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SO Class Reduction Proposal

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  • Im all about doing things diffrent to better something.

    I agree with changing 20ss to BSH. Makes sense.We have ASH, CSH, DSH, So yes lets turn 20ss into BSH. Heck keep 20ss and make the 20SI a legal motor,along with a Y80. BSH must run a restricted 102/302.

    So do you think you are going to keep the membership up if you keep making changes to classes? Probably not.

    I was always told to leave stuff alone unless its broke. ASH/CSH are the 2 biggest classes in APBA. Teams are working on there programs finding speed and new good things for there program, then a wrench is thrown in.

    Just doesnt make sense.


    • Originally posted by 371-M
      Dean, how do you propose any club (including yours) break even at any race after said "re-structuring" ??? Have you any numbers to share? the APBA has all the numbers of boats/entries etc... have you taken them and subtracted the "cut" classes from the roster and seen the result of having a race or not with whats left? $$$$$ ???

      Seems to me that its really tuff to put on a race currently with all the classes the way they are now isnt it?

      The way I see it is that if you take any entries away, nobody will race, I mean MHRA is already trying to use the SLT guys to supplement part of grass lk and big rapids, to cover the insurance and sanction fees - and this year that even failed.

      I think all this speculation just runs potential new racers AWAY!

      This topic would be better played after the economy shows some signs of recovery

      You guys should just sit tight and let it be for awile, KEV has got a really good point as to people not knowing what direction to head with all this banter all the time.

      With all that said, I also believe something needs to be done to shortin up the day at the races and nationals week, just dont see how it can be done

      Lastly, How about we get rid of some regions, make everyone drive to say region 6 for instance, that way there would be enough boats to make every race have a full field of boats in every class, and every race would make money!

      But I am SURE that I am wrong
      I actually do not feel the banter itself will turn anyone with more than superficial enterest away. While it will educate them to some degree on the sport.
      Now the actual constant plan changing can and does turn potentials away. . That is the real big one.
      I speculate that at least one has been turned away due to this situation AFTER THEY PAID COLD CASH FOR A MOTOR AND BOAT!!!!! I will be trying to contact the individual in mind to find out if this is the case. If that is not the reason I will even be happy to share that with you all. in the name of fairness

      I agree completely with Dean that the day needs to be shortened. and the heats need to be fuller (although tired cold people buy ALOT more coffee)

      "The Coffee Guy"
      Cranked up and ready to Roll

      Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

      "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
      " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


      • Todd

        Hello Todd,

        Read my earlier posts, I outline in great detail how the $$ work.

        Basically, we run the schedule twice on Sat. once on Sunday.

        Now the new guy gets six heats for the weekend instead of four (three entry fees instead of two).

        That is the way MHRA would do it, but that is unique to our situation. At other events they would be able to schedule the full Stock program along with the full Mod program.
        Last edited by csh12M; 09-21-2010, 12:01 PM.


        • Running out of steam...

          Ok, I am running out of steam on this....

          I have about 10 PM saying they are in support. I had about 6 at Big Rapids for support and about 6-8 here. With about the same amount against. I don't think much more will come out of this thread.

          What is the next step?

          Do we quit now and just go status qua?

          Do we take the next step and I arrange a conference call to discuss it Nationally?

          Any other ideas?


          • In my opinion, now is not the time to be selfish, if we have to give a little for the better of the sport, then it's a good investment for our future. I support you Dean and will take a small step back under your plan to take a larger step in the future. Greg Lyons
            Future J dad!


            • Dean and Jeff---- A place you might think about the 25SS hydro is in mod with the 25mod (400cc) hydro. I just glanced at the 3 mile 3 lap and the 25ss was 60.8 and I think my record I just set at Dayton was right at 61.1 ??...Set at different places, so need to compare apples to apples... This was a quick glance and you could look at records, races where they raced on the same day etc. The 400 needs some help and could be a benefit to both. Obviously the parity committee will have to check it out closely. The 400's will want Joe Z to have a deep height restriction!!!!!LOL

              Rick Miller


              • I sure hope you are not running out of steam!
                Although I am confident you have worked long and hard in many different ways for Stock Outboard. It seems to me you have only just begun on this facet. If you run out of steam now it just means we will have to go through this again next month or next year when you or someone else that cares enough to try builds enough steam up to get on a roll.

