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  • #31
    A little off the topic of this thread but some what relative, a few months back Sam Culis open my eyes when I was so set in my point which was gas prices would never come back down. Well Sam was right and I was dead wrong I bought gas the other day for $1.65 a gallon right in the center of town do you see my point? never say never! keep an open mind and step outside of your comfort zone.
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    • #32
      Originally posted by G Stillwill View Post
      Maybe you all need to look at what the J Division is doing and why the numbers are increasing every year. Alot of hard work by people in the right direction has made this happen. The Harm Project, the Inboard project APBA making avaible new motors conversion kits avalible to convert fishing motors to racing and all at a reasonable price. .
      how do the numbers break down? IE NEW blood J drivers as apposed to OLD blood new J drivers?

      "The Coffee Guy"
      Cranked up and ready to Roll

      Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

      "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
      " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


      • #33
        Kev I didnt break it down but all the the Harm project and Inboard project are new blood drivers. Which with the Inboards its around 10 to 12 drivers and they take turns with the 5 boats. To get the exact amount including both I would have to go and see the exact increase in numbers per year. The increase is quit a bit considering the other divisions are going in the other direction.
        Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.


        • #34
          I think you'd have to qualify the Inboard kids as half-blood. Technically new to outboard racing, but mostly from current APBA Inboard families.


          • #35
            The Shane family is running their program like a "production" or "factory boat" program. All the boats and motors are the same, the drivers change. I like the format.

            They have worked hard on something different and proven it is a step in the right direction.

            302SSH.....Putting the Stock back in Stock Outboard


            • #36
              Originally posted by Admin View Post
              For example the Mountain Dew - Dew Tours covers FREESKI SNOWBOARD SKATE BMX & FMX


              Red Bull covers:

              Motor Cross - Karting - F1 - Air Race - Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup - and the list goes on and on!


              Its time to get of the back woods and take at least three or four of our top classes to the board room table and show these guys what we have to offer. We are the last sport in world still racing for our self's! yes the economy is tight but money is out there if we just present our product in the right way.

              For the love of God! if Red Bull backs the Red Bull Donkey Cross they will give money to anyone!!!!!!!!!

              I've been reading and reading all the answers that so many drivers have about the future of clamp on racing... So far you have mentioned one thing
              that you all know is the only answer but have done nothing to make the leadership on APBA step up to the plate and open APBA's checking account
              and spend there money on a professional Marketing campaign,,,I know there are members other than me that know how expensive a well run marketing campaign can be but do know that the membership would fall over at the realization of the costs.
              My rantings last year and the posting of APBA's financials caused APBA to spend $40,000.00 on promotion. Did anyone see APBA's commercials on National TV ? Answer no no no..So realize guys $40,000.00 is a drop in the bucket. I got them to start something Please Please some of you guy's make some noise and get them to spend alot more they have it but seem to think it's headquarters saving's for a rainy day well wake up and smell the coffee it's raining. First line in APBA book say's Purpose of APBA is to promote
              power boat racing so lets hold leadership to it. Talk to you representives in your area and insist that APBA Promotes more than anything else they do.

              Pat Wright


              • #37
                Sam no they are not half blood most are from the high school in Claksville and the only racing they know is from watching the races there. I dont ever remember seeing you at any of the races where they have run to even know ins and outs of the program. Some of the boats were built in the school wood shop and the others by local wood shops.
                Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.


