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Grass Lake ASH Turn 1: You Make the Call

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  • #61
    Mr Dingman, I believe a opening in the cowling is a speed advantage and the rest of the conversation can be had in that thread. Second, Matt was NOT allowed to vote as a commissioner, just like he or Ed Hearn was not allowed to vote in the BSH issue. And finally, I believe you should win the nationals if your helmet was expired, however should be marked, maybe a unique hole punch in your membership card so you are checked at the races for the rest of he season.


    • #62
      Originally posted by BP125V View Post
      There is a pic from turn one that substantiates what John Runne just posted. I wish the person that took the pic would post it here and end the discussion. Matt did not chop anyone.
      Gleason's photos substantiate John Runne's version. When I said there was "no chop", I was referencing 32-E. There is clearly another boat on the outside of the 32-E in the photos taken by Gleason. Gleason's photos also clearly show that the 32-E did not commit a driving infraction.

      I continue to be appalled at what took place on shore after this race was run, however.

      "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


      • #63
        Originally posted by ricochet112 View Post
        How about sponson tips!

        It's good to know that I can win Nats or set a record and not have to be worried about any non speed tech violation after I have received my safety inspection sticker. Numbers, safety wire, Snell rating...thanks for to the new ideology of the SORC.

        Being an inseptor, this is a slap in the face for us. Matt and the SORC that voted to allow Matt to receive first place, shame on you. Rules should be enforced to the letter at Nats, not trampled on.
        I don't understand the mentality of thinking that the only way rules can be enforced is to disqualify people. What is wrong with a stern warning, a fine or a yellow card for heaven's sake?

        That is a chicken s%!t way to win a race, anyway, if you ask me. I would be embarrassed to say I was the National Champ because the real winner was thrown out for something that had nothing to do with speed or driving. It reminds me of a protest at the first Mod Nationals I ever went to where the guy who got second place in B Mod Runabout protested the color of the winner's helmet.

        "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Team 222R
          glad that same courtesy was extended to a D stock driver for an access hole used to route a wire for starting his motor. it's nice that rules at the 2012 nats were a willy nilley set of guidelines loosely enforced for some and used to pitch others.

          This is totally different. This is arguably a speed advantage. Pickle fork roundness is definitely not.

          "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


          • #65
            Sponson tips

            I personally believe the sponson tip rule should have lost the ash national champ for Matt. That is how i voted in the sorc meeting about it. Safety rules are not guild lines. They should not be taken lightly. His hull was illegal and his owner should have made sure it was legal before nationals. Don't blame the inspector because They missed it. It's a 3 season old rule, this is nothing new. I was very discouraged with how the rest of the sorc did vote. This will set a precedent for future nationals. I promise. Next time someone wins a nationals without Kevlar on we'll just ignore it because it's a non speed advantage (granted they still make weight).

            This ignoring of rules is the exact reason our insurance has gone up. What if Matt had hit and god for bid injured another driver in an accident with those tips? How many law suits would have come from that? Just food for thought....
            Kyle Bahl

            "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


            • #66
              Wireless electric start

              A google for Tohatsu manuals shows clearly that the fishing motors are designed for starter cables that run through holes from which plugs have been removed . This is stock.

              Everyone knows that the rule is wrong and will be changed for next year. One rule says use Tohatsu electric start and another says but don't do it the way Tohatsu mandates: pretty silly.

              As for a 1/2 ' hole feeding enough extra air to go faster, you should all know better. All engines have an element that restricts. Be it carb, reeds, case, ports, exhaust, compression or whatever . Who knows what the restriction is for a Tohatsu?

              Maybe someone ( not Dave) should have taked the boat out with a GPS , come in , take the cowl off and run again.

              I applaud Dave for not appealing although he should have. I condem the race committee and the commission for being useless.



              • #67
                Sounds to me that Bill D. Rick O'Shea, rumleyflip are asking to be on the SORC. Just saying...
                "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                Don Allen


                • #68
                  Originally posted by rumleyfips View Post
                  A google for Tohatsu manuals shows clearly that the fishing motors are designed for starter cables that run through holes from which plugs have been removed . This is stock.

                  Everyone knows that the rule is wrong and will be changed for next year. One rule says use Tohatsu electric start and another says but don't do it the way Tohatsu mandates: pretty silly.

                  As for a 1/2 ' hole feeding enough extra air to go faster, you should all know better. All engines have an element that restricts. Be it carb, reeds, case, ports, exhaust, compression or whatever . Who knows what the restriction is for a Tohatsu?

                  Maybe someone ( not Dave) should have taked the boat out with a GPS , come in , take the cowl off and run again.

                  I applaud Dave for not appealing although he should have. I condem the race committee and the commission for being useless.

                  If Dave had filed a protest that is exacatly what I would have asked to do, but since he didn't...we will never know...

                  And why not Dave? He was the driver. I see... it's all on the usless race committee and SORC...

                  You know what? I agree, are you volunteering to be next years inspector at the nationals? Race director? Referee? Heck just run for the SORC so we can see how you do...
                  "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                  Don Allen


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Racerkyle20 View Post
                    I personally believe the sponson tip rule should have lost the ash national champ for Matt. That is how i voted in the sorc meeting about it. Safety rules are not guild lines. They should not be taken lightly. His hull was illegal and his owner should have made sure it was legal before nationals. Don't blame the inspector because They missed it. It's a 3 season old rule, this is nothing new. I was very discouraged with how the rest of the sorc did vote. This will set a precedent for future nationals. I promise. Next time someone wins a nationals without Kevlar on we'll just ignore it because it's a non speed advantage (granted they still make weight).

