My Motor Cost $359 Delivered
Don't be calling my motor "CHEAP"......I bought it from NR Racing in Michigan: Heavy duty valve springs, racing flywheel, big carb, big exhaust pipe and silencer. $359 delivered o California. I paid $129 FOR THE SECOND MOTOR direct from Harbor Freight.
I only see a problem on he off set skeg if you plan to turn RIGHT... Checl this motor's set up of Jerry Walin's.
On the inboard drive:
1. I considered copying the RC BOATS including using a flex drive shaft. I was going to make my flex driveshaft out of a telephone pole twisted wire and run it inside a Teflon pipe.........MIGHT WORK...
2. I wanted an INTRODUCTION MOTOR. I INTENTIONALLY built it so, you could put it on an OLD hydro, and run it. Or you could run it on a new hydro, and then take it off and put on a new Mercury AXS.
Originally posted by walleye
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I only see a problem on he off set skeg if you plan to turn RIGHT... Checl this motor's set up of Jerry Walin's.
On the inboard drive:
1. I considered copying the RC BOATS including using a flex drive shaft. I was going to make my flex driveshaft out of a telephone pole twisted wire and run it inside a Teflon pipe.........MIGHT WORK...
2. I wanted an INTRODUCTION MOTOR. I INTENTIONALLY built it so, you could put it on an OLD hydro, and run it. Or you could run it on a new hydro, and then take it off and put on a new Mercury AXS.