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If True - Something to think about

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  • If True - Something to think about

    Subject: Fw: Homer Hickam

    Homer Hickam made an interesting comment on TV this
    morning. In case you don't know who he is, Homer was a poor West Va miner's son who worked his way up to being an employee/scientist for NASA. He wrote a book called "Rocket Boy" which was later made into a great movie called "October Sky."
    This morning he was interviewed and said this, about the
    one-shot shoot down of the crippled satellite: "If this country's head was on straight, they would be holding a ticker tape parade for the Crew of the Cruiser, USS Lake Erie..."
    "This one rocket firing boosted our National defense 100
    fold .
    N Korea, Iran, China, Russia, all know now that we have a safety net that can accurately stop their incoming missiles even if they are out of the earth's atmosphere."
    "Of course, that was the plan all along, and it was a dandy
    plan. I just hope that the next person in the White House doesn't scrap the system and begin baking cookies for the enemy."
    If the wrong person wins they may do just that, and that
    makes me a little nervous."
    "At any rate, Kudos to the Officers & Crew of the USS Lake

    Funny, just last week Obama reiterated how when he's
    elected he will stop all missile technology and push for nuclear disarmament. If he were president now, we wouldn't even have been able to shoot that satellite down AND show the world that we CAN protect ourselves and
    will do so if the need arises.

    Obamba doesn't want the rest o f the world threatened by
    the creepy US of A. Something to run through the think-0-matic before you vote.

    Jack S. Shipley, USN

  • #2
    Originally posted by Robert M Keogler View Post

    Funny, just last week Obama reiterated how when he's
    elected he will stop all missile technology and push for nuclear disarmament. If he were president now, we wouldn't even have been able to shoot that satellite down AND show the world that we CAN protect ourselves and
    will do so if the need arises.

    Jack S. Shipley, USN
    Agreed ... kudos to the USS Lake Erie for threading the needle ... but

    what is the source reference for your above statement? I'd like to read it myself before drawing my own conclusion.
    Untethered from reality!


    • #3
      Video of Obama



      • #4
        Check link please! Thanks
        Untethered from reality!


        • #5
          Go to youtube

          Search for (Obama, yes i can make us defenceless)


          • #6
            try this link........

            Sean Byrne


            • #7
              Pretty sure most of america does not want a third term of Pres. Bush...That's what we would get with McCain! Obama in my eyes can change this country's mindset on numerous issues...
              Kyle Bahl

              "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


              • #8
                Most of America

                Originally posted by Racerkyle20 View Post
                Pretty sure most of america does not want a third term of Pres. Bush...That's what we would get with McCain! Obama in my eyes can change this country's mindset on numerous issues...
                Hey, I am proud to be a minority finally!!!!

                Mr. Obama can change the nations eyes and set us back 30 years in the process. He sounds good and looks good. But so did disco 30 years ago and after 2 years everyone wished they had never turned it on.

                Now really listen to what the candidates are saying. Neither is saying much new. I believe that McCain will be a better leader than Bush. I believe that Obama will flounder in the realities of the world and make a bunch of terrible choices, albiet with good intentions.

                If you are considering Obama, really consider where you would like your life to be 12 years from now. And really consider in this volatile world if you want to trust the "other guy" to do the right thing.

                We rebuilt Japan and we can rebuild any other country that puts our citizens at risk.
                David Weaver


                • #9
                  Originally posted by David Weaver View Post
                  Hey, I am proud to be a minority finally!!!!

                  Mr. Obama can change the nations eyes and set us back 30 years in the process. He sounds good and looks good. But so did disco 30 years ago and after 2 years everyone wished they had never turned it on.

                  Now really listen to what the candidates are saying. Neither is saying much new. I believe that McCain will be a better leader than Bush. I believe that Obama will flounder in the realities of the world and make a bunch of terrible choices, albiet with good intentions.

                  If you are considering Obama, really consider where you would like your life to be 12 years from now. And really consider in this volatile world if you want to trust the "other guy" to do the right thing.

                  We rebuilt Japan and we can rebuild any other country that puts our citizens at risk.