                    This ignoring of rules is the exact reason our insurance has gone up. What if Matt had hit and god for bid injured another driver in an accident with those tips? How many law suits would have come from that? Just food for thought....
                    Kyle, if it had not had a 2012 sticcker I would have agreed with you. You could see that someone made an attempt to make them more round, it's not like they were like a normal hemp style boat. If they are not fixed by the next race I would Yellow card the driver.
                    "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                    Don Allen


                    • #70
                      Too **** old


                      I haven't raced since 1981, so don't expect to see me next year.

                      When I did race I worked the turn boats and tow boats every race, At Dayton , 1976 I think, they called me to the judges stand to help call the third restart in DSH. Trying to belittle my work is , to me, defensive ass covering. By the way , I never thought of myself as a volunteer. I was just a boat racer taking responsibility for my actions. As I recall I was not paid as a turn judge but I was not paid as a boat racer either. We all do things for our own reasons, referees, inspectors, announcers drivers.

                      The nastiness from cental US racers towards Region 10 is actually shocking. What is wrong with you people? 400 memebrs and you feel you have to vilify the Pacific Northwest. A nationals in the 70's had 900+ entrants.

                      John McManus 69-CE


                      • #71
                        This is riddiculous


                        Don is not trying to belittle your work, but when you "condemn" many people who work their a** off to put on a Nationals, or to be on the SORC, or even to put on a local race, it's uncalled for. A number of members, myself included, from MHRA did this the entire year to put on this event... and you are accusing Don of belittling you?

                        Quit with the nastiness of Region 6 & 7 towards Region 10. This was not the reasoning behind any of these calls and if someone believes that, I truly feel sorry for your ignorance. No one here is villifying the Northwest. Give it a break.

                        Elek Hutchinson
                        Race Committee
                        Elek Hutchinson


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by rumleyfips View Post

                          I haven't raced since 1981, so don't expect to see me next year.

                          When I did race I worked the turn boats and tow boats every race, At Dayton , 1976 I think, they called me to the judges stand to help call the third restart in DSH. Trying to belittle my work is , to me, defensive ass covering. By the way , I never thought of myself as a volunteer. I was just a boat racer taking responsibility for my actions. As I recall I was not paid as a turn judge but I was not paid as a boat racer either. We all do things for our own reasons, referees, inspectors, announcers drivers.

                          The nastiness from cental US racers towards Region 10 is actually shocking. What is wrong with you people? 400 memebrs and you feel you have to vilify the Pacific Northwest. A nationals in the 70's had 900+ entrants.

                          John McManus 69-CE
                          To old to volunteer?????
                          "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                          Don Allen


                          • #73
                            Typically when a boat comes to inspection and a safety rule such as your kill switch not working properly or tape on your steering clips missing or in this case pickles too pointy, the inspector does not DQ the driver but warns him not to come back to inspection until it is corrected. If not corrected, the driver will be disqualified. Although Kyle's point about the kevlars is interesting!
                            I've spent quite a bit of time helping in inspection at many recent nationals Weighing boats, checking heights, testing fuel etc. but frankly don't remember once checking sponson tips. And I wrote the rule! Sometimes things get overlooked.
                            In Dave's case, it is a technical violation and the inspector must disqualify the driver. There have been many times, when challenged, technical violations have been overturned and subsequently rules get changed, usually at the next National meeting.
                            John Runne

                            Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                            True parity is one motor per class.

                            It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                            NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


                            • #74
                              Too old


                              Too old (64) and too far away ( Nova Scotia).

                              The times I remember when the rulebook was overturned at the nationals include Balldacini's blueprinted A in 1954? , allowed because there was the driver said he didn't do anything wrong. Ron France with a lightened crank in the 70's, allowed because it was just balanced to " jet turbine specifications". DeFeo's not for racing block, allowed because A blocks were " so hard to find these days". I did not like any of these decisions but they are examples of overruling the inspector and the specs.

                              Tohatsu D's are allowed electric start. Therefore wiring to Tohatsu specs is legal. At the same time it is illegal. Do you think this contradiction will not be rectified to allow Dave's setup next year? Relying on a bad rule you have the power to change is irresponsible.

                              Don; I don't necessarily agree with everything you say either.



                              • #75

                                All: Thank you for offering all your comments on "You Make The Call." It's offered a lot of good reading for me while I take breaks between editing and reviewing 17,828 photos that I took at Grass Lake. Yes, that's the real number. Even if the crew who showed up at KB's this morning to unload the trailer did give me a ration for being an "instigator" on HR.

                                After reading all the comments, my key takeaways are:

                                1) The Photos I posted show that Matt was not at fault in any chopping in the first turn. He had Lane 1 all the way from the start.

                                2) Colin was definitely chopped, though my photos do not show who did it.

                                3) The input offered from the Turn Judge and Patrol Boat Staff indicate why they chose in the end to not make a call.

                                • I believe that if you followed through all the pictures (including the ones showing lane position at the start, not posted), you could probably figure out who the chopper was. However, at this point it would make no difference, and that as several have requested, it's best to let it go and move on.

                                • Some people, regardless of the issue or the evidence, have a compulsion to throw their own opinion in, whether it is relevant or not.

                                • Others will randomize the discussion by bringing their own personal axe to grind, again, whether it's relevant or not.

                                Ok, I let you all make the call, now it's my turn. My own conclusions are:
                                • Matt did not chop Colin.
                                • One picture cannot and does not tell the whole story.
                                • If I led others to believe that Matt was guilty of a driving infraction by the viewing of a single photo, then I was wrong and I apologize to Matt, and to those people.
                                • Acts of Sportsmanship, good or bad, are the eye of the beholder. Ask Olivia Valentine.

                                I can't wait to see what your comments are on my next thread.....



                                "No, THAT is why people hate him."

