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National Meeting Updates?

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  • National Meeting Updates?

    What's going on down there? Any news from Pro, Mod and Stock would be appreciated.


    Tim Weber

  • #2
    "ASH" "AXSH" "FAH"hight

    the ASH, AXSH and FAH all have the "A" hight rule. but now theirs a different measurement from the point of the front of the gear case theirs a measurement. it is 1 3/8, + or - 1/2
    Attached Files


    • #3
      What does it really mean................

      In relation to the current measurement from the 'split' at the rear of the gearcase how much 'real' effect does this have?


      • #4
        Now do you still have to have the back of the prop shaft at a 1" and 3/8 or does the whole measurement come off the very front of the gear case. If that the case then if your not running alot of tuck it would be possible to run as high as 7/8 below the bottom. Im sure this will be spelled out
        Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.


        • #5
          My understanding is the back of the prop shaft will have a min. depth of 1-3/8" and the front of the gearcase will have a min. depth of 7/8".
          hauenstein outboard team
          186-W * 28-C * 4-T * C-101


          • #6
            I see..........

            That makes more sense.

            J Dad


            • #7
              prop height

              It means that the nose of the gear case can be no higher that 7/8 of an inch high if your prop shaft height is at 1' 7/8". A SORC member told me that you have a half of inch between the two. Hope that helps.

              25ssr, the SORC placed a 1/2 restrictor to slow the yamotos, and also set up a competition board that can make changes during the racing year.

              D class also set up a competition board to make changes.

              That’s all I’ve heard so far guys.
              8M in BSR or 8 in 45
              "Here’s the thing that makes life so interesting the theory of evolution states that only the strong survives but the theory of competition says just because they are strong doesn’t mean they can’t get their asses kicked don’t surprised if somebody decides to flip the script and take a pass on yelling uncle and then suddenly the old saying goes we’ve got ourselves a game...."


              • #8
                special event in alex

                has anyone heard if the are going to let 40c.i. mers run as there own???as a special event.......thanks kevin nichols 18-f


                • #9
                  1/2" Restrictor

                  Originally posted by hagerl8m
                  It means that the nose of the gear case can be no higher that 7/8 of an inch high if your prop shaft height is at 1' 7/8". A SORC member told me that you have a half of inch between the two. Hope that helps.

                  25ssr, the SORC placed a 1/2 restrictor to slow the yamotos, and also set up a competition board that can make changes during the racing year.

                  D class also set up a competition board to make changes.

                  That’s all I’ve heard so far guys.
                  You have got to be kidding me.....So Joe does all this testing to supply data for the restricted Yamato (9/16") & it is decided to implement a 1/2" restrictor.

                  WHAT A JOKE! Man am I glad I decided to not to spend any time or money testing w/the 9/16" restrictor. This sucks for the guys who did because they just took a pounding from behind!

                  I do not understand the method to the madness! So to those individuals who said the Mercs would come out of storage if the playing field was leveled.....Dust them off! They have no more excuses!
                  Last edited by 17W; 01-28-2006, 10:12 PM.

                  "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


                  • #10
                    UPDATE: 1300 hours 27 Jan

                    2007 Mod Nationals awarded to:
                    The Indiana Outboard Association at Dillon Lake, Zanesville, Ohio 11-15 July, 2007. In seperate actions the Stock Committee (Commission?) awarded North American Championships for ASH, 20SSH, 25SSH, CSH, and DSH. J Committee awarded JH, JR, AXSH, AXSR, for the same race, too. The date will be soon enough in July that Stock/Mod racers can make it to Moses Lake, WA for the Stock Nationals.
                    Many decisions and some "non-decisions" on Merc 25XS engine mostly at Stock meeting. Carb restrictors will remain a requirement in 25SSHydro...(they will still be allowed to be REMOVED for 25SSR). Approved aftermarket restrictor, approved aftermarket block. Approved specified service flywheels may be machined to to racing specifications, etc. etc.
                    SURPRISE move by Modified Committee: the moved the UNRESTRICTED 25XS engine into prototype status for C-Mod. I missed that meeting so I don't know what the logic was. I DO KNOW that my racing partner will stop racing his Stock 25XS in the Mod category so they have lost the only competitor that I know of with that engine who might have given them data to make a real decision for the 2007 racing season.
                    2008 combined Stock/Mod/J Nationals awarded to Whitney Point, NY.
                    FAILED: Brian Trolian proposed that NAC's be awarded "double points" and 1/2 point toward Hall of Champions. 60/40 against.
                    Mike Marshall, Raceboat61-S


                    • #11

                      You said it! What a joke.

