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Big Anouncement - Racing for $$$'s

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  • #16
    Originally posted by kws
    is it urban legend or true that a student is not eligable for sports if they win money in any sport, even if its not the same sport???
    I believe that is true
    Lake Racing Crew


    • #17
      Ditto propwash

      Great job Tony. Thanks for your time, effort, and thinking outside the box...just like the J boat project. Of course you will never please everyone, but regarding $$$ for non J classes this is no different then PRO Nationals where money is awarded to all classes except (kids) K-Pro class.

      Keep up the good work and see you at Eatonville


      • #18
        The Real Racer

        Originally posted by Cameraboy
        just think of the closing ratio if Jimi let you drive the BIG red and green boat

        I'll have to ask Mike about that - I heard rumors from San Diego last year...


        • #19
          By the way

          I've heard from a couple people that they think 350CCH might have a shot at a record. Anyone know if any of the Eastern Washington contingent plan on coming out to take a shot? Could very well put 350 as the 5th $100 class on the schedule.
          Moby Grape Racing
          "Fast Boats Driven Hard"


          • #20

            for sure one, not sure after that. thanks kevin


            • #21
              Early results are in...

              So far we have a tie for the 5th money paying class. Formula E Hydro and C Racing Runabout currently have the most entries. Remember, $5 discount for pre-registration, and the winner of the class with the most entries (that's not JH, JR, AXSH, AXSR, K Pro, ASH, CSH, DSH or DMH) will recieve $100. Contact your class reps and fellow racers, make Guedo's pick up line a reality!!!
              Moby Grape Racing
              "Fast Boats Driven Hard"


              • #22
                25ssr and CSR

                What's the possible count on 25ssr and CSR? Anybody know? I'll be there, Daren are you coming this weekend? Just wondering.

                Kyle Bahl
                Kyle Bahl

                "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


                • #23
                  Tony, Racing for $ on a record course could backfire, I'm all for it though . Back in the days of the Merc Challenge everyone pushed harder at the money races , but that was $400 for the win 14 years ago. I just hope we all stay right side up, in one piece, and keep off the buoys.

                  Remeber $100 barely covers 1 class entry fee and trailer fee for the weekend!

                  The buoy fee should be $100 this weekend, that will keep everyone away from them, !


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Racerkyle20
                    What's the possible count on 25ssr and CSR? Anybody know? I'll be there, Daren are you coming this weekend? Just wondering.

                    Kyle Bahl

                    Kyle - I talked to Daren last week and I'm pretty darn sure he'll be there. I think he has his CSR ready to race - it may not be painted but I think he can still race it. He's had his hands full at work and repairing boats. So I'm not sure if you'll get a reply. I only wish I could make it
                    Sean Byrne


                    • #25
                      I guess i just dont understand, 2 years ago we put up $3,000 yes thats three grand , to be paid $1,000 to the winner of the three largest entered classes at Okmulgee OK. along with regular prise money, sorry to tell you now but hardley any one showed up, 10 trailers maybe, we even advertised here and on all the web sites, Burt Hoefs , Rick Miller , and Vernon Barfield took home over $1,300 each along with regular prize money 2nd and 3rd places took home more than $100 in all classes, shucks at O B R A s back yard races winner takes home $150 or more and they pay back 7 spots, so whats al the hoopha about????? $100 ??? Maybe if more would show in OK. thered be more prize money to be paid, Just a thought Jeff


                      • #26
                        Why the hoopla?

                        Simple, just trying to get people to show up. Sorry it didn't work for you in Oklahoma, but because it didn't work for you is not a good reason for me not to try it. I'm hoping that $100 will be enough to maybe convince a guy to show up, or run a class he normally wouldn't, without being enough money to run over your buddy for.

                        For those that are curious, Rocky Peterson and I were at a sprint car race earlier this year where we saw about 80 cars in the infield from all over the country. The prize money was 250K total. With that kind of dough, I would expect to see outboarders from all over the country as well. The thought was "if money draws car racers, why wouldn't it draw boat racers?" It may have zero effect, and I won't care, because the reward is in the trying. Tony
                        Moby Grape Racing
                        "Fast Boats Driven Hard"


                        • #27
                          Eatonville draws boats anyway

                          This was a great idea by Tony. People will show up at this race because it's eatonville! Usually this race draws 100 entries anyway, before money, just for the chance at a record. So the money just adds more interest to go. Maybe some eastern washington racers will show, maybe even some whibey roostertail racers. This is going to be a big turn out and thanks to tony it should be a little bigger.


                          P.S. I beleive J Michael is showing up so he'll bring about 6 or 7 classes!
                          Kyle Bahl

                          "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


                          • #28
                            I hear Blackwell is showing up with his Dad's stuff - that should pick up Sean's slack

                            Hey Kyle - maybe they fear the Runnecraft
                            Mike Johnson

                            World Headquarters
                            Portland, Oregon
                            Johnson Racing


                            • #29

                              There should be a 25SSR class. I'm going to be running it, and Black Sheep has said they're bringing out little blacky and the yellow rig both sporting Mercs J. Michael will also be there, along with possibly drew, darren, or others I haven't even thought of.

                              Mike 32-R

                              *Now ASR, I might not be running. A broken frame, 2 split stringers, and LOTS of bottom decking would be a big repair to get done by friday!


                              • #30
                                Sounds like it will be a good turn out for the yamato runabouts then! See you all there this weekend. Right now i'm having fun in pullman!

                                Kyle Bahl

                                "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"

