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STOCK Proposals for National meeting.....

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  • This transition has been in process for going on three years now, there's nothing new here. Whether these changes occur now or some other time in the future there will always be sacrifice. If we want to keep this sport alive, we need new motors and a comprehensive program. We all know this to be true, it's time to act. To my knowledge, current new motors are available for the A, 15SS, B, C and D classes. This is our future, it's time.
    Tell a new guy that he has to rummage around to buy a 20+ year old motor to participate in this sport and most would laugh at you. Most boat racers replace their boats every 5-7 years to keep up with the competition. A new boat costs anywhere between $2500. -$4000. or more. Why are our motors so sacred that we have to run them for 30 yrs. and still feel like we're getting screwed when new opportunities become available.
    Check participation in 25SSR, they have plummeted. Should we wait until all of the drivers are gone before we act? We believe we should be proactive in solving problems rather than reactive. By then it may be too late. Change is always difficult but for the good of the future of the sport it is necessary.
    As far as the Yamato's in 25XSR they were only put in those classes 5 or 6 years ago to try to resusitate a dying class, and frankly, we should have let it die. Instead of making a plan for the future we just acted without considering what consequences may occur. Now we have to do it right. That's why we made a long term and we are sticking with it.
    John Runne

    Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

    True parity is one motor per class.

    It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

    NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


    • Opinions..................

      [QUOTE=reed28n;122218]I am glad to see that you are taking the high road Matt. This forum is also to have a little fun. You are very much my senior and your age, experience and sensitivity will be considered in all of my future posts.


      Well Mr Chairman, you know what they say about opinions!

      We should always look to take the high road and respect other peoples opinions even though they may be flawed!

      Not a serman, just a thought. Now it's time for my afternoon nap and then down to the seniors bingo night!

      See ya there soon.

      ...............ps..........i do respect your efforts and passion for what we do. plus it is fun to beat you now and again on the course!
      Last edited by Matt Dagostino; 01-13-2009, 01:02 PM.


      • To echo John Runne

        The past is the past, we can learn from our mistakes of the past and try to move forward. The Stock Outboard Steering Committee was formed to transition our class structure by introducing new motors and phasing out old motors without adding new classes.

        I think most of the debate will be about the handling of the phasing.

        Our sport is not without passion, ask anyone that watched or raced in the CSH final at Whitney Point.

        Get your comments and feedback to you commissioners. The list of contacts is available now at www.stockoutbaord.com


        • Well stated Mr Reed,

          You are correct, it's the phasing that is the real sticking point.

          Fine lets make the sidewinder the only legal motor in A,15 and B and have only current motors.

          Are we eliminating the OMC A, Y-80, Merc 25 and 102 and Merc D this year, next year or what? Can sidewinder make enough motors for this year ? Can Bass make enough Tohatsus.

          I agree we have to move foward, its the how fast do we phase all this in.

          Tim Weber


          • Im not going back and look at dates but here are the places and the age has nothing to do with ASH and is only in NJ
            Jesup Ga region 5
            Tabot City spring region 4
            Millville N.J. spring and fall region 3
            Lambertville N.J region 3
            White Haven Pa region 3
            Currinsville Pa region 6
            Franklin Pa fall region 6
            Thirteen races that wouldnt of happened if there wasnt any Mercurys running

            5 boats per race @ 30.00 per boat = 150.00 times 13 =1950.00 loss to the clubs without the races. I rest my case.
            Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.


            • I'm with Stillwell

              Keep the Merc in A Stock! It doesn't hurt anything or anyone. Helps participation at local races which pays the bill.

              Growth comes with improving the local race scene. Traveling 6 hours doesn't create growth.



              • Buy a Sidewinder and run ASH/ASR indefinitley.
                John Runne

                Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                True parity is one motor per class.

                It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


                • Dang, $30 per class? At that price i could buy 2 Sidewinders and a new AXS Merc and still make every race!
                  Bill Schwab
                  Miss KTDoodle #62C
                  -Naturescape encinitas landscape company


                  • Being a new person with just one year completed I am glad that I am with AOF. I could not afford to throw away all of the motors we just bought last season on all of your advice if we belonged to APBA.

                    I thought the whole idea was to promote new members not get rid of them.
                    Mike - One of the Montana Boys

                    If it aint fast make it look good


                    • Warnock................

                      Originally posted by Steve Warnock View Post
                      Keep the Merc in A Stock! It doesn't hurt anything or anyone. Helps participation at local races which pays the bill.

                      Growth comes with improving the local race scene. Traveling 6 hours doesn't create growth.

                      Wow..............we agree on something! Life is full of surprises!

                      You are right, the Merc is doing no harm for now. When the Sidewinder increases it's numbers in the next couple years then it may be time to revisit the issue. One motor classes are the way to go, it is just a matter of phasing and timing!


                      • Originally posted by blueskyracer View Post
                        Being a new person with just one year completed I am glad that I am with AOF. I could not afford to throw away all of the motors we just bought last season on all of your advice if we belonged to APBA.

                        I thought the whole idea was to promote new members not get rid of them.
                        Mike, none of your motors would have to be thrown away, there is still a place for them to race.

                        the basic idea and current plan is to allow NEW members to be able to buy NEW equipment (mainly motors) and race, not possibly someones old worn out stuff............the thought stands that why should someone have to search for a 20yr old motor to be able to race, when NEW motors are available...........


                        Team Darneille



                        • Originally posted by Matt Dagostino View Post
                          One motor classes are the way to go, it is just a matter of phasing and timing!
                          Matt ,you are on your way now...... "Come to the Dark side Luke"


                          • Phase Out

                            Originally posted by Tim Weber View Post
                            Are we eliminating the OMC A, Y-80, Merc 25 and 102 and Merc D this year, next year or what? Can sidewinder make enough motors for this year ? Can Bass make enough Tohatsus.
                            I would think the Merc 44XS will be phased out shortly. It seems to be the goal with what I have read here. Along with the other engines you listed.

                            SORC - Am I interpreting what I have read correctly in the fact that all of the above engines will be phased out in the next year or two for stock outboard ? If the goal is one engine, currently being produced new, per class it would indeed phase out these engines in APBA stock.

                            For the record John Runne, I am not meddling in your stock outboard affairs, just asking a simple question.
                            Dave Mason
                            Just A Boat Racer


                            • Opc

                              OPC is looking better and better for my daughter to move to once she is old enough.......................
                              444-B now 4-F
                              Avatar photo credit - F. Pierce Williams


                              • No problem Dave, Good question and one that I thought most knew the answer to. Eventually, yes all the old motors will be phased out. The phase out will be three years after it is approved by the SORC. Currently no phase out plan has been submitted yet for any motors, although there will be proposals to eliminate the restricted Yamato's from 20SSH & 25SSR. We want people that are interested in running the new "B" classes to buy a Sidewinder. When the restricted motors were brought into these two classes, there was no other option to grow 20SSH & 25SSR. The resusitation in the runabout class has really been short lived as the numbers have dropped dramatically in the last two years. In the hydro class, even with the infusion of the restricted motors, the participation has declined over 25%. The longer we wait, the more damage will be done. Face it, people quit racing every year for one reason or another, unfortunately we are not drawing new people in at a rate that sustains survival. We have tried to get the word out these past three years that change is coming but rather than embrace this opportunity to revitalize our sport, we just get complaints.
                                We have a great sport here but in order to grow we must have something to promote. Without improving our product we are just throwing our promotional efforts and money out the window. In my mind, improving our product is having a stable structure of classes with all facets available and easily obtainable.
                                John Runne

                                Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                                True parity is one motor per class.

                                It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                                NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.

