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  • #16
    Your "B" Stock initiative for an inexpensive, OMC powered, 22 ci hybrid engine failed for lack of interest and because it appeared to be at odds with the group of folks that were protecting Hot Rod "wave of the future". Mike


    • #17
      Is that a sun-burn or your blood pressure I feel radiating through?

      Sure makes that 1970 Torino Cobra 429SCJ (nice) that a widowed Postal co-worker has, seem like a better investment at $10K.
      (Her husband died the morning after they put the rebuilt motor in>-heart attack)

      Lets see; $6000 for a new carbon fiber laydown 125/B-MOD hydro hull or $10K for a classic mussle car ...........?

      19P "Does not PLAY WELL with OTHERS........"

      GOING....sloooooow..to FLORIDA Gulf/Keys..........GOOD LUCK y'all...........fair skys and calm waters......SEEEEE YAAAAAAAAAA..................bye
      Attached Files
      Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 02-03-2006, 02:58 AM.
      100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

      SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


      • #18
        Who Needs DATA.....

        Well it is pretty clear that when individuals make statements such as "we need data to support decisions", they are wasting good air someone else could be breathing.

        No test data was provided last year....but hey yank the restrictor out of the Merc. OK.... This year they restrict the Yamato even more...Absolutely amazing!
        Last edited by 17W; 01-30-2006, 06:58 AM.

        "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


        • #19
          Crybaby Merc drivers? It seems to me that the only ones crying here are the Yamato CSR runabout drivers who feel that they should be able to use the same equipment in two classes and be competitive at a nationals level. Wasn't it the Merc guys that let the Yamatos into their class? The Yamato guys didn't petition the New Class Committee to establish the class for them.

          I get frustrated with the stock outboard mentality of "what's in it for me" rather than seeing what they can do to fit into the big picture. If all you CSR guys are so frustrated that you've lost the time testing for a secondary class, why not devote those same resources on your main class? Most everyone only can run one class with their boat?motor combination, why get pissed because you can't be competitive in two classes?

          Years ago they approved a restricted C Yamato in the 20SSH class. We tested it secretly and showed up at the Hinton Nationals. We let John Palmquist drive it because he was lighter for the 20 weight. Lots of people asked us how it worked because no one else had even tried it. Well we had and knew it was fast but didn't have any acceleration but on a nationals course, it was great. Well Palmquist won easily but the Bob Gollar gearcase was disqualified as being too narrow above the torpedo. What happened at the next National Meeting? You're right, the restrictor was made smaller and our winning set-up was junk. We haven't run that way since except for for a couple races as testing for a young driver. We didn't cry or *****. The 20 guys were only interested in adding backmarkers to their class to make them look good. Who could blame them? We still has CSH. The 25SSR guys don't want a threat, they want backmarkers, can't you guys figure it out?

          Why don't you CSR runabout guys just put a sock in it and worry about your own class!


          • #20
            Thank you, SORC!!!

            You have now made me take my Mercury powered 25ssr off the market!!!
            Now maybe with some more hard work I will not get smoked to the first turn!!!
            You have now added another entry into the 25 class, me!

            I will never under stand why I have to keep on switching restrictor plates between engines so I can run my hydro but I will have to deal with it for another year. Sorry, AOF guys...we are still not compatible....those with a private agenda have won again.

            Hopefully the promises made by Mr. Selewach and Sutherland will pan out....if not some people are gonna look really silly....Hopefully when the meeting ends and all get home we will hear more on the progress of the hotrod engine and how it is gonna save the world. Don't get me wrong here, I may be skeptical but I want what is best for the sport. If the motor looks reliable, I will buy one too....

            For those of you that get so pissed on this site, take a deep breath like I have learned before you type. I can guarantee that Mr. Pater has already gone back to the drawing board and will be fast as hell once again.

            p.s. my wife just gave me an atta boy for keeping my attitude in check! LOL!


            • #21
              let's take a step back in history...

              ...to understand why we allowed the restricted Y102/303 into the 25SSR.

              25SSR was a dying class in all but probably the midwest and even the numbers in region 6/7 were only about 5-7 per weekend. At that time there was push from multiple regions of the country (west coast and east coast) to have a class for the "middle weight" runabout driver and rightfully so. ASR driver too big, CSR driver too small and not any Hot Rods around/available. Was it a good decision? Yes, it gave racers in those areas of the country a class to race and kept entries up, which means the local clubs can make ends meet.

              Forward ahead 3/4 years and the few remaining 25XS (which please remember was the original engine in the class) drivers were getting beat. We don't want to lose them as members (racers, officials, entries....) so the SORC tries to make parity. Was this done with a NASCAR-load of data? No, but we aren't NASCAR and have more variables to deal with even if we had equal resourses.

