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Participation sport or an event?

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  • #46
    Something to think about. This comes from the NOA Rooster Tail publication of October 1956, page 8, covering the Division IV Modified Stock World Championships:

    "Meyer, a little village with a population of some 83 individuals, sets a new record in being host to a World Championship event in that no locale in the memory of outboard race officials so small in population ever attempted to stage a race of such enormous proportions. AS SOME 20,000 RACE FANS lined the banks of the Mississippi, which as another record for the little city, townspeople remarked 'Never has such a crowd been in Meyer, and no doubt if ever an event could be staged here that would bring that many people back.' "

    The article goes on to say over 300 DRIVERS showed up to race at the Meyer, Illinois, September event.

    Boy, we've really come a long way since with our vast knowledge and expertise, haven't we?

    Paul A Christner


    • #47
      I joined this sport? in 1967, stock outboard was having this discussion, I left this hobby in 1989, stock outboard,same discussions, Discovered HR.net in spring of 2008, same problems, same discussions, after treading water for over 41 years, isn't time to either sink or swim?

      "...if your not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space"



      • #48
        You are quite right Steve. And it will remain that way as long as we continue to legislate for our own self interest, rather than the future of the sport.
        John Runne

        Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

        True parity is one motor per class.

        It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

        NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


        • #49
          A Marketing Point Of View

          If you all decide to persue the sponsorship route, Here is a point of view.(For what it's worth)

          Remember, Brand Managers and Marketing Managers don't throw money at just anything. They have budgets, and they are expected to demonstrate results from dollars spent. By in large, those budgets are established at the begining of their year either calendar or fiscal. Timing is everything.

          Be prepared to demonstrate a clear understanding of their brand; what it means, what it stands for, its core values, its called a "Brand Footprint."

          Have an accurate understanding of their target audience. (Demographics)Understand who they are, where they live, how they spend. Understand their "Psycographics". How they think, what's cool to them, what engages them, as well as what they think is "lame".Remember, "Extreme" marketers may be trying to accually reach a younger audience than may be obvious, because kids don't want to be thought of as "Kids", so marketers sometimes shoot a little older to reach those who are a little younger.

          Be prepared to show "Brand Alignment" with your event. Needs to be insightful and well thought out, because you will probably be dealing with a lower level Marketing Department person, who will have to take your proposal "Upstream". This is especially important when someone asks the big question "How the #*@!! is this going to help us?". Your inside guy needs to be a big believer in your deal, and he's not going to do a lot of research/work on his own. You need to supply him with a quiver of arrows.

          This probably doesn't need to be said, but even if it seems to you that the Brand you are flirting with is "Loose, Casual, Hip & Cool", they are very serious about why they do what they do.

          Remember, your deep understanding of the Brand is crucial, because your proposal needs to "Reek" of who they are... If they are "Hip & Cool" you need to be Hip and Cool. If they are "Family Values" you need to be Family Values.

          If it's the beverage or sports drink category, Remember that local bottlers and distributors do have their own marketing and promotions budget. Perhaps this would be a good starting point. "Think local, act national". Tie it in with local radio station "Remote" broadcasts, do this in different regions across the country, and DO***ENT EVERYTHING, thereby being able to offer the "Master Brand", data from a quasi-national test market, with Regional emphasis.

          Prove to them that you "get it."

          The two biggest reasons proposals are rejected?
          1. "It doesn't fit into our budget." = We're going to spend it elsewhere
          2. "It doesn't align with our brand." = You don't get it


          • #50
            My participation

            I was getting the nervous shakes. Going thru a mental checklist in my head: Lifejacket...check, kevlar...check, kill switch...check, etc. I was going over all the things that I had gone over a dozen times already. I sat in my runabout waiting for the lemans start of the Top O' Marathon race. I was in my own little world at that moment. Thinking about nothing but myself and my own boat.
            Then I was interupted by several men shouting out. "Move down-move down!" they said. I looked up to see the commotion was coming from the wave of C class boats ahead of me. There were so many boats, that they barely fit into the starting area. Some scooting around was needed. As I watched them prepare to start, it hit me: WOW! 23 C boats all in a row with 46 men holding the boats! I wish I had a camera in the boat with me. It was an impressive sight.
            I thought about that for a moment. I realized how lucky I am to be here. I realized a sight like this may never happen again. Who knows, perhaps this event will never take place again? Maybe something will happen to my health and I would be forced to give up this sport. Maybe I will lose my job and have to sell my equipment?
            We all want this sport to continue. Perhaps our sport will grow, or maybe it will continue to dwindle away. Things may never be like the glory days of yesteryear. But, we need to consider that THESE times are the glory days of our lives. We should spend less time looking behind us, and more time appreciating what we have RIGHT NOW.


            • #51
              Funny Thread

              This is a funny thread. The same ideas and opinions that are expressed here have been expressed so many times over and over the last several years. Most have some good points.

              Until you remove the racers from the politics things will never change.
              Dave Mason
              Just A Boat Racer


              • #52
                I think the thing that this sport is missing is the steady venue. most othe sports have a track that is there 24/7 or an area that attracts people weekend after weekend. its hard to attract a fan base that only comes to town once a year, or have to travel an hour or more to just watch. what the sport might need is a local club that meets twice a month that brings videos to the local venue or have a boat club that meets at a lake thats local onece a month to gainmore intrest and with help of the internet we can fuel the support of our sport.

                hydroracer got me back in the sport after 10 years, the region 11 website is the same as when i started racing back in 94 and after getting i contact with people on hydro racer i now own a boat and 102 for osy 400, and i cant wait for the 2009 season

