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STOCK Proposals for National meeting.....

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  • #31
    Other topics

    #2 Rounded Tips

    #3 Helmet rule clarification

    #4 AX and sidewinder parity
    Dan Wilde

    "Don't let a win go to your head, or a loss to your heart." Chuck D


    • #32
      #4? ax and sidewinder parity? IMHO I do not see any reason to let the sidewinder IN axs.

      "The Coffee Guy"
      Cranked up and ready to Roll

      Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

      "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
      " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


      • #33

        OMC v Merc parity in AX should be looked at. it may be time to help the OMC be competitive again.

        Separate would be making sure the Sidewinder is not instantly dominating in the A class.
        Dan Wilde

        "Don't let a win go to your head, or a loss to your heart." Chuck D


        • #34

          Some real opinions for the National Meeting!! Keep it up

          Personal Opinions subject to change with good logic and a convincing argument or better yet good DATA.

          Stock/MOD pickel points should have the same rule thus allowing a driver to run the same boat in stock and mod classes. This will avoid an issue of mod boats being able to run stock classes but stock boats not being able to run mod classes.

          reinforced cockpit sides,,,,,, show me the data on T bones..... But my personal opinion is that they would increase the injurys to drivers being tossed out of the boat. Look at the number of broken cockpit sides after this happens. better the side breaks or gives then the drivers bones.

          Merk should dominate J and ASX, Its the motor of choice for those classes.
          Just as the Sidewinder should dominate the AStock and Bstock classes .....in a year or two.

          PS please feel free to email or pm me, as a member of this years SORC I value your input!
          Last edited by 26V; 12-09-2008, 01:22 PM.
          Gene Schertz 26V
          Cranked up and ready to Roll
          Reeds for Speed!


          • #35
            Current Yamato: 302

            Originally posted by 26V View Post
            Some real opinions for the National Meeting!! Keep it up

            Merk should dominate J and ASX, Its the motor of choice for those classes.
            Just as the Sidewinder should dominate the AStock and Bstock classes .....in a year or two.
            PS please feel free to email or pm me, as a member of this years SORC I value your input!
            Taken from Propeller June 2007
            "A key component of the plan is to transition the A, B, 20SSH, and 25SSR classes to the new Sidewinder motors being produced by Racing Outboards LLC over the next few years. These four would morph into the A, 15SS, and B classes, with the Sidewinder 15 and 20 motors eventually becoming the favored motors. The current primary motors in these classes are 15-30 years old. The intention is to avoid prolonging the life of out-of-production motors if there is a viable alternate available.
            A critical part of this transition is Racing Outboards being able to deliver motors. They have made great progress and expectations are high. We feel that if they can maintain the schedule that they expect, than these motors should have the opportunity to move into our class structure as soon as possible. The future of these classes is reliant upon the success of the Sidewinder project.
            Since we are not likely to see a return to the days of motor production for Stock Outboard at a major corporate level, we depend on small endeavors like Racing Outboards and others for new motors. Success for them is success for us. This means that the transition to new motors may need to be handled in a different manner than the SORC has handled it in the past."

            I still fail to understand why the current model Yamato 302 is being left in only one Stock class (C)? It seems reasonable to let it run restricted as it does now in 20SSH.


            • #36
              Originally posted by drbyrne55 View Post
              I still fail to understand why the current model Yamato 302 is being left in only one Stock class (C)? It seems reasonable to let it run restricted as it does now in 20SSH.

              Some of this pre-dates my term so don't quote me. The objective is to avoid having a (3) motor class (parity concerns, etc.). The class would be a (2) motor class, Yamato 80 & Sidewinder 20ci. The idea being that the 80 would die over time leaving us with a single and current production motor class. Furthermore I believe the restricted engines were allowed into the 20 class at a time when the class needed a band aid (similiar to the Yamato's entering into the 25SSR class). The belief now is that the class is healthy enough that the restricted C motors are no longer necessary.

              Others may have some input on this.
              Last edited by 14J; 12-09-2008, 02:18 PM.