                • #38
                  Here is a case in point guys, the NBRA has had, and this year again has a participation type of program, and it seems to work pretty good, also it has helped a great deal to get local sponcers to put up some money for the race, IE I live in the NW corner of Arkansas, I attended 9 weekends of racing in 08,3 of those races were 400 or more miles from my house 3 races 225 mile and 3 within 100 miles, after all the expensis tallied and all the tow money and winnings I recievied to particate and show and race, the total I spent for the season to race was $575 thats it all I spent for a entire year of racing. Now I dont know of what other type of hobbie you can do for a entire year for that cheap. Ive tried them all Karts, M/Cs I also ran super mods and sprints. I do know for a fact that the more monie there is to win the more money you HAVE to spend , IE if there is a sport that has a million dollar purse for a event you better have $250,000 in your equipment , then you get there only to find that the guy your competing against has a ton of money more in his rig, and puts you out of the money, Whats the point?? big money , takes big money. We all have to face it this is mearly just a hobbie, a sport none less, but still a hobbie, To stir up new blood you have to put on shows that people will attend , run a shorter program, and get local sponcers, sponcers want people to come thats all , just attendance, They dont care if your program is 2 hours or 10 hours, they just look at how much there name is announced and how many people show up.but after about 3 or 4 hours people get bored and go home, We at NBRA run 14 classes of stock and mod, most all engines are legal to run in 1 or 2 of our class structure, and we run about a 4 hour program, sponcers seem to like it, hence we are growing and the race sites are being ruran with local sponcers putting even more money up each year. As far as the participation series of races ,we have some corporate sponcers and we have pooled that up for the end of the year, to encorage racers to gome to those events, for more info see the NBRA link Jeff Ruth


                  • #39
                    Not looking to pick a fight...

                    Originally posted by Admin View Post
                    What factual information do you have that says there is no sponsorship money available? These are all myths drilled into our head by the media. We are not talking about the type of sponsorship needed to run a multimillion dollar Formula 1 race team or a multi car Nascar Cup team.

                    When I speak of sponsorship I am only suggesting that we find a company like Mountain Dew or Red Bull to pick the tab for a six race series which can be done on a first year trial basis for a very modest amount of money.

                    This is not belaboring points or bellyaching about what we don't have, it is only a suggestion that might be worth a try.
                    What factual information do I have? Didn't you yourself just initiate a thread on December 7 saying how the Big Three are pulling their sponsorship of NASCAR (see "Automakers Pulling Out of NASCAR, F1, Le Mans -- Can Racing Survive?"); how Honda is dumping their F1 program (see "Global crisis ends Honda F1 era"); that Audi is purging themselves from the American LeMans Series (see "Audi to Pull Out of ALMS for 2009"); and finally that Suzuki may be pulling out of AMA (see "Suzuki may be pulling out of AMA")? These are big-time companies pulling big-time money out of big-time programs! I further quote you, referring to outboard racing "... not talking about the type of sponsorship needed to run a multimillion dollar Formula 1 race team or a multi car Nascar Cup team." Well that sure is a relief because apparently Formula 1 and NASCAR can't get that kind of sponsorship either!

                    So I ask you, how on God's Green Earth are a bunch of outboard boat racers, most of whom do this for a hobby (and a rather obscure hobby at that), going to get sponsorship money from even a Mom-and-Pop operation when global corporations are pulling their dollars from well-known, world-publicized sports?

                    And I'm not knocking my fellow racers or this sport; I love outboard racing more than motorcycle racing, motocross, and karting combined. Further, our brotherhood (and sisterhood) of racers are first-class and second to none when it comes to giving of their time and talents to help their fellow racers.

                    All I'm saying is to put our energy into proven techniques rather than putting the blinders on and going down a potential fruitless alley. Get more involved in your local club, volunteer your time at races doing the tasks that need doing, and be a difference maker. All of us in our own local clubs have the tools to make racing better. We just have to be willing to use them.

                    So to conclude, I apologize if I offended you or anyone else by using words like "bellyaching" and "belaboring of points" in my previous post. But when are we going to realize we are what we are; a participation sport. Let's put forth our efforts at being the best of what we are rather than aspiring to something we are not.
                    Michael J. Mackey
                    Lola Boatwerks Factory Foreman
                    Pavlick Race Boats Factory Driver
                    Yamato Aficionado


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by thepiranhabros View Post
                      What factual information do I have? Didn't you yourself just initiate a thread on December 7 saying how the Big Three are pulling their sponsorship of NASCAR (see "Automakers Pulling Out of NASCAR, F1, Le Mans -- Can Racing Survive?"); how Honda is dumping their F1 program (see "Global crisis ends Honda F1 era"); that Audi is purging themselves from the American LeMans Series (see "Audi to Pull Out of ALMS for 2009"); and finally that Suzuki may be pulling out of AMA (see "Suzuki may be pulling out of AMA")? These are big-time companies pulling big-time money out of big-time programs! I further quote you, referring to outboard racing "... not talking about the type of sponsorship needed to run a multimillion dollar Formula 1 race team or a multi car Nascar Cup team." Well that sure is a relief because apparently Formula 1 and NASCAR can't get that kind of sponsorship either!

