I suggest Region 10 add $20 bucks to 112's entry fees and tell him "its for the environment." Then spend it on beer for the Region banquet "for the environment." At least he'll "feel good." Jeez!
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Originally posted by ricochet112 View Post
I suggest Region 10 add $20 bucks to 112's entry fees and tell him "its for the environment." Then spend it on beer for the Region banquet "for the environment." At least he'll "feel good." Jeez!14-H
"That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.
yes Spunky he was a TRUE liberal. Not one of the new age ones that claim to be liberal yet want nothing more than to legislate freedoms into extinction.
"The Coffee Guy"
Cranked up and ready to Roll
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)
"Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
" IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)
Liberals legislate freedoms into extinction you say?
Boy does that make me laugh.
Which political group is it that has infringed on our right to privacy (Patriot Act), wishes to legislate to women the right to choose (life), wishes to legislate who can get married (pursuit of happiness)...and tried to tell a man when he could or could not pull life support from his dying wife (Terry Schiavo)?
Name calling...
Originally posted by 14-H View PostThis is why Michael Savage is absolutely correct: liberalism is a mental disorder.
I suggest Region 10 add $20 bucks to 112's entry fees and tell him "its for the environment." Then spend it on beer for the Region banquet "for the environment." At least he'll "feel good." Jeez!
I don't have the time to type a lot the time of year, it was my mistake to leave out the history on the intended pun in the remark "feel good". In the early to mid 80's the slogan found on merchandise in Portland ski shops and around Mt Hood said, "If It Feels Good Do It On Mt Hood.
On the marketing comment, Mt Hood Meadows (like most construction in the 1970's), wasn't concerned about their impact on streams and wetlands, and with a few miscues in the past environmentally, MHM is trying hard to promote how green they're being now.
In the Pacific Northwest, we're very lucky to have a surplus of electricity, and with that surplus the Bonneville Power Administration gives some of it's customers the option of paying a slightly higher kWh rate to purchase 100% wind power.
Ed, a question for you; Would God like the selfish, shortsighted, view of environmental practices of man today? Seems to me God would want his miraculous creation to be treated better.
what was the name of that liberal that wanted tanks on every corner to control crime?
which librerals do NOT want to infringe on our right to have firearms?
"The Coffee Guy"
Cranked up and ready to Roll
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)
"Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
" IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)
You got me. Exactly who wants to put tanks on street corners? I'd love to see the wording in that bill. Tanks? Literally...tanks on every street corner?
As for the guns... I will not argue that there aren't plenty of Blues who want restrictions. Seems some from the other side of the aisle have agreed as well over time..ie...the Brady Bill.
So you admit, then, that plenty of Reds have attempted to trample on freedoms as well? I noticed you didn't refute any of the examples I pointed out.
i don't remember his name, but he tried to run in the 80's i think and when cornered on what he would do about crime and violence in the city's his reply was I would put tanks on the corner and the N.G. will patrol if thats what it takes. he quickly fell back into obscurity, LOL but he did try to run as a liberal.
no i will not refute what you said i believe it is true too. I think the powers behind the republican party are more than a bit shady to say the least
I consider myself a republican.But alas todays Republican party should be renamed the federalists . and the Democrats should be called the welfareists.
yet each still has a little good in them, although on the whole a few bad apples really does spoil the whole barrel. It seems to me we no longer get to vote for the best person for the job. we only get to try to choose the least harmfull
"The Coffee Guy"
Cranked up and ready to Roll
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)
"Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
" IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)
Originally posted by dholt View PostLiberals legislate freedoms into extinction you say?
Boy does that make me laugh.
Which political group is it that has infringed on our right to privacy (Patriot Act), wishes to legislate to women the right to choose (life), wishes to legislate who can get married (pursuit of happiness)...and tried to tell a man when he could or could not pull life support from his dying wife (Terry Schiavo)?
1. Patriot Act: To allow wire taps and eaves droping on conversations between known terrorists and operatives OUTSIDE the US, and known or suspected terrorists or operatives inside the US. What right to privacy have you and I lost exactly?
2. I think "Right to life" legislation is actually about removing the use of Federal funds (money taken from you and I in taxes because the government doesn't have any of it's own) for "on demand" abortion including full term partial birth abortion. Check out how that's done. That's murder 1 in my book.
3. Pursuit of happiness: what does "happy" have to do with it? Heck, the MBLA think they have a valid case too. That's a great bunch of guys.
4. Schiavo. Yep, they messed that one up bad.
P.S. Mike, going green is great, I just don't think we should be signing any treaties which will funnel billions and legal international control to that trustworthy group known as the United Nations. Especially when countries like Mexico and China don't have to play.Steve
106-R / TEAM JDS
Back to the snow report.......Some areas of north central Minnesota received 18" of the white stuff(snow) this past Sunday. More snow predicted for this coming weekend. Going to be a little difficult to put out the dock at the cabin since the ice is still stuck to the shoreline up der, u-know, eh?
Now you can all continue your debate on the global warming issue...good luck!
More and more...
...snow, it just wont stop. 8 inches yesterday, another 4-5 today and more for Thursday-Friday. Mt Hood Meadows yearly average is 430 inches, year to date is over 750 inches, almost 63 FEET this year
...speaks on Global Warming.
add; the Will Ferrell SNL original http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5r6TqpOQGc&NR=1