronald Regan again, someone who has the stones to get it done and do what they are told.
    Bill Schwab
    Miss KTDoodle #62C
    -Naturescape encinitas landscape company


    • #17
      Well heck.

      [QUOTE=Skoontz;108016]The other, a guy married to a young broad who owns a beer company....QUOTE]

      Invite them to a few races, maybe they will bring the beer!

      These are your choices.
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Originally posted by Skoontz View Post
        Compare the two, one is a muslim extremist who gives handouts to urchins,.

        We need a JFK or Ronald Regan again, someone who has the stones to get it done and do what they are told.
        Unfreakin believable. Run KT run before any of this gets on you!
        A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
        --Mark Twain


        • #19
          Thanks for PolySci 101 lesson

          Originally posted by Freedom Fighter View Post
          First of all this comment is not a put down, it is to enlighten you, if you would like a better America. If so, it will take work on your part and many others in this country.

          We can't blame America's problems on the government. "WE THE PEOPLE" are responsible for this country. WE THE PEOPLE are too busy doing other things and leaving our responsibility up to others who have over stepped their bounds. WE THE PEOPLE need to step up to the plate and take America back.

          If you are willing to learn some things, do some research, read a lot then there is help. If not then your comments don't go much farther than HR.

          I hope an pray that WE THE PEOPLE wake up, roll up our sleeves and get busy taking this country back.

          Now, lesson #1. What type of government do we have in this county?

          Most people I ask say "Democracy". To which I reply, "Say the Pledge of Allegiance (which I might add Barrack Hussein Obama will not honor the flag of this country which means he is not paying respect to the men that shed their blood for his freedom)

          The pledge goes like this, "I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands.........WHAT?! TO THE WHAT?!
          REPUBLIC! Exactly, to the Republic. What is a Republic? Most people don't know.

          We have a Constitutional Republic.

          Here is the difference:

          Democracy: 3 hells angles bikers and one woman voting on weather rape is legal. (Who do you think will win? The hells angles, that is not just to the woman.) A Democracy is rule by majority vote. Too bad for the woman, who has no recourse.

          Republic: 3 hells angles bikers and one woman, and the woman is packing (i.e. has a gun) She says as she holds up a paper, the paper lists the Laws, and starts with the Constitution. She says, "It says here that rape is illegal! And just in case you do not want to obey the law, I am packing!"

          In a nut shell that is the difference. A democracy ends up being mob rule. The laws of this country are based on some unalienable rights.

          Unalienable means, "Not to be separated, given away, or taken away"

          What are these unalienable rights and where do we get them. Well that is a long subject I won't go into now. If you want to know I will discuss them later.

          We need to have Loyalty, Unity and Harmony to a set of principles to make this country work. What should the principles be? Excellent question. If you want to discuss, we can, if not. Don't hope for a better America.

          Take care. Have a great day.

          -Freedom Fighter

          Got Freedom? Thank a Vet.
          Yes we are a Republic...that's why we vote for representitives to vote on Defense contracts for us...and not ourselves vote for them. Right now the problem with American politics is partly on how we vote for representatives and how those reps get elected (and party politics, but i won't go into that)

          for example: campain contributions...lets say Senator A gets a contribution from an oil company and in exchange for the contribution gets elected. Then when a vote comes to congress that may jeperdize the oil companies profits...Senator A gets to vote with what the oil company wants or needs. He doesn't nessesarily vote on what his constiuants want...The same goes with Judges that are voted on in there districts...

          There are a lot of ways our country needs to be fixed right now...and the best place to start is President...if you don't vote you can't ***** (that's always been my way of thinking). Oh yeah and Obama is Christian, not muslim...if you were concerned.

          Kyle Bahl

          "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


          • #20
            Originally posted by Racerkyle20 View Post
            Oh yeah and Obama is Christian, not muslim...if you were concerned.

            that's funny, thought i heard he was an urchin loving muslim extremist!
            A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
            --Mark Twain


            • #21
              Originally posted by Freedom Fighter View Post

              I hope an pray that WE THE PEOPLE wake up, roll up our sleeves and get busy taking this country back.
              Take it back from whom?
              A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
              --Mark Twain


              • #22
                My prediction: Obama WILL get elected. Hollywood and the rest of the media will eat it up and preach about all the change the US is making. Meanwhile, while the country is celebrating all this new hip "change," the real country will be up to its "same old" and the world will only get more discouraged by our deceptive foreign policy putting us deeper in the hole we already dug for the past 4 decades. Good Luck!

                PS: Obama...Obama...
                Last edited by MGallagher; 06-26-2008, 06:36 AM.


                • #23
                  So Blind!!!!

                  You'ns listen to the likes o Dung Drather too long , we need people like Ron Paul , just to bad the talking heads are in alignment with the left on this.
                  Most that can't see are young or old Union Men


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Art K View Post
                    Its funny how the Republicans have this coating of teflon. They had 8 years to solve the countrys problems and could not. So what do we do? Oh I know. We will just blame everything on Clinton it had to be him. Our conservative brothers will surely fall for this for this line. And they are.
                    Please explain how Mcain will do anything different. He is a mirror of Bush and his policys. Eight more years of whats going on now will surely bring this country to its knees.
                    A question for Mr Weaver. With the dollar so devalued how much has the price of a new Pro 250 gone up?
                    Art K
                    Un believable
                    I guess stock is realy stock...Listen Borack will try to supply more give aways
                    to the lazyes...Goverment is not to be in the way but suppose to get out of the way but I fear it's to late so if you own a business start raising your prices now oh I forgot business have my mistake



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Racerkyle20 View Post
                      How could Obama set us back 30 years? I know both canadites are saying the right stuff to get elected, and neither are saying anything specific...so what makes u think Obama would set us back 30 years...The GOP in general has sent us back that far in economic problems. Housing is down, The dollar is down (the canadian dollar is even better!). I don't think any president in the modern era (Since President Roosevelt) has seen this bad of a decline in the economy!