                      I have a very hard time understanding how this was approved since to my knowledge, no one has tested it. How much is this going to slow down the Yamatos? Who knows. Will the same props work? Doubtful!

                      We had 4 Mercs in the field of 12 at Dayton that I can remember. It was Hearn, Burdick,Brinkman and J. Michael Kelly. They all ran pretty well. Didn't JW place 3rd? Wasn't Hearn 5th?

                      The obvious move to me was to increase the weight. Pater was by far the fastest Yamato. He was the only Yamato powered guy on weight with his carbon boat. GOOD FOR HIM! He took advantage of the rule to the letter. So now the SORC says we have to do something about Joe. Instead of slowing him down with lead, they change the motor restriction which now throws all his work out of the window plus a lot of other guys, me included.

                      To those who say that the 25 powered Yamato is nothing more than a C hasn't driven one. It is a diffrent ride.

                      All this to keep a defunct, obsolete, crank busting motor that won't slow down in the turns on the race course.

                      I will probably still run it this year because its' another ride on Saturday but as far as I am concerned they can kill the dam@ class! I am not spending any extra time or money on it! I'll run what I got.

                      Maybe the cry baby Merc drivers can win a boat race now!


                      Tim Weber


                      • #12

                        look at the c.i. difference...........mercury, johnson, evinrude and hotrod would still be runnin' strong if the yamato was not brought to the u.s. and sold as scrap.that is a fact.........i like the yamato they will run forever but i just like the u.s. powerheads.heck i run a yamato lower unit on my 4 cyl....it will work out for everyone.it's got too because us kneel downers are a dying breed...............thanks, kevin nichols


                        • #13
                          Any word on B-STOCK classes?

                          Mike, Was that 25XS in C-MOD the stock or Formula XS version?

                          Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 01-28-2006, 07:13 PM.
                          100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

                          SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


                          • #14
                            Tim,Brent, et al,
                            The committee must have "revisited" the 25SSR issue AFTER lunch break because when I left they had moved on the other engines/issues. That being said, the 25SSR and 25SSH topics were the most contentious of any there this week. But, most of the issues were decided by a group of guys either trying to represent the folks who voted them in or protecting their own agendas. Since I was there I'll try to give you a peek under the tent flap. The Northeast guys were trying to protect the Yamato status quo. Their rationale was that the class is successful with a mix of Y-80's and restricted 102/302 without any concern for Mercury. Some of them recognize that there is a parity issue when they come to a National event and seemed willing to compromise. Some were adamant that changing prop height would force a bunch extra expense for new props. Other representatives argued that changing weight would punish just those few (like Joe) who had tested and worked hard to get the most out of what they had. Some argued that continuing to allow the super lightweight boats as the only real competition would force a bunch of middle weight drivers into a spiralling escalation of money spent on new carbon hulls. Underlying all of this was the efforts of the Runne's and Dean Sutherland to keep both the Merc and the Yamato slowed down a bit so that the "future" Hot Rod would still have a market.
                            While I'm a Merc guy I offered that they should "re-restrict" the Merc, slow the Yamato to parity, and thus create a competitive class that made room for Hot Rod when it gets produced. I think my recommendation fell on deaf ears, the Yamato guys had banded together to protect status quo. Early in the discussions restrictors for Yamato were discussed and DISMISSED as lacking sufficient data and seemed to be supported by nobody. If what I read here is true, the issue resurfaced later in the day. I wasn't there at that time. At any rate, no matter what SORC decides, I'll have 2 NEW Merc powered 25XS runabouts campaigning in Region 6 this summer. I joined APBA to race, NOT to make rules or politics. Mike Marshall, Raceboat61-S


                            • #15
                              Steve, I missed the discussion........it MAY have been Formula 25XS ? I dunno' ? Mike