                      So I ask you, how on God's Green Earth are a bunch of outboard boat racers, most of whom do this for a hobby (and a rather obscure hobby at that), going to get sponsorship money from even a Mom-and-Pop operation when global corporations are pulling their dollars from well-known, world-publicized sports?

                      And I'm not knocking my fellow racers or this sport; I love outboard racing more than motorcycle racing, motocross, and karting combined. Further, our brotherhood (and sisterhood) of racers are first-class and second to none when it comes to giving of their time and talents to help their fellow racers.

                      All I'm saying is to put our energy into proven techniques rather than putting the blinders on and going down a potential fruitless alley. Get more involved in your local club, volunteer your time at races doing the tasks that need doing, and be a difference maker. All of us in our own local clubs have the tools to make racing better. We just have to be willing to use them.

                      So to conclude, I apologize if I offended you or anyone else by using words like "bellyaching" and "belaboring of points" in my previous post. But when are we going to realize we are what we are; a participation sport. Let's put forth our efforts at being the best of what we are rather than aspiring to something we are not.
                      But the truth is that most well known global corporations are not pulling their dollars from well-known, world-publicized sports. The big three US auto makers are in trouble because of there lack of planning and greed. This will only effect NASCAR and F1 two of the most expensive sports in the world today. The two company's that I mention are doing extremely well and seem to open there doors too just about anyone. The Red Bull Series and the Dew Tour who sponsor events like Skate Boarding and BMX who are more like us.

                      Give me one good reason why we should not take the CSH hydro class to the folks who run the Dew Tour and ask for a meeting. By the way this event was held last Summer in Baltimore Maryland just a 30 min drive from my home in Silver Spring and the crowd was massive!

                      <object width="512" height="296"><param name="movie" value="http://www.hulu.com/embed/1qfmfmQyk5i-iOhH8LfPtA"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.hulu.com/embed/1qfmfmQyk5i-iOhH8LfPtA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" width="512" height="296"></embed></object>
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                      • #41
                        Impressive video, but...

                        Originally posted by Admin View Post
                        But the truth is that most well known global corporations are not pulling their dollars from well-known, world-publicized sports. The big three US auto makers are in trouble because of there lack of planning and greed. This will only effect NASCAR and F1 two of the most expensive sports in the world today. The two company's that I mention are doing extremely well and seem to open there doors too just about anyone. The Red Bull Series and the Dew Tour who sponsor events like Skate Boarding and BMX who are more like us.

                        Give me one good reason why we should not take the CSH hydro class to the folks who run the Dew Tour and ask for a meeting. By the way this event was held last Summer in Baltimore Maryland just a 30 min drive from my home in Silver Spring and the crowd was massive!

                        <object width="512" height="296"><param name="movie" value="http://www.hulu.com/embed/1qfmfmQyk5i-iOhH8LfPtA"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.hulu.com/embed/1qfmfmQyk5i-iOhH8LfPtA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" width="512" height="296"></embed></object>
                        I respectfully disagree. BMX and skateboarding are not anything like outboard racing. BMX made its Olympic debut in the 2008 Beijing Games, and there is talk about adding skateboarding to the 2012 London Games lineup. These are not hobby-type, participation sports!

                        And just who is going to be the foot-in-the-door with the Dew Tour or the Red Bull folks? Is anybody out there even willing to step into this position? This is not something that is going to happen overnight or over the next season. Are you going to be the face? Is APBA willing to step up to the plate? This is not as simple as making a phone call to Mountain Dew or Red Bull and asking for a meeting. To think so is preposterous.