                      I like Obama because it's something different...young, vibrant, actually Articulate in speaking (could help abroad in certain matters or get respect back from certain countries). I'm young (23) i havn't been here for too long, but in 12 years i might be starting a famiily or have a family. I want a president who is going to keep up defenses in this volitale world, but also help our problems at home. How much money have we as a country sunk into Iraq? Could some of that could have gone into the economy or health care? I want to be able to provide for a family and not have to wonder how much it's going to cost to get them to school in the morning.

                      Historically i see the type of potenital that JFK had in Obama...

                      In the simplest of examples Blaming George Bush and the GOP (or Bill Clinton and Dems for that matter) is very foolish (have another bridge). It is like Blaming all of boat racing's problems on Mr Hearn God knows I did not always agree with the past APBA leadership but I'm not gulabile enought to believe they were the cause of Boat racing's
                      demise and problems. For some reason way to many of the HR webbies are using this logic for there present financial situation...My Friends all I can say is Consetvative stand for solving problems and Liberals stand for Blaming the problems. Have to get past blame
                      and roll up sleeves and face them and solve them and more taxes and more goverment is what happened to all countries that failed and they didn't think they would just like the way to many people think now.
                      Put that in you pipe and smoke it.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by raceright View Post
                        In the simplest of examples Blaming George Bush and the GOP (or Bill Clinton and Dems for that matter) is very foolish (have another bridge). It is like Blaming all of boat racing's problems on Mr Hearn God knows I did not always agree with the past APBA leadership but I'm not gulabile enought to believe they were the cause of Boat racing's
                        demise and problems. For some reason way to many of the HR webbies are using this logic for there present financial situation...My Friends all I can say is Consetvative stand for solving problems and Liberals stand for Blaming the problems. Have to get past blame
                        and roll up sleeves and face them and solve them and more taxes and more goverment is what happened to all countries that failed and they didn't think they would just like the way to many people think now.
                        Put that in you pipe and smoke it.


                        Oh one more thing Obama is not something new his style was tied after the Vietnam War was called the Carter administration.


                        • #27

                          Originally posted by Racerkyle20 View Post
                          Yes we are a Republic...that's why we vote for representitives to vote on Defense contracts for us...and not ourselves vote for them. Right now the problem with American politics is partly on how we vote for representatives and how those reps get elected (and party politics, but i won't go into that)

                          for example: campain contributions...lets say Senator A gets a contribution from an oil company and in exchange for the contribution gets elected. Then when a vote comes to congress that may jeperdize the oil companies profits...Senator A gets to vote with what the oil company wants or needs. He doesn't nessesarily vote on what his constiuants want...The same goes with Judges that are voted on in there districts...

                          There are a lot of ways our country needs to be fixed right now...and the best place to start is President...if you don't vote you can't ***** (that's always been my way of thinking). Oh yeah and Obama is Christian, not muslim...if you were concerned.

                          In the scenario you stated, the problem is not the system, our forefathers left us a great system, AND they warned us, without a moral people the system will fail. The problem in your example is the immoral senator. He was letting money sway his decision, Jesus said, "The LOVE of money is the root of ALL evil."

                          To fix our country you must fix the people first, if the people are moral, they elect moral leaders, if they are immoral they elect immoral leaders. Look at Clinton, he represents the morality of the country.

                          Obama is not a Christian just because he or someone tells you he is. Example, I can call my self a HOTEL, but that does not mean I am one.

                          A Christian is one who confesses the LORD Jesus Christ, and repents (turns away) from his sins, you know, like don't lie, don't steal, don't commit adultry, honor you mother and father (the first commandment with a promice), don't love money, (you don't have to have any money to love it), there are about 49 Commands of Christ. Jesus said, "Those that do the will of my Father which is in heaven....." are Christians.

                          Definition: Love; Love is not a feeling, it is an act of your will.

                          "A bad tree cannot bear good fruit, a good tree cannot bear good fruit..." to have good fruit you need a good tree. The fruit that America bears now is bad, therefor the tree is bad, it is worthy to be hew down and thrown into the fire.

                          We cannot expect our leaders to change this country. They can make all the laws they want but an imoral country will just become more corrupt. Just look at the city you live in, is there crime, do people speed down the freeways, that means they are breaking the law, so they are immoral, you must change the people first not the laws or government.
                          Last edited by Freedom Fighter; 06-26-2008, 05:21 AM. Reason: spelling


                          • #28

                            Originally posted by Xracer View Post
                            Take it back from whom?
                            From the immoral people. See comments to Racer Kyle.


                            • #29

                              Originally posted by raceright View Post
                              Un believable
                              I guess stock is realy stock...Listen Borack will try to supply more give aways
                              to the lazyes...Goverment is not to be in the way but suppose to get out of the way but I fear it's to late so if you own a business start raising your prices now oh I forgot business have my mistake

                              And all of Gods people said, AMEN!


                              • #30

                                Originally posted by raceright View Post
                                Oh one more thing Obama is not something new his style was tied after the Vietnam War was called the Carter administration.
                                Race Right or be Left.

                                And all of Gods people said, AMEN!

