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SO Class Reduction Proposal

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  • #16
    I suggested the 3 heat format when eliminations are required. two heat eliminations and a one heat final. Can be done now as it is in the rule book. We did it at the Western Divisionals this year at Oroville. Worked great. The exception is cannot do it that the Nationals. Eliminations require a two heat race.
    bill b


    • #17
      No class left behind

      So, response seems positive so far. I also do not want to leave any class with no place to go. As I have stated 25SSH is the one real sticking point. How do we make a 72MPH 34 inch wide small boat compete with the 68 MPH 36 inch wide CSH. We know we can drop in a restrictor, but that only hurts acceleration. Would running it at 3/4 of an inch take care of the rest? I am just throwing that out? Does anyone have a good idea on this? My plan if the response stays positive on this is (and I admit, I am making this up as I go along):

      - Validate MHRA acceptance at October meeting

      - Have a National Con Call, maybe two within the next 2-3 weeks to make sure everyone clearly understands what is proposed prior to Region Meetings.

      - Run for Region 6 Comm.

      - Facilitate all proposals to make this happen and clarify procedure by end of Nov.

      If this were to have any chance it has to be basically completed prior to the National meeting. The National meeting has to be more formality then go/no go decision point.

      A fall back position would be to legalize all the necessary entries that I outlined, 25SSR in CSR ect. without eliminating the other classes. I would then offer MHRA (if MHRA club has previously ratified) as a test club for the new format. We would only schedule the classes that would be the A,B,C,D classes of the future. Which would be ASH, ASR, 20SSH, BSR, CSH, CSR, DSH, DSR. However, I would rather take a shot at just getting to whole thing done right nationally.

      Again, I am making this procedure up as I go along. However, I have played this game long enough to know nothing like this could get accomplished unless we start now and work the process until the National Meeting. The meeting has to be the final step, not the first step.

      Last edited by csh12M; 09-20-2010, 12:10 PM.


      • #18
        Just what we needed.


        This format looks like something everyone should be doing on the national level. If it is proposed, I would definitely be behind it and even reach out to others in my region to support it as well. Something has to be done before it's 10 of us at each race and I think this a great starting point.
        Shawn Breisacher


        • #19
          I like the idea of changing 20SS to BSH.

          Leave CSH class alone. Isnt it the 2nd biggest class in APBA? I still think the motor height can be the same as 20. If some feel they cant cool there motor at 1/2, then they can go to 3/4 if they choose. Some people run the same rig/motor. This will make doing two classes very easy, drop the restrictor in, change wheels and go.


          • #20

            Leave BSR roll-up...definately!

            I never ran it, but I can certainly see BSH being a safety issue running a little hot rod powered B boat against a yamato powered rig. Also, slowing down the 25's might be a challenge.

            Otherwise, I think the "big plan" looks great.

            I hope for the sake of the sport that something happens with this.


            • #21
              BoatRacer for fun

              The CSH class/rules would not change as currently raced except for the potential addition of the 25SSH Mercury. The challenge would be slowing the Mercury down enough to compete with the CSH while not dominating them.


              • #22

                It could be a little bit of a handful, but many people have run the HotRod on a 20SSH boat. Ed Hearn won the first heat at Oroville on Brian Trolian 20SSH. Tim Sidor has done it many times. With the Hot Rod at 12CC is should be pretty competitive on a 20 boat. I could see it qualifying at the Nat's, but probably not placing.

                I have raced both and think it would not be ideal, but would be acceptable. the Mod. category also had a great class that anyone not wanting to try it could transition into, 250CCH.

                Thanks for the input keep it coming!



                • #23
                  Dean or anyone…1CC means what in MPH for the HotRod???
                  "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                  Don Allen


                  • #24
                    Your Proposal


                    I support the proposed format you have outlined.



                    • #25
                      Big Don

                      Big Don,

                      Mark or Dana can validate however when we were at 12CC I could get to 65 once in a while on a long course. Typically though 63-64 on most race weekends. When we went to 13CC that was the end of 65, no one has seen that speed at 13CC. The best speed I have seen out of anyone at 13CC is 64 by Jarred Rykse at Whitney Point a few years ago. It knocked our Hot Rod stuff from 65 down to 62, but we had much stiffer wheels than most. I think Tate and Sidors hit 63 a lot today at 13CC.

                      So that is a long answer to a simple question. the one CC was at least 1MPH, probably more like 1.5 for most and if your wheels were stiff 2MPH.

                      Miskerik, Hearn, Holt, Sidor would you all agree with that.

                      I talked with Dana about this combination. He thought it was good and had no fear from it. The Hot Rod should be able to be competitive at 12CC, some very competitive, but Donny should not have anything to worry about.


                      • #26
                        I don't think he's all that worried about me, but more for the hot rods. Like he said earlier, the Hot Rod and 2 15 ci Sidewinders ran with the 8 Yamato 80's we had at Pleasant Praire this weekend. Pretty sure they finished 9th, 10th, and 11th both heats on Saturday. Not to sure how thrilled they would be doing that every weekend all year round. 9th Place in 20SSH is miserable when you have a Yamato and wide bottom, can't imagine it with a hot rod and 34 inch. I feel like Nifer may have a pretty sour taste in her mouth about the boat ride you get with a hot rod after the weekends racing in the back of the pack.


                        • #27

                          How about test the 25xs aT the 440 pound csh weight and see how the speed is then.
                          MJR Composites racing...cleveland division


                          • #28
                            Donny your wrong I am worried about you, how's your head after that sponson just about tore it off. Oh wait you were referring to the class...

                            He is right I'm not worried about the Hot Rod at 12 or 13 nor the Sidewinder, just let me know what rules we are playing by and we’ll go to work.
                            "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                            Don Allen


                            • #29
                              D Allen 3

                              I for sure did not mean to offend with that comment. I think when striving for parity you have to handicap for the best, and right now in 20 that is you!

                              I trust at 13CC it would be a miserable ride. Especially with the Sidewinder as it has even less power in the turns. However, you let me take Ed Hearns motor down to 12CC and I will run it on a 20 boat and am pretty confident that I could hold my own. You reduce the CC to 11 (as it is in Mod.) and I might even be able to hang with that 225V missle you running.



                              • #30
                                Consolidation of classes I agree with completely.
                                1) please explain why in your quest for combining, You are not leaving a home for the 15H Sidewinder?

                                As someone that has only raced B hydro 3 times. I do not consider myself experienced enough in that ride to estimate how much better the ride would have been behind the 20's in "good" water race conditions, as apposed to the actual water we had at PP on Sat. But we all know, although some people might have forgotten. It is always a crappy ride behind 10 other boats. LOL
                                So how much better if it had been 10 B's instead of 10 20's I am just not sure.
                                But it sure was funner lining up on the start for an 11 boat field, than the usual 3 or 4 and I would do it again. Sat night I had felt that the reason we were so stretched out, was the Rollers from the 20's. I feel Sunday proved that suspicion wrong.

                                "The Coffee Guy"
                                TEAM CAFFEINE
                                Cranked up and ready to Roll

                                Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

                                "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
                                " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)