                I kept saying "your plan" when I should not have. I do understand that you are just trying to lay out a basic rough starting point and go from there. with input from everyone. Thank you for the effort.

                Why not refrain from a Big leap that may or may not land us on solid footing? Why not push for a comittment from clubs to combine and score seperate? I know several people have been calling for that for several years. We at MRC and BSOA have been saying we are going to do it. Yet have only now begun. but the point is it seems that more people are willing now than even last year. If we do it this way we can find out if for instance running a BSH in 20 even works. before going to the national meeting and assuming it does.

                "The Coffee Guy"
                TEAM CAFFEINE
                Cranked up and ready to Roll

                Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

                "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
                " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


                • Here is something that might be worth while thinking about.

                  If the best of intentions are implemented in the name of the 'future', but the present gets pretty much destroyed in the process, will there be a future?


                  • Here is something else to think about:

                    If we keep doing what we been doing will we keep getting what we been getting?

                    302SSH.....Putting the Stock back in Stock Outboard


                    • Kev in 20ssH

                      Here is something else to think about:
                      Kev looked great testing a 20ssH @ PP this weekend!

                      Oops, sorry to get side tracked.

                      Dean, great discussion...keep up the good work!

                      - Mike


                      • Originally posted by pav225 View Post
                        Here is something else to think about:
                        Kev looked great testing a 20ssH @ PP this weekend!

                        Oops, sorry to get side tracked.

                        Dean, great discussion...keep up the good work!

                        - Mike
                        ROFL everyone looks good, when they are the only boat on the water!

                        "The Coffee Guy"
                        TEAM CAFFEINE
                        Cranked up and ready to Roll

                        Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

                        "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
                        " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


                        • Mikey Mikey, I got an Idea YOU sponsor Kevin and he can run 20ssh all you want. LOL
                          Just remember that mean you have to put Powered by Kev's Coffee on your boats!
                          Gene Schertz 26V
                          TEAM CAFFEINE
                          Cranked up and ready to Roll
                          Reeds for Speed!


                          • Originally posted by 26V View Post
                            Mikey Mikey, I got an Idea YOU sponsor Kevin and he can run 20ssh all you want. LOL
                            Just remember that mean you have to put Powered by Kev's Coffee on your boats!
                            But like Gene you can eat all the muffins and drink all the coffee you want at no cost and even get several bags of beans thoughout the season.

                            "The Coffee Guy"
                            TEAM CAFFEINE
                            Cranked up and ready to Roll

                            Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

                            "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
                            " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


                            • Thanks, Rick!

                              Originally posted by DrRick34-0 View Post
                              Dean and Jeff---- A place you might think about the 25SS hydro is in mod with the 25mod (400cc) hydro. I just glanced at the 3 mile 3 lap and the 25ss was 60.8 and I think my record I just set at Dayton was right at 61.1 ??...Set at different places, so need to compare apples to apples... This was a quick glance and you could look at records, races where they raced on the same day etc. The 400 needs some help and could be a benefit to both. Obviously the parity committee will have to check it out closely. The 400's will want Joe Z to have a deep height restriction!!!!!LOL

                              Rick Miller
                              I appreciate your thinking about us Rick. Actually, I already tried this at the Seattle national meeting this year. Even though all of our speeds are the same and we could have extra entries in mod every weekend, the majority on the mod commission voted it down. I was not able to be in the meeting due to being on the Sorc so I wasn't able to get a clear understanding of why. I assume it was only the fear of a stock rig beating a mod rig, but not sure.
                              Sorry to high jack your thread Dean, but I needed to answer Rick's idea.


                              • Originally posted by 26V View Post
                                Mikey Mikey, I got an Idea YOU sponsor Kevin and he can run 20ssh all you want. LOL
                                Just remember that mean you have to put Powered by Kev's Coffee on your boats!
                                As much Coffee as Mike drinks Kev should be buying him a boat...oh wait, maybe that was going on Mackey tab...
                                "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                                Don Allen

