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STOCK Proposals for National meeting.....

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Kev43V View Post
    ROFLMBO Ian, Ian thats funny
    here is one( tongue in cheek)
    All classes combined. A-D, hydros and runabouts. 1/2 mile course, 30 laps. oh 1 mandatory pit stop
    Sweet....Now let me see where did I put that Ropp boat?????


    • #17
      Stock Rules

      Raise the Tohatsu to 0 and allow 4 blade props in D stock.. the boats are going as fast as some of th FE class and the 4 blade would make a safer ride .. Don't complain about the cost.. If you run D you can afford a new prop!!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Fast Jack View Post
        Raise the Tohatsu to 0 and allow 4 blade props in D stock.. the boats are going as fast as some of th FE class and the 4 blade would make a safer ride .. Don't complain about the cost.. If you run D you can afford a new prop!!
        Yea Right Sean you forget alot don't you



        • #19
          since this thread...

          ...hasn't been taken very seriously to date, I thought I'd make a proposal.

          Proposal: Rename all Stock Outboard Classes as follows:

          Old New
          ASR 13.2ciR
          ASH 13.2ciH
          BSR 14.94ciR
          BSH 14.94ciH
          CSR 24ciR
          CSH 24ciH
          DSR 43.9ciR**
          DSH 43.9ciH**
          25SSR 24.4ciR*
          25SSH 24.4ciH
          20SSH 20ciH

          *other legal engines will be as follows:
          · 19.94ciR (Hot Rods)
          · R0.500-24ciR (Yamato 102 & 302)
          · R0.5625-24ciR (Yamato 102 & 302)

          **other legal engines will be as follows:
          · 42.6ciR (Tohatsu)
          · 42.6ciH (Tohatsu)

          Reason: To make it more understandable for the lay person who watch our boat races.

          ...and let's face it this is American, we ain't on no metric system!

          Last edited by hydroracer25; 11-26-2008, 09:15 PM. Reason: typo


          • #20
            Originally posted by hydroracer25 View Post
            Proposal: Rename all Stock Outboard Classes as follows:...
            Now THAT is funny! And I'd support it, seriously.

            That way all four spectators do not become confused about the class designations.
            Now if we can just do something about those confusing clock starts...How about Mandatory LeMans starts?


            • #21
              LOL Mark, good point...
              Future J dad!


              • #22
                Come on Pat !!!

                I figure the 13,000 points I got this year cost about $ 1.00 each. I hate sometimes to spend the money but as we know it co$ts $$$ to race. Now that Jack is running it seems to take twice the time, and I am going slower in direct relationship to him going faster!! He is adding a J runabout to the mix. Looks like we are going to need a hired crew man for next season. I think you will win the award this season for used up parts, boats, motors..Probibly rival the season that I used up a truck, trailer and 2 boats... Your pal - Shawn


                • #23
                  sponson rule........

                  how about adapting the mod rounded sponson tip rule......lets make it uniforn across all outboard categories........
                  Last edited by mercguy; 12-06-2008, 09:23 AM.


                  Team Darneille



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by mercguy View Post
                    how About Adapting The Mod Rounded Sponson Tip Rule......lets Make It Uniforn Across All Outboard Categories........

                    Ps: Without This Change Dan, You Guys Cannot Run That New Revo Hydro In Cmod!
                    Why Would You Not Be Able To Run It. Am I Missing Something.

                    RICHARD J BIRD
                    THE PROP SHOP RACING TEAM
                    MOST MODS AND SOME STOCKS



                    • #25
                      Yes yes yes

                      ...and let's face it this is American, we ain't on no metric system!

                      The yickifigions have been making American Standard bolts and nuts for years....How bout they convert to OUR freeken system.....
                      Bill Schwab
                      Miss KTDoodle #62C
                      -Naturescape encinitas landscape company


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by hydroracer25 View Post
                        ...hasn't been taken very seriously to date, I thought I'd make a proposal.

                        ...and let's face it this is American, we ain't on no metric system!

                        Being from the great state of MI and living nearby to the home of the big 3 automakers, I would have thought you would have seen many signs that the metric system has creapt into the US. Last I checked, it was back in the 70's when engine size was in ci (327, 351, 440, etc). Today, every engine from every manufacture is listed in Liters (3.9, 5.0, 5.9, etc).
                        Brian 10s


                        • #27
                          426=7 liters ... not by coincidence

                          most people think those odd numbers were just pulled out of a hat, not so

                          440, actually 442ci ... 7.25 liters,

                          302 ... so close to 5 liters is isn't funny

                          ... we've been on metric longer than most realize ...
                          Last edited by sam; 12-08-2008, 05:01 PM.


                          • #28
                            What are the big topics for the National meeting?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by drbyrne55 View Post
                              What are the big topics for the National meeting?
                              Branding, Marketing Strategy and Publicity should be at the top of the list as far as I am concerned. How many more years will this sport be able to support it self without the help of sponsors and spectators? How does the sport plan to support it self in the coming years?
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                              • #30
                                #1. I would like to hear the current Sidewinder progress ?