              • #37
                Originally posted by 14J View Post
                Some of this pre-dates my term so don't quote me. The objective is to avoid having a (3) motor class (parity concerns, etc.). The class would be a (2) motor class, Yamato 80 & Sidewinder 20ci. The idea being that the 80 would die over time leaving us with a single and current production motor class. Furthermore I believe the restricted engines were allowed into the 20 class at a time when the class needed a band aid (similiar to the Yamato's entering into the 25SSR class). The belief now is that the class is healthy enough that the restricted C motors are no longer necessary.

                Others may have some input on this.
                I can see that particular point; Yamato has been and is a strong company for decades and seemingly will continue. APBA could spread risk and support equally by having the 302 choice engine in B (restricted) and C and Sidewinder in A and 15.
                Last edited by drbyrne55; 12-09-2008, 03:44 PM.


                • #38

                  Region: Commissioners:
                  1 Alex Poliakoff
                  2 Scott Clark
                  3 Troy Gladkowski
                  4 John Runne
                  5 Dave Schubert
                  6 Brian Trolian
                  6 Thomas Johnston
                  6 Jeff Brewster
                  7 Roger Przybyla
                  7 Gene Schertz
                  10 David Anderson
                  10 Brian "Tony" Perman
                  11 Stephen Wilde
                  12 Tammy Dawe

                  Bob Trolian

                  We are still considering one or two additional appointments. Please get your agenda items to your commissioners!


                  • #39
                    Pickle points

                    Stock and J needs to consider the fact that our hydro's are not as big and do not go as fast.

                    Our Boat tech committe will be recommending that our pickle point rule be written so that all boats that pass the Modified or Pro rule will be legal for Stock.

                    Cock pit sides will be a recommended construction practice compiled from experinced laminate professionals.

                    An additional task would be to look at our rules for boats and convert them to nautical terms. That way going forward we can have a standard accepted glossary of terms. One difficulty in efforcing rules written in beer drinking boat racer terms is we spawn alot of gray area......


                    • #40
                      Problem with Commission

                      The problem with the commission is that my regions comish, being my father, hardly ever listens to my opinions. Maybe I'll try Tammy or Dave.
                      Dan Wilde

                      "Don't let a win go to your head, or a loss to your heart." Chuck D


                      • #41
                        Our Boat tech committe will be recommending that our pickle point rule be written so that all boats that pass the Modified or Pro rule will be legal for Stock.
                        But will our "Stock boats" be legal in Mod if we just comply with the stock rule for pickle points?
                        Gene Schertz 26V
                        TEAM CAFFEINE
                        Cranked up and ready to Roll
                        Reeds for Speed!


                        • #42
                          Gene, If you run Mod, you need to make your boat comply to the mod rules regardless of a less stringent rule that Stock will mandate.
                          John Runne

                          Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                          True parity is one motor per class.

                          It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                          NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


                          • #43
                            Our Boat tech committe will be recommending that our pickle point rule be written so that all boats that pass the Modified or Pro rule will be legal for Stock.

                            - we need to look at that the other way. our rule should be such that if the boat passes stock inspection. it will be legal for mod.

                            Cock pit sides will be a recommended construction practice compiled from experinced laminate professionals.
                            -I am more concerned with what a crash expert thinks than what a laminate expert thinks. at least in this case.

                            "The Coffee Guy"
                            TEAM CAFFEINE
                            Cranked up and ready to Roll

                            Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

                            "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
                            " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


                            • #44
                              Kev, The Stock rule will not be as strict as the Mod/Pro rule. If you plan on running Mod on your Stock boat, it will have to comply with the Mod/Pro rule. If you want to run Stock with your Mod or Pro boat it will already be legal by complying with the Mod/Pro rule.
                              John Runne

                              Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                              True parity is one motor per class.

                              It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                              NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


                              • #45
                                Why not just adopt the rule they have John?

                                "The Coffee Guy"
                                TEAM CAFFEINE
                                Cranked up and ready to Roll

                                Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

                                "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
                                " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)

