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Kevlar suit certs...

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  • #46
    Mike, it doesn't work in court. Families and other insurers sue regardless of prior indemnification by the deceased.


    • #47
      Originally posted by reed28n View Post

      You may be new to APBA as a member, but you and your family have been around a very long time. You are one the more computer savvy people that surfs this site. The information about the topics to be discussed was available.
      This is why I'm wondering how I missed it... plus I'm on here at least 20-30 times a day.

      Searching this 11 page thread by keywords "kevlar" or "sleeves" and nothing is mentioned.

      Seaching this site for key words "stock proposal" that is the only thread I can find... nothing listed on the APBA website (currently... may have been removed already)

      I received nothing in the mail or by email from APBA.

      Was it in propeller? I admit I don't usually read that.

      So again I ask, where was it? Simple question. I'm not meaning to cause trouble... I know it must of been handed to the membership somehow if people are telling me it was... I just wanna know how it was communicated so I'll know next time.
      Last edited by Andrew 4CE; 02-09-2009, 01:52 PM. Reason: typo
      Fralick Racing
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      • #48
        What we have here is a solution to a problem which does not exist!

        More simply, it appears that because of a few racers wearing equipment that some other individuals happen to think LOOKS BAD and is therefore UNSAFE... all of the rest of us need to pay. Nuts! And worse, those who protest are sort of construed as not being concerned enough about safety, which is not so.

        Interestingly enough, during one of the meetings, someone asked how mishap/accident records were being kept or analyzed...KaBlammm. Wellll..., the silence was deafening. Seems to me, the reports, if they were looked at, would tell us that "certification" is not the problem. More likely, it would appear that wearing boots, instead of sneakers would have reduced injuries. Or, that more attention during inspection of kill switch lanyard length might have helped. I think Hunter said virtually the same thing in his post.

        Beware, there are those out there who think we should all wear a kind of uniform, like the big guys. That could become a 'safety issue' too. Everybody could see we're boat racers and they'd stay clear... knowing we're all kind of dangerous because we participate in an inherently dangerous sport. aaarrrrrrrrrrghhh

        the (shameless) Mad Russian


        • #49
          Kevlar testing

          I have been looking into testing for kevlar, most of the tests are for body armor and chain saw chaps . At first glance kevlar chaps 'wood 'seen to be similar , but they are designed to stop a chain saw by jaming the the saw chain against the other components of the saw housing , bar and sprocket. I would like to suggest that the Manufactures of Boat racing cut resistant clothing submitt to The Underwriters Laboratories a sample of their products ,for base line standards testing of newly manufactured cut resistant clothing. Samples could be obtained from racers of products that have been in service for 4 , 6 ,8, and 10 years . These used items could be tested to determine if at what ( if Any) interval the product should be re certified as usable. After the test are done and if there is a need for replacement or re certification this info could be presented to the safety committee for review . As a temporary measure we should inspect our own safety gear for obvious defects and repair as necessary. On a side note I found a chap manufacturer suggest the use of duct tape to repair small cuts in the outside fabric of their product.
          Last edited by Fast Jack; 02-10-2009, 08:07 AM. Reason: spelling error


          • #50
            From the UL web site:
            Q: How much does it cost and how long does it take to have a product tested?

            A: Cost varies depending on the product and complexity of test requirements. Once UL's engineering staff review your product information to determine the scope and time involved in the testing process, they will provide you with a cost estimate. UL will work with you in determining the time frame for testing, depending on when you need the project completed.


            • #51
              OHHH NOOOO DUCT TAPE!!! OMG!!! Help us please. Who dares to propose a repair using duct tape.... Oh how unsightly! Surely??? it MUST be unsafe? Where is this guy from... Rumson or Red Bank?? Cape Hatteras maybe?? Probably a tug boat driver.




              • #52

                Originally posted by reed28n View Post
                The SORC has a responsiblity to be tansparent to all of the Stock members.
                I imagine this quote could be a thread all it's own, but that aside.........i haven't seen anywhere in this thread where it was discussed about the certification procedure we went through in the 90's for this exact topic??

                I happen to agree with our Chairman on this. I was dissapointed when we stopped the re-inspection process in the late 90's, maybe Pat Gleason can refresh my fading memory here as to why the APBA and/or the SORC went away from the re-certification process?? I remember sending the jackets back and getting a 'checkup' done for $40 i believe per jacket. I thought it was money well spent to assure my kids were in 'acceptable' safty gear.

                I guess sometimes we can go overboard with stupid rules that never seem to make sense to most, however i think re-certification was a excellent 'minimum' safety step back in the 90's and i was dissapointed when it was stopped. I feel the SORC's and APBA's job in part is to protect ourselves from ourselves. If left up to many of the drivers,they would be still racing in shorts and a tee-shirt (in my opinion testing is another story Mr Chairman!)......

                In a cataglory where many of our boat builders and motor heads are argueably trying to 'make a living off drivers', as one of you posted, i don't think Security was out of line at all for what they charged to keep us a little safer.

