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2006 Dayton Record Runs

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  • #46

    I think the burn out factor may have been part of the reason but I have a few more to add.

    Last years nationals I think left sort of a bad taste with some as it was so, so hot at last years nationals. I think Dayton is one the hottest places on earth in August. We had weather delays last year too. I know weather can't be controlled but Dayton does of a history. I wasn't there but didn't a tornado come through a couple of years ago and flip boats and wreck tents?

    Finally, the good ole cost factor. Myself for one spent a good amount of money attending both pro and stock nationals. Thankfully the racing cost was reasonable concerning entries. I think every one feels the travel cost a lot more. My fuel costs were well over $600 just to get to and from Wakefield.

    My 3 cents as 2 cents doesn't go very far.

    BTW, Ed, your Mercury was too cool this past nationals. The least you could have done was a borrow a non Joey Z motor.

    Tim Weber


    • #47
      Dayton stuff

      Tim: I appreciate the comments. For years Dayton was too cold, now it's too hot. Oh well. I will say this, it was hot this year but nothing like last year. The grass was actually green in the pits this year. According to Al Gore and Liz Bowman, the extreme heat is due to industrial pollution and Republicans so you might want to send them your comments as well.

      In all seriousness, though, since I took over in 1997 and excluding the Nationals last year which was much earlier in the month, there have only been two times that we had weather that affected the racing over that 10 year span. The first was in 1997 when we were not able to complete the last set of racing on Sunday due to wind. The second was in 2004 which is the year I believe you are referring to. Actually, that was due to storms and we also had a Ranger's car struck by lightening that year too. We did finish all of the racing in 2004 but had to go to 1 heat per class on Sunday.

      Interestingly, I talked with the Ranger this year whose car was struck. He's really happy about two things with that lightening bolt: (1) he's alive and (2) he got a new car. Thanks again for the comments. Ed.

      "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


      • #48
        fast eddie...

        not trying to start a battle, my friend. i didn't even give details about 14-H... maybe it was something good.

        i have been running grass lake for 5 years now. it doesn't cost a thing - in fact it pays well. i know you have put a lot of work into dayton and it has benefitted many. many are grateful...

        in fact, if SO & MO were to select the best sites in R6 & R7 to reduce our 20-some races down to say 12 top-notch shootouts, DAYTON would surely be on the schedule. the burnout factor is surely not dayton's fault...

        try to see the point of my post, ed. i'll buy you a beer at the grass shack (unless you're going to hillsdale 80 miles away...)


        ps. maybe if we all can't get along, we should start a fundraiser for charity (or better yet, John Broge). how much $$ could we generate for a cage match free-4-all between me, you, and barrett??


        • #49
          Originally posted by race4kaos
          *** i'll buy you a beer at the grass shack (unless you're going to hillsdale 80 miles away...)


          ps. maybe if we all can't get along, we should start a fundraiser for charity (or better yet, John Broge). how much $$ could we generate for a cage match free-4-all between me, you, and barrett??
          Kevin: You're on! I would rather suggest, however, that we have a thread of just you, me and Barrett and anyone else that two of the three of us vote to post on that thread and then sell daily log on's for that thread through Hydroracer at 5 bucks a pop to read the thread. Five bucks only gets you 24 hours worth of viewing, though. Maybe Dan can set this up. No holds barred on this one, though. So parents will need to limit viewing by impressionable minors. You know how Barrett gets. Also, the rule about only one post per 60 seconds on this thread will have to be suspended on this thread cause Barrett likes to post under different aliases from the same computer.

          Truce is OFF, my friend, for the benefit of John.

          Kevin: That was a great idea. Ed.

          "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


          • #50
            Ladd, Hearn & Barrett Shootout

            I vote we invite Mike Allweiss to participate as well. That'll draw contributions from the offshore group. Ed.

            P.S.: We will have to all sign a covenant-not-to-sue, though. The last time I said something about Allweiss on the internet, the Sheriff delivered a summons to my house.
            Last edited by 14-H; 08-29-2006, 12:40 PM.

            "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


            • #51

              Originally posted by 14-H
              Kevin: That was a great idea. Ed.

              Dan, while you're at it, please archive this quote in the record books!! I'm getting all teary eyed...


              • #52
                Originally posted by race4kaos
                ***I'm getting all teary eyed...
                Kevin: Save the B.S. for the shootout, will ya? Ed.

                "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Matt Dagostino
                  Although the turnout was low. Ed Hearn, Ponch, Vicki etc etc ............Did a great job of getting it all in.

                  George Luce and James each set records in there respective classes.....Congrats.

                  Matt & Val
                  James Luce runs all 4 J classes. Did he set more than 1 record?
                  Any on the 3/4 or just on the mile?


                  • #54
                    One Record.....................

                    James Luce (driving Val's B&H Hydro from last season) set the one mile record on Saturday and missed the 3/4 record on Sunday in J hydro. No other J Class records were set.



                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Matt Dagostino
                      James Luce (driving Val's B&H Hydro from last season) set the one mile record on Saturday and missed the 3/4 record on Sunday in J hydro. No other J Class records were set.

                      Thanks Matt, did he run the hydro you have for sale? Bring it to Lake Lawrence, set the 1 and 1/4 record then sell it


                      • #56

                        James ran our 'straight' B&H Hydro J Boat. The one for sale is her straight ASH/AXSH from 2004.........

                        Come on over to Lock Haven and pick it up!!!!



                        • #57
                          Dayton Thanks

                          I do want to say thanks to all of those who not only came to the race, but those who helped put it on. First, there are the usuals at Dayton: The Brills, Ed Weinert, Tom Sutherland, TJ, Bob Laws, the IOA, Richard and Mom & Dad. But this year, a few people really stepped up to the plate. These include the Rices, the Sidors, the Kerrs, Team Racecraft, Jack Stotts, Rich Welch, Susan, Anna and even Mary Williams from long-distance. You guys are what it's all about! I appreciate all of your help, from the bottom of my heart. Viva Hydrobowl! Ed.

                          "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                          • #58
                            I'd LOVE to have that boat, but the cost of gas from OR to FL would excede the purchase price

                            If you still have it next year (doubtful) bring it to Moses Lake Nationals!!!!!!!

                            JH was the only record in the J class

                            Must not of been any JR then?