              Bottom line, is that 25SSR was dying/dead and instead of keeping a national minimum for class size (somewhere Mr. Runne I think is/was going with a short/long term goal). Maybe it should have been killed, but if so then you'd have to get rid of BSH, BSR, DSH, DSR, and 25SSH...what are we left with? Not enough drivers/members to run a local race...see where this is going?


              No engine to fill the void in those classes/speed range! Basically this is a vicious circle.

              Forward ahead to 2007....hopefully the new Racing Outboards LLC - Hot Rod (in what ever form) is available...and in response to Mr. Brewster, it won't be a world saver, but it IS one of Stock Outboard's last hopes for a racing engine for years to come. Which at that time IT should become it's own class OR be the DOMINENT engine of the class so engines are sold. Maybe after a few years, the Yamato is returned to CSR??

              So, if we as members of APBA Stock Outboard want to continue I hope we support the new Hot Rod engine better than the gearcases that Racing Outboards has produced. Start saving your pennies!



              • #22
                AH, A look at your poker hand................

                But then,----your one guy that has always been a good .....communicator.......something that seems to be hard to find these days.

                I'm sure there will be more ..."mating-of-elephants"... before the dust settles on this race track.......................

                Seems if these subjects got more air-time before hand,
                We could all enjoy a few more beers...........together.

                Perhaps there is a way a pre-convention meeting, or a commisioner's forum line on this site could benefit all?

                Anyway, hey Mark----got a couple new wheels from Dewald ...... and the ice is off around here...lets go test'n Saturday!!.....
                Beer cooler is full.....got a reserve table at the Horse-Shoe Inn near High Banks for Super Bowl Sunday........"HERE WE GO!!!"...

                Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 01-30-2006, 09:44 PM.
                100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

                SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


                • #23

                  I understand the thinking toward the Hot Rod. It's not here though. What I don't understand is why there was a rule change to accomodate a motor thats' not available yet.

                  What I would like to see is when the motor is available, to make it the ONLY motor legal for the class. Trying to achieve parity with different power plants is a nightmare. I am glad that I don't race a D as when the Tohatsu starts to win, if it wins, it will be the same sort of mess as the 25 class has become.

                  Also, Jeff, you are correct in that a deep breath is needed once in a while.

                  Tim Weber


                  • #24
                    speaking of which...

                    Originally posted by Tim Weber
                    Trying to achieve parity with different power plants is a nightmare. I am glad that I don't race a D as when the Tohatsu starts to win, if it wins, it will be the same sort of mess as the 25 class has become.
                    In other meeting news, the Formula D class failed.
                    hauenstein outboard team
                    186-W * 28-C * 4-T * C-101


                    • #25
                      SO Minutes

                      Does anyone know when the minutes will be posted?



                      • #26
                        My Take

                        I think there is too much racer participation in rule making and race running. My take is that if there were less racer input on rules and race organization things would run more smoothly. Why do we even get input on rules, engines, etc? Just have APBA, AOF or NBRA make the rules and go. Make the rules and I, and I think most others, will follow them.


                        • #27
                          I just want to go back and clarify the new A tuck under rule. The 1-3/8" propshaft depth is measured at the back of the propshaft, as it always was. The front point on the centerline, basically the point of the bullet, can be no more than 1/2" above the back of the propshaft at the centerline. THERE IS NO 7/8" MEASUREMENT. The rule is the difference between the two. It was determined after much discussion, and a special committee meeting that setting a depth for the front of the geercase would not eliminate the ability to tuck the motor under.
                          Ryan Runne
                          Wacusee Speedboats

                          "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                          These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


                          • #28
                            ''d'' Hydro

                            Are They Going To Let Us Run ''d Mod'' Hydro 40c.i. As A Special Event??????????????????????????????????????????? Last I Heard They Were Going To Check On It And That Was More Than A Week Ago...


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by ryan_4z
                              I just want to go back and clarify the new A tuck under rule. The 1-3/8" propshaft depth is measured at the back of the propshaft, as it always was. The front point on the centerline, basically the point of the bullet, can be no more than 1/2" above the back of the propshaft at the centerline. THERE IS NO 7/8" MEASUREMENT. The rule is the difference between the two. It was determined after much discussion, and a special committee meeting that setting a depth for the front of the geercase would not eliminate the ability to tuck the motor under.
                              Now I'm really confused, but it sounds like the same thing. If the prop shaft is at 1 3/8", and the front of the bullet can be no more than 1/2" above that, doesn't that essentially mean that the front of the bullet can be no more than 7/8"?
                              Moby Grape Racing
                              "Fast Boats Driven Hard"


                              • #30
                                No. It means that the difference between the front of the gear case and the rear of the prop shaft can't be more then 1/2". So if your prop shaft is at 1 1/2" the front can be at 1", if the rear is at 1 3/4" then the front can be tucked to 1 1/4", so on and so forth. It doesn't matter where the propshaft is at, it can't be more then 1/2" above that height.