                        As for one good reason why not to take CSH (or any outboard class) to the Dew Tour, Red Bull, or any other potential sponsor, here is my rationale. If by chance all the stars and planets line up and they did gave us a shot, we immediately become gears in the corporate machine and racing as we know it will come to screeching halt. Outboard racing can be called inexpensive when compared to the likes of other motorizes sports. But I bet I'm not alone when I say I have to get pretty darned creative with my budgets to be able to finance my hobby as it is now. Under a corporate regime, we will all be forced to project a certain "image" by wearing the monkey suits, upgrading our rigs, and decorating them to the likings of the Corporate Sponsor. And that isn't going to be free to us racers. And then what will happen when Big Corporate tires of outboard racing, finds we're not profitable enough to sustain, or decides to channel the sponsor dollars into the next up-and-coming sport? It will be the final nail in our coffin.

                        I'm not trying to be a downer; I'm trying to be realistic. Less sky, more pie.
                        Michael J. Mackey
                        Lola Boatwerks Factory Foreman
                        Pavlick Race Boats Factory Driver
                        Yamato Aficionado


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by thepiranhabros View Post
                          I respectfully disagree. BMX and skateboarding are not anything like outboard racing. BMX made its Olympic debut in the 2008 Beijing Games, and there is talk about adding skateboarding to the 2012 London Games lineup. These are not hobby-type, participation sports!

                          And just who is going to be the foot-in-the-door with the Dew Tour or the Red Bull folks? Is anybody out there even willing to step into this position? This is not something that is going to happen overnight or over the next season. Are you going to be the face? Is APBA willing to step up to the plate? This is not as simple as making a phone call to Mountain Dew or Red Bull and asking for a meeting. To think so is preposterous.

                          As for one good reason why not to take CSH (or any outboard class) to the Dew Tour, Red Bull, or any other potential sponsor, here is my rationale. If by chance all the stars and planets line up and they did gave us a shot, we immediately become gears in the corporate machine and racing as we know it will come to screeching halt. Outboard racing can be called inexpensive when compared to the likes of other motorizes sports. But I bet I'm not alone when I say I have to get pretty darned creative with my budgets to be able to finance my hobby as it is now. Under a corporate regime, we will all be forced to project a certain "image" by wearing the monkey suits, upgrading our rigs, and decorating them to the likings of the Corporate Sponsor. And that isn't going to be free to us racers. And then what will happen when Big Corporate tires of outboard racing, finds we're not profitable enough to sustain, or decides to channel the sponsor dollars into the next up-and-coming sport? It will be the final nail in our coffin.

                          I'm not trying to be a downer; I'm trying to be realistic. Less sky, more pie.
                          Ok forget it! stay in the back woods for ever! I am so sick of this very same answer every time someone suggest that we pull our self's out of the stone age and into the modern world so go ahead and enjoy the back woods racing hold on while I cue up the theme song from Deliverance it seems to fit this crowd very well.
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                          • #43

                            Originally posted by Admin View Post
                            Ok forget it! stay in the back woods for ever! I am so sick of this very same answer every time someone suggest that we pull our self's out of the stone age and into the modern world so go ahead and enjoy the back woods racing hold on while I cue up the theme song from Deliverance it seems to fit this crowd very well.
                            Well, that's not very productive at all. Not to mention a little insensitive to Ned Beatty fans.

                            I'm not trying to ruffle your feathers. I want what is best for our sport/hobby. But first and foremost, I think we have to be true to who we are. If a sponsor series could be proven to work, that would be great. And I will humbly eat every word I wrote. All I'm saying is that we have to be careful of what we wish for, as we certainly will get it.
                            Michael J. Mackey
                            Lola Boatwerks Factory Foreman
                            Pavlick Race Boats Factory Driver
                            Yamato Aficionado


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by thepiranhabros View Post
                              Well, that's not very productive at all. Not to mention a little insensitive to Ned Beatty fans.

                              I'm not trying to ruffle your feathers. I want what is best for our sport/hobby. But first and foremost, I think we have to be true to who we are. If a sponsor series could be proven to work, that would be great. And I will humbly eat every word I wrote. All I'm saying is that we have to be careful of what we wish for, as we certainly will get it.
                              I'm not mad just frustrated that this sport has not evolved. Change is scary but at some point change will be a necessity not an option. Sam C. mention a few post back that the current driver base will not sustain the sport forever.
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                              • #45
                                We are ... Devo!

