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Ernie Dawe PLEASE WAKE UP???

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  • Ernie Dawe PLEASE WAKE UP???

    a j pit crew member for the last six years I seen the merc come in .and you and your boys kept letting the merc guys do more&more till the mercs are unbeatabull WHEN ARE YOUR BOYS going to give the OMC something? or do you ALLWORK FOR MERC


  • #2
    I think....

    the idea is for the current production engine to be the engine of choice. should be anyways.

    Support your local club and local races.

    Bill Pavlick

    I'm just glad I'm not Michael Mackey - BPIII


    • #3
      They don't make that model mercury anymore.


      • #4
        thank you

        thanks and at 90% of the races around here you have8omc to 2 mercs how is that promoting SO you would think they would keep the playing field even COME ON THERE KIDS


        • #5
          It was just a matter of time. Parity = constant change. Is that good for our sport?
          John Runne

          Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

          True parity is one motor per class.

          It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

          NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


          • #6
            Just a comment from the family near my home who got there son started late last year in the J class. They came to me yesterday after going to Lochhaven and expressed the same dissatisfaction. They bought 2 boats and 2 OMC engines. One of the OMC has had nothing done to it and is a slug. The other one is much better but they are still unhappy that the mercury's are performing much better than almost every other OMC entry. Should i tell them to shell out more money for a Mercury and let them know the OMC is a old engine at the end of its road? Lets take a look at this and see if we can make some adjustments to even out the field so every kid has a chance to make the podium. This is were the parity commitee has to be sharp and make changes before we have all kinds of unhappy racers. Mike
            mike ross


            • #7
              Originally posted by mike ross View Post
              . This is were the parity commitee has to be sharp and make changes before we have all kinds of unhappy racers. Mike
              Say what???? Is there a parity committee for J???


              "No, THAT is why people hate him."


              • #8
                ???? Parity.

                Originally posted by mike ross View Post
                This is were the parity commitee has to be sharp and make changes before we have all kinds of unhappy racers. Mike
                Thank goodness J Class is out of the hands of the SORC.


                • #9
                  I don't think the J class has what is called a parity comittee but they can make changes so that the field is closely matched. When there are two different power plants this is the beast we create. John is correct is this what we want? Or do we really care and want to see every kid in this case have a fair chance to make the poduim. If the answer is the second one then we need to have some way to make parity changes along the way. It can be done but each side will at times feel unhappy. We see this is other forms of racing. Its interesting with Nascar coming up with the New Car of the Future to be run at some of there races this year. This is a move that mirrors John Runne's idea of 1 motor for 1 class so there is no chance of a certain powerplant having an advantage. This is just food for thought and we need to adopt which way Stock Outboard is going to go. Remember the national meeting is coming to Detroit and is were we will hash this stuff out. Get your stuff together right now so we can have a productive meeting and go into 2008 with a step in the right direction. Mike
                  mike ross


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Matt Dagostino View Post
                    Thank goodness J Class is out of the hands of the SORC.
                    I'm going to have to agree with Matt.
                    "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                    Don Allen


                    • #11
                      Glad to see you old season veterans are so supportive. Eddie lets get them this weekend and have a good old talking to them like there dads did when they were bad. Matt might even need the belt if he gets out of line and Don might need his mouth washed out with soap for saying bad words. LOL Mikey
                      mike ross


                      • #12
                        we just moved up to axsh this year, and have become much more competitive, with the OMC. Possibly a larger omc j restrictor is the answer, this would be cheap and easy to test.



                        • #13
                          For every OMC that is out there not being able to compete with the fast Mercurys there are just as many Mercurys that can't compete. Ask Scheffler how far he feels his Mercury is off the best J's out there. He figures he's off at least 5 MPH. We figure we are 2 MPH off and we work pretty hard at it. That is the nature of this sport. That is one of the reasons it's hard to attract new members.

                          I wish there was a way to make them all the same speed and may the best driver win. But that is not going to happen, just like most can't get their 102's to run as fast as the top dogs. That is why Joe Pater sold 4 rigs in a matter of days and never had to advertise them.
                          Last edited by Big Don; 09-05-2007, 01:22 PM.
                          "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                          Don Allen


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mike ross View Post
                            Glad to see you old season veterans are so supportive. Eddie lets get them this weekend and have a good old talking to them like there dads did when they were bad. Matt might even need the belt if he gets out of line and Don might need his mouth washed out with soap for saying bad words. LOL Mikey
                            Supportive or a realist????

                            Multiple engines in a class will never work. (the J program has done a good job getting them close) You will never get the same driving ability, same boat set up, same amount of testing, same amout of money spent on your racing budget.... That is why the same people win most of the time.

                            I curently own 3 omc's and 3 mercurys. Can't get any of them to run as fast as the good guys these days. (I know send them out east and have George go thru them) Might have to this winter.
                            "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                            Don Allen


                            • #15
                              First of all Mercury does still make that motor for export and as long as they do they will still make all the parts for it and even after its discontinued parts will still be made. Now Saxx you tell me what we are allowed to do now to the Merc that we wasnt allowed to do before other then use any bearing or seal. The ones that stuck with the Mercs have worked on them to get them faster and that is why they are running faster and the ones running Mercs would run up front no mater what was on the back of the boat period, why because they work at it to stay there. Remember the Mercs are new and not worn out 20 year old motors that you cant buy alot of new parts for. You can buy any new part for the Merc right down to the last nut and bolt and APBA still has new motors for sale. The idea is to go forward not stay the same if that was the case the KG-4 and 20H would still be running and what are you going to say when the new J Sidewinder starts running and winning. Things change and if you dont change with them you just get futher behind.
                              Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.

