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New Boats--Let's see em

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  • #46
    Originally posted by mercguy View Post
    length x width x height = I am not telling all my secrets! Let's just say it is too big for A and too small for 350 Pro.......
    hey daren
    you can tell dave it's so fast on the trailer that the oregon state police all most gave
    the boat a ticket..!!!
    I took a good look at her on the way up north,it's to big for a A and to small for 350 pro
    and daren when ya get time fix the light post in the driveway
    vrp/sattler power



    • #47

      Dan..I appreciate what you are saying, but you are missing my point. I am not asking Darren to borrow a motor, prop etc. I was simply asking for some general advice on dimensions on a boat for what is essentialy a new motor. Thats all. If he wants to keep it to himself, that fine. But I think flippent answers are not called for. If he does not want to help me, fine, just say so. In region 10, we all try and work together to help each other, as every single racer in area will tell you. I have been approached by a new racer that is interested in purchasing a Tohatsu and wants me to build him a boat. I will find all the information I need from another source aside from Hydroracer. (nothing personel) At this point, I have no idea what other builders are doing for the class....but I am sure a few of them will be happy to help me out. Racer Dave


      • #48
        Originally posted by Admin View Post
        Regardless if you really care or not, this is racing! and racing by definition is not a friendly sport when it comes to design and speed secrets. Clearly Daren is a serious racer who has invested some serious cash over the years to put him self out front and not run dead last or mid pack.

        I'm sure he could care less if anyone comes within a 100 feet of his rig or not, he clearly has a goal set for himself to win and will let nothing stand in is way.

        Did you ever go up to your competition and ask to use his best prop or even better maybe ask to borrow his best motor, probably not well the same thing applies here. This is not flower arranging class 101 this is supposed to be hard core racing and I don't blame any driver or designer for not making there specs public on this web site or any other.

        Hang on tight Daren and kick some ass out there !
        I guess I'd be the exception to that. Daren let me use one of his 102's and prop this last year. However, since it was only my 3rd race ever I doubt he considered I'd be a front runner. He also let me use one of his 80's later on and I was on his tail the entire race. I doubt he'll be loaning his best stuff out to me this year - I just might be able to beat him with his own stuff
        Last edited by seanp3; 12-19-2006, 03:26 PM.
        Sean Byrne


        • #49
          Loaning stuff.

          Great post Sean. That was nice of Darren to loan you boat when you kept flipping yours. I have a new CSH almost ready to turn over...when I do that I will post some pics here. I am pretty proud of this thing.


          • #50
            New CSH?

            Are you at liberty to disclose who the driver of that new boat might be?
            Moby Grape Racing
            "Fast Boats Driven Hard"


            • #51
              Here is some new wood we picked up at the last race of the season for AX.

              I'll tell you what everyone is saying...

              Thomas is telling Kathleen, I get this boat...

              Warnock is telling me what the measurements are because he had already measured it before we got there.

              Sam is thinking, why didn't I bring two beers with me.

              Donny is yelling to Backus to get our "A" engine done so he can race it too.

              And I'm trying to figure out why the transom is so tall and Warnock is telling me, "it was built tall so you can cut it to the dimension you want. He then said, cut off 1 1/8 and you'll be good, I already measured it".
              Attached Files
              "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

              Don Allen


              • #52
                Originally posted by daveracerdsh View Post
                I have been approached by a new racer that is interested in purchasing a Tohatsu and wants me to build him a boat. I will find all the information I need from another source aside from Hydroracer. (nothing personel) At this point, I have no idea what other builders are doing for the class....but I am sure a few of them will be happy to help me out. Racer Dave
                Dave, Give me a call. I have our JDS DSH/DMH kneeler (same as Craig's boat)for sale, as I have no driver until Jon get's back, and my knees won't do it any more..
                106-R / TEAM JDS



                • #53
                  Hey ya'll, here is my new runabout. Still breaking in my new motor. Wow, water is kind of cold. Took it out this weekend. Here are some pics. I am also working on an older Pugh Hydro. Looking forward to racing NBRA this spring!

                  Tony Anderson
                  Hector, Arkansas




                  Tony L. Anderson


                  • #54
                    Hey Tony great looking rig but thats a big NO NO! in pic #2 no helmet be careful! You have got way to much power on that puppy not to be wearing your safety gear.
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                    • #55
                      I did remember to put my life jacket on. But the boat is safe, your grandmother could drive it!

                      Tony L. Anderson


                      • #56
                        Glad to see a new member in NBRA!

                        Dan is correct. You really should wear a helmet even when testing.

                        I can't say that I haven't done the same thing but it was a long time ago..... This may sound far fetched but it is true. The summer I was 18 (also the summer I started racing) I was able to test after I got home from work. Had about an hour before it got dark. I started wearing a helmet (because it had a shield) to keep the bugs out of my eyes.

                        You should wear a good "racing" life jacket also - not some Wal-Mart special that'll come apart if you were to get pitched at 70 mph.

                        OMC FE/SE powerhead parts for sale. Kurcz ported block, Mod 50 pistons and cylinder head, exhaust, etc.


                        • #57
                          CSH Boat.

                          Tony: I am building an exact copy of my DSH for CSH..just scaling it down a little and modifying the right sponson a little. At this point, I am going to race it next year, unless somebody comes forward and wants to purchase it. Dean Hobart was nice enough to volunteer his 302 for the rig. I do have a number of people lined up that want to drive it if I decide not to drive or if it does not sell. I am taking a lot of time with this thing, making sure everything fits together tight etc. Looks like it is going to weigh in at around 105 with hardware. Racer Dave


                          • #58
                            Great eyes David - But that is an OMC jacket UL impact tested at 100 mph. I know it is not good enough for racing but it is fine for testing. We have a pro jacket with leg restraints and impact shield for racing also. Don't do too much shopping at Wal-Mart. Emergencies only. Hahahaha

                            Tony L. Anderson


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by WILDONOUACHITA View Post
                              I did remember to put my life jacket on. But the boat is safe, your grandmother could drive it!

                              Not to beat this point to death, but with all due respect do not test without a helmet of some type and a life jacket of some type. What might seem like a very safe and stable ride can change in the blink of eye and then its to late.

                              Enjoy and have fun the rig looks like a super sweet setup.
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                              • #60

                                Here is another pic (same testing) As you can see I am wearing a jacket. Not totally crazy. In process of obtaining a good helmet. (Not Wal-Mart)

                                Tony L. Anderson