                  How could Obama set us back 30 years? I know both canadites are saying the right stuff to get elected, and neither are saying anything specific...so what makes u think Obama would set us back 30 years...The GOP in general has sent us back that far in economic problems. Housing is down, The dollar is down (the canadian dollar is even better!). I don't think any president in the modern era (Since President Roosevelt) has seen this bad of a decline in the economy!

                  I like Obama because it's something different...young, vibrant, actually Articulate in speaking (could help abroad in certain matters or get respect back from certain countries). I'm young (23) i havn't been here for too long, but in 12 years i might be starting a famiily or have a family. I want a president who is going to keep up defenses in this volitale world, but also help our problems at home. How much money have we as a country sunk into Iraq? Could some of that could have gone into the economy or health care? I want to be able to provide for a family and not have to wonder how much it's going to cost to get them to school in the morning.

                  Historically i see the type of potenital that JFK had in Obama...

                  Kyle Bahl

                  "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by Racerkyle20 View Post
                    How could Obama set us back 30 years? I know both canadites are saying the right stuff to get elected, and neither are saying anything specific...so what makes u think Obama would set us back 30 years...The GOP in general has sent us back that far in economic problems. Housing is down, The dollar is down (the canadian dollar is even better!). I don't think any president in the modern era (Since President Roosevelt) has seen this bad of a decline in the economy!

                    I like Obama because it's something different...young, vibrant, actually Articulate in speaking (could help abroad in certain matters or get respect back from certain countries). I'm young (23) i havn't been here for too long, but in 12 years i might be starting a famiily or have a family. I want a president who is going to keep up defenses in this volitale world, but also help our problems at home. How much money have we as a country sunk into Iraq? Could some of that could have gone into the economy or health care? I want to be able to provide for a family and not have to wonder how much it's going to cost to get them to school in the morning.

                    Historically i see the type of potenital that JFK had in Obama...


                    I agree that the candidates pander too much.

                    Roosevelt (D) inherited a bad situation and made it worse with his well intentioned policies. WWII bailed him out and re-energized the country. His predecessor really set the economy in a tail spin and then raised taxes to fuel recovery (which of course led to the Great Depression). Kind of sounds familiar.....

                    JFK and his family pandered to some questionable blocks of support and had miserable foreign policy vis-a-vis Cuba. He did stand against the Russians through the threat of force, a real high point that is worth studying if you negotiate for a living. His relationship with M. Monroe was a great example for slick Willy and Monica.

                    The current adminstration and congress is not totally responsible for the present economic situation. In a "free market" economy, there will be bumps along the way. But if you really want to stifle an economy, let the government run it (i.e. see France).
                    Last edited by David Weaver; 06-25-2008, 05:15 PM. Reason: typo
                    David Weaver


                    • #11

                      Its funny how the Republicans have this coating of teflon. They had 8 years to solve the countrys problems and could not. So what do we do? Oh I know. We will just blame everything on Clinton it had to be him. Our conservative brothers will surely fall for this for this line. And they are.
                      Please explain how Mcain will do anything different. He is a mirror of Bush and his policys. Eight more years of whats going on now will surely bring this country to its knees.
                      A question for Mr Weaver. With the dollar so devalued how much has the price of a new Pro 250 gone up?
                      Art K


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by Robert M Keogler View Post
                        Subject: Fw: Homer Hickam

                        Homer Hickam made an interesting comment on TV this
                        morning. In case you don't know who he is, Homer was a poor West Va miner's son who worked his way up to being an employee/scientist for NASA. He wrote a book called "Rocket Boy" which was later made into a great movie called "October Sky."
                        This morning he was interviewed and said this, about the
                        one-shot shoot down of the crippled satellite: "If this country's head was on straight, they would be holding a ticker tape parade for the Crew of the Cruiser, USS Lake Erie..."
                        "This one rocket firing boosted our National defense 100
                        fold .
                        N Korea, Iran, China, Russia, all know now that we have a safety net that can accurately stop their incoming missiles even if they are out of the earth's atmosphere."
                        "Of course, that was the plan all along, and it was a dandy
                        plan. I just hope that the next person in the White House doesn't scrap the system and begin baking cookies for the enemy."
                        If the wrong person wins they may do just that, and that
                        makes me a little nervous."
                        "At any rate, Kudos to the Officers & Crew of the USS Lake
                        Erie. WELL DONE, BLUE JACKETS!!"