                Ok................just shoot me now!!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Matt Dagostino View Post
                  I imagine this quote could be a thread all it's own, but that aside.........i haven't seen anywhere in this thread where it was discussed about the certification procedure we went through in the 90's for this exact topic??

                  I happen to agree with our Chairman on this. I was dissapointed when we stopped the re-inspection process in the late 90's, maybe Pat Gleason can refresh my fading memory here as to why the APBA and/or the SORC went away from the re-certification process?? I remember sending the jackets back and getting a 'checkup' done for $40 i believe per jacket. I thought it was money well spent to assure my kids were in 'acceptable' safty gear.

                  I guess sometimes we can go overboard with stupid rules that never seem to make sense to most, however i think re-certification was a excellent 'minimum' safety step back in the 90's and i was dissapointed when it was stopped. I feel the SORC's and APBA's job in part is to protect ourselves from ourselves. If left up to many of the drivers,they would be still racing in shorts and a tee-shirt (in my opinion testing is another story Mr Chairman!)......

                  In a cataglory where many of our boat builders and motor heads are argueably trying to 'make a living off drivers', as one of you posted, i don't think Security was out of line at all for what they charged to keep us a little safer.

                  Ok................just shoot me now!!

                  Wow! Looks like you and Scott may actually agree on something. Hey thanks for the VCR instructional e-mail. I can't stop reading the fine print.


                  • #54

                    Originally posted by 14J View Post
                    Wow! Hey thanks for the VCR instructional e-mail. I can't stop reading the fine print.
                    No problem!! Make sure you delete it however before Heather gets home. Somehow i just don't think even you could explain your way out of that one!!

                    Fly safe!!


                    • #55
                      Captain A

                      Hey Matt, I am not against an inspection program if it is proven to be necessary , and if there are standards. I pay every year to have my car inspected. There are established guidelines on what passes and what fails. If some one will show me a list for the inspection on our safety gear and how it will be tested I probibly would have a more favorable outlook on inspection. I dont like the idea that someone will look at it and say pass or fail ,espically if the have a financial stake in the outcome.


                      • #56
                        Gotta love irony

                        I tried my best not to get into this mess, but I couldn't resist pointing out the irony.

                        We trust Security Race Products with our safety, but we don't trust their integrity when it comes to inspecting their own product??

                        I don't know about the rest of you, but when Pat delivers a product to me I put it on and race in it without first conducting my own tests to validate Security's expertise.

                        Although there any many contingencies to be worked out when it comes to inspection, life expectancy, condition, etc. This issue has at the heart of it our (driver's) best interest in mind and nothing else.

                        Thank you Security for continuing to provide first class safety equipment to our sport.



                        • #57
                          I agree completely with Forshey's post. Kudos to Pat Gleason and Security for what they are trying to help with. I for one am guilty of racing with pants that are worn out. I will be replacing these this month.

                          Comments about how they are just trying to make money off of us is completely absurd. If you had any idea of the integrity of Pat Gleason known throughout the country prior to making these statements, you'd think twice about them.


                          • #58

                            The rules are the rules, lets just play by them. This past fall I sent my 1 year old SRP lifejacket back to Pat for a helmet restraint system. I paid a whopping 38 bucks for the roundtrip shipping from Pennsylvania to Washington and back, that's darn near coast to coast. In the big picture of what we spend in a year to go racing, safety equipment should be in the 'will not skimp on' column. I will continue to use SRP gear and put my trust in Pat Gleason for a quality product, and if it's gonna cost me 50 or so bucks for a little tag, oh well. Man, we all need Spring to get here so we can get off these computers and get back to racing! GL
                            Future J dad!


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Gunjumper View Post
                              The rules are the rules, lets just play by them. This past fall I sent my 1 year old SRP lifejacket back to Pat for a helmet restraint system. I paid a whopping 38 bucks for the roundtrip shipping from Pennsylvania to Washington and back, that's darn near coast to coast. In the big picture of what we spend in a year to go racing, safety equipment should be in the 'will not skimp on' column. I will continue to use SRP gear and put my trust in Pat Gleason for a quality product, and if it's gonna cost me 50 or so bucks for a little tag, oh well. Man, we all need Spring to get here so we can get off these computers and get back to racing! GL
                              Greg I agree with you, its been a long cold winter, I would chalk this whole argument up to cabin fever.
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                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Brew56 View Post
                                I agree completely with Forshey's post. Kudos to Pat Gleason and Security for what they are trying to help with. I for one am guilty of racing with pants that are worn out. I will be replacing these this month.

                                Comments about how they are just trying to make money off of us is completely absurd. If you had any idea of the integrity of Pat Gleason known throughout the country prior to making these statements, you'd think twice about them.
                                What money? you mean the few dollars Pat might take home when all is said and done! anyone that has been involved with boat racing for any amount of time knows that there is no money in boat racing and the guys who do support us by selling these products are lucky to take home a few nickles at the end of the day.

                                Great job Pat keep up the good work HR is behind you 100%
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