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If True - Something to think about

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  • #31

    Originally posted by raceright View Post
    Oh one more thing Obama is not something new his style was tied after the Vietnam War was called the Carter administration.
    Ecc 1:9
    "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."


    • #32
      No Arguement on Monetary Policy

      Originally posted by Art K View Post
      Please explain how Mcain will do anything different. He is a mirror of Bush and his policys. Eight more years of whats going on now will surely bring this country to its knees.

      A question for Mr Weaver. With the dollar so devalued how much has the price of a new Pro 250 gone up?
      Art K

      We have been way too accomodating in monetary policy. This area is controlled by the Fed and the Treasury. I would have been in favor of less interest cuts by the Fed and a tightening of money supply by the Treasury. This would have protected the dollar (making my pistons cheaper) and would have definetely caused a sharp, but short recession.

      But can you imagine the outcry from the left and the right, as more people faced foreclosures or faced foreclosure earlier? Remember, the Fed has helped the struggling homeowner with an adjustable mortgage and has helped the manufacturers that export overseas. But, the dollar crashed and imports (including oil) soared.

      It all comes down to tough choices.

      BTW - I believe that the current adminstration has contributed to the current economic weakness, but is not responsible for all of it.

      Cut taxes, cut Federal Spending and raise the rate at the discount window.

      I do not see McCain as a clone of Bush in any way. I believe that McCain can successfully work with congress and strengthen foreign relations.

      BTW - How many of the countries, whose feelings we may have hurt, have provided aid to the US citizens in the Midwest , during the catastrophic flooding? I bet the answer is none. Much of the world is like a spoiled child who is only happy when given a present.
      David Weaver


      • #33
        Economics 101

        Originally posted by Racerkyle20 View Post
        How could Obama set us back 30 years? I know both canadites are saying the right stuff to get elected, and neither are saying anything specific...so what makes u think Obama would set us back 30 years...The GOP in general has sent us back that far in economic problems. Housing is down, The dollar is down (the canadian dollar is even better!). I don't think any president in the modern era (Since President Roosevelt) has seen this bad of a decline in the economy!

        I like Obama because it's something different...young, vibrant, actually Articulate in speaking (could help abroad in certain matters or get respect back from certain countries). I'm young (23) i havn't been here for too long, but in 12 years i might be starting a famiily or have a family. I want a president who is going to keep up defenses in this volitale world, but also help our problems at home. How much money have we as a country sunk into Iraq? Could some of that could have gone into the economy or health care? I want to be able to provide for a family and not have to wonder how much it's going to cost to get them to school in the morning.

        Historically i see the type of potenital that JFK had in Obama...

        Something to think about when they start talking about Obama's great solutions. The Guy scares me to death !!
        I think it's time to speak out about some politicians energy programs
        which contain the following:

        1. Tax "Big Oil" for their "Obscene Profits" and use the tax money to fund
        more alternate energy programs.
        2. Keep gas prices high by adding additional taxes as this will force us to
        conserve and high prices are good for us as it will alter our behavior and
        vehicles we will drive.
        3. Don't start tapping our US reserves as "We can't drill our way out of
        this" and it's ecologically dangerous. This way we will remain dependant on
        foreign energy forcing them to run out of reserves and we'll have ours left
        even tho we won't use them as we'll be completely on alternate energy by
        4. Mandate higher fuel standards forcing us all to only have smaller new
        vehicles to buy, or buy used vehicles that fit our needs thereby down sizing
        the whole auto industry and loss of job's.
        5. Nationalize(Socialize) the Refineries in this country so they will be

        These politicians are either incredibly STUPID on economics or worse,
        believe WE are.

        Addressing each point, # 1. It is a economic fact that Corporations DO
        NOT PAY TAXES. They simply add it into the price and pass it on to us. It's
        called "embedded taxes" See the book, "Fair Tax: The Truth" on this and
        other tax matters.So you see who is going to be funding the alternative
        energy handouts, we ,the taxpayers.This will drive the price higher with a
        commodity such as oil where the supply is tight and most countries will buy
        at any price now. But, lets suppose that as this tax is related to the
        volume of profits,(Dollars), not the percentage of profit margin which would
        stop "Gouging" which Congress again found there was no evidence of, the tax
        could not be passed on. As Taxes encourage producing LESS of what is taxed,
        a company could produce less and still make an acceptable non taxable
        profit. This would mean downsizing, loss of jobs, and a REDUCTION in tax
        revenues to the Government. Who would then have to make up the tax deficit?
        Right, we taxpayers again or run bigger Government Deficits. Sounds like a
        reasonable approach to me!! The worst scenario is that the Big Oil Companies
        headquartered in this country decide enough is enough and pick up stakes to
        move to a country with a friendlier business climate. This has already
        happened as there are only Three big Domestic Oil Companies left and they
        only control FIVE PERCENT of the World's oil production . Another great
        result of the Income redistribution plan of "Taxing the Rich, Their Fair
        Share of 100 %, so others won't have to pay. Politicians always base their
        future tax revenues on present behavior and then are amazed that the
        targeted group changes their behavior or disappears from the tax rolls

        Point #2. Yes, it will alter our behavior for those of us that worked all
        our lives to be able to support our hobbies, in my case Boating, or have a
        job that requires us to haul or tow something. We will buy either used
        vehicles or even bigger trucks to escape the fuel efficiency mandates. What
        do the environmentalists want, for me to tow my boat with a Prius?. What
        they really want is for us to downsize our expectations and quality of life.
        As Jimmy Carter found out, This is not the American Way or Dream and it sure
        as Hell isn't mine.

        Point #3. This is so Insane it's hardly worth commenting on. I think what
        they're trying to make us believe is that we can convert over soon to
        alternate fuels if we throw enough money at it but conservative estimates
        project at least 10 years. What are we and our economy going to do until
        then. Also, we use oil in a lot of other products besides fuel, Plastics for
        instance. We'll disappear as a World Economic power, again maybe one of the
        far Left "Loonies" aims. Do you note that the Saudi's are trying to increase
        production to "Bring prices down to reasonable Levels" They ARE NOT OUR
        FRIENDS. They are afraid this time that we might go forward with research to
        alternate fuels, which we surely must do, but are hoping that our
        politicians, forever afraid of making tough decisions, will take the easy
        path as before and go on with business as usual. Just like Social
        Security/Medicare, of waiting to take action until a disaster strikes.We
        must continue on towards alternative energies but must hold everyone of our
        elected officials responsible and let them know that if they back away from
        using our domestic energy sources and don't stop sending our money to our
        sworn enemies, we'll vote them out of office or impeach them for not
        supporting our views but those of the Lobbyists, foreign interests, or kooky

        Point # 4. See point #2

        Point #5. The reason they haven't expanded is lengthy permits, taxes, and
        "Not in Our Backyard" Syndrome. Who is the problem here? I'm sure that the
        Government that brought you Social Security,Medicare, and the Alternative
        Minimum Tax, can certainly effectively manage this just like they could
        National Health Care.
        Jon Walters


        • #34
          Well said Jon. If the politicians and their lobbyists would keep their grubby hands out of our pockets the American people and the free enterprise system would solve all these problems.
          John Runne

          Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

          True parity is one motor per class.

          It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

          NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.