                        Funny, just last week Obama reiterated how when he's
                        elected he will stop all missile technology and push for nuclear disarmament. If he were president now, we wouldn't even have been able to shoot that satellite down AND show the world that we CAN protect ourselves and
                        will do so if the need arises.

                        Obamba doesn't want the rest o f the world threatened by
                        the creepy US of A. Something to run through the think-0-matic before you vote.

                        Jack S. Shipley, USN

                        Without strength there is no freedom! If Barack Hussain Obama (sp?) gets in there could very likely be alot more gunfire in America.


                        • #13
                          A President that gives his approval to a bill that lets major defense contractors move out of the states is not one that is looking out for Americans. He also supported the tax reduction for foreign businesses.(strike two) they already pay less taxes than american businesses. combine that with the repeal of the war profit tax. and we have billions of tax dollars leaving our economy forever.

                          "The Coffee Guy"
                          TEAM CAFFEINE
                          Cranked up and ready to Roll

                          Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

                          "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
                          " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


                          • #14
                            Lots to learn

                            Originally posted by Racerkyle20 View Post
                            Pretty sure most of america does not want a third term of Pres. Bush...That's what we would get with McCain! Obama in my eyes can change this country's mindset on numerous issues...
                            First of all this comment is not a put down, it is to enlighten you, if you would like a better America. If so, it will take work on your part and many others in this country.

                            We can't blame America's problems on the government. "WE THE PEOPLE" are responsible for this country. WE THE PEOPLE are too busy doing other things and leaving our responsibility up to others who have over stepped their bounds. WE THE PEOPLE need to step up to the plate and take America back.

                            If you are willing to learn some things, do some research, read a lot then there is help. If not then your comments don't go much farther than HR.

                            I hope an pray that WE THE PEOPLE wake up, roll up our sleeves and get busy taking this country back.

                            Now, lesson #1. What type of government do we have in this county?

                            Most people I ask say "Democracy". To which I reply, "Say the Pledge of Allegiance (which I might add Barrack Hussein Obama will not honor the flag of this country which means he is not paying respect to the men that shed their blood for his freedom)

                            The pledge goes like this, "I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands.........WHAT?! TO THE WHAT?!
                            REPUBLIC! Exactly, to the Republic. What is a Republic? Most people don't know.

                            We have a Constitutional Republic.

                            Here is the difference:

                            Democracy: 3 hells angles bikers and one woman voting on weather rape is legal. (Who do you think will win? The hells angles, that is not just to the woman.) A Democracy is rule by majority vote. Too bad for the woman, who has no recourse.

                            Republic: 3 hells angles bikers and one woman, and the woman is packing (i.e. has a gun) She says as she holds up a paper, the paper lists the Laws, and starts with the Constitution. She says, "It says here that rape is illegal! And just in case you do not want to obey the law, I am packing!"

                            In a nut shell that is the difference. A democracy ends up being mob rule. The laws of this country are based on some unalienable rights.

                            Unalienable means, "Not to be separated, given away, or taken away"

                            What are these unalienable rights and where do we get them. Well that is a long subject I won't go into now. If you want to know I will discuss them later.

                            We need to have Loyalty, Unity and Harmony to a set of principles to make this country work. What should the principles be? Excellent question. If you want to discuss, we can, if not. Don't hope for a better America.

                            Take care. Have a great day.

                            -Freedom Fighter

                            Got Freedom? Thank a Vet.
                            Last edited by Freedom Fighter; 06-25-2008, 07:42 PM.


                            • #15
                              Unfortunately "snpoes" says the Hickam article is not true (at least not entirely) check the link....

                              Hey Kyle, is this your guy.....?
                              Last edited by Jeff Akers; 06-25-2008, 08:17 PM.


