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SO Promotional Suggestions

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  • #31
    Just a suggestion

    We used this at a USTS race to help get our sponsors name "out" in the public eye.
    Attached Files
    David Weaver


    • #32
      Originally posted by RacerX

      Regarding this year do something that gets the sport in the eye of the public. What is the budget number one? It could range from posters that promote boatracing mailed to or delivered and put up for the dealers at every motorcycle/marine business in the United States. In the year 2000 there were about 26,000 in the USA that advertised in the yellow pages. My business was related and I used direct mail advertising. That is how I know.

      If you have more money then you put huge boatracing pictures on billboards, tv advertisement. How about a series of some sort that was promoted by APBA and put on ESPN? Like the Merc Challenge. Also let me say this.....I love this sport and I don't have a lot of money but if the "budget" can't be adjusted to add more money for good promotional resources then I for one have no problem paying an additional $20.00 or $30.00 if I see the extra money I contributed going towards a good cause. I think most people feel woudn't have a problem with that. Maybe they would with the APBA's track record?

      Point is do something that will do something. The videos that Dana made are excellent from what I hear. I have never seen them and if it wasn't for Dana I wouldn't have even known they existed!!! Lets get last years fumble figured out and develop an action plan for them as well Ed! The videos are an excellent tool!!

      Your pal,

      I like the poster idea Mike.

      When the green flag drops, the bull**** stops!!!!!!!!!!!
      Keep'em Sunny Side Up Boy's!



      • #33
        Originally posted by RacerX

        It doesn't matter what you pay for if you don't use it wisely. I gave your father within 1 1/2 years ago every contact at the Marine Mechanics Institute in Orlando, Florida. There are 30 new students that start every 6 weeks. Most come from families that have an interest in boats. Someone in the family is involved in one way shape or form and also they have the means to pay for a education that isn't cheap. They have the money to race. The students have an interest in boats.

        You or your father could make one phone call to the Marine Mechanics Institue or AMI in Orlando (another marine school) and set up a meeting to get the video played in the classrooms so every student would know APBA and boatracing exists. Also there is no reason that you couldn't get a "promotional packet" in every students hands. In the packet should include contacts of boat builders, prop makers, motor builders and certainly info on hydroracer.net. These students come from every state in the USA. I will give you the numbers again and contact names and you can report back to the membership and let us know what you have done with it 407-240-2422. You want to speak to Richard Thomas, Diane Ellee or Wayne Leaheart. One phone call and the videos from last year can go to good use. You need help keeping the packets stocked I will help. You need help getting to the school for your meeting I will help. I will help the APBA keep this relationship if you develop the relationship. That is what I can do in this case. They need to hear from someone that is higher up in APBA like the president to develop a serious relationship that could grow. I know it is your style to turn things around so that is my answer all ready for you.

        Regarding this year do something that gets the sport in the eye of the public. What is the budget number one? It could range from posters that promote boatracing mailed to or delivered and put up for the dealers at every motorcycle/marine business in the United States. In the year 2000 there were about 26,000 in the USA that advertised in the yellow pages. My business was related and I used direct mail advertising. That is how I know.

        If you have more money then you put huge boatracing pictures on billboards, tv advertisement. How about a series of some sort that was promoted by APBA and put on ESPN? Like the Merc Challenge. Also let me say this.....I love this sport and I don't have a lot of money but if the "budget" can't be adjusted to add more money for good promotional resources then I for one have no problem paying an additional $20.00 or $30.00 if I see the extra money I contributed going towards a good cause. I think most people feel woudn't have a problem with that. Maybe they would with the APBA's track record?

        Point is do something that will do something. The videos that Dana made are excellent from what I hear. I have never seen them and if it wasn't for Dana I wouldn't have even known they existed!!! Lets get last years fumble figured out and develop an action plan for them as well Ed! The videos are an excellent tool!!

        Your pal,
        I agree with Mike on this one, after being involved with boat racing for more then 21 years now it still blows my mind to hear people say what is that thing on your trailer? In just a few shorts months we will be in the year 2007 and half the population still has no idea what a racing hydroplane is.

        Its my opinion that every dime of the promotion fund be spent on a massive get the word out campaign, billboards, mall shows TV ads etc. get us on the map!

        I say its time for some tough love and a whole new approach to how APBA does business. If I had my way I would lay off every worker not needed at the headquarters in MI. shut down the office rent a small suite for two or three admin type folks and take the show on the road.

        Put together a traveling road show in a tricked out show truck with a fully rigged boat from the top classes motors etc. large screen plasma TV’s mounted inside the truck showing a professionally done video etc. If you want to get the word out and get folks attention let this truck role into to your local mall or school yard and I guarantee you that the kids will be jumping at the opportunity to sign up.

        It’s all about marketing and stimulating the senses of the young male and female mind, we currently have nothing to grab the attention of the young audience we are trying to recruit.


        NBA Van Jam wraps up in Chengdu

        BEIJING, Oct. 12 -- The Red Bull NBA Van Jam, one of the leading grassroots basketball promotions in China, wrapped up operations at Sichuan University in Chengdu, Sichuan Province on October 4.

        Lu Yi from Chengdu Conservatory Of Music won the title of Red Bull Slam Dunk Show.
        Coming into China last year, the event has travelled over 15,000 kilometres in seven months, reaching 17 cities.

        The Chinese edition of the NBA Jam Van is a tailor-made, 16-meter truck which transforms into 600 square meters of free basketball activities allowing fans of all ages to play like the pros.

        The basket is lowered to 2.5 metres and 2.25 metres from the standard 3.05 metres in the Tour, to give all the fans a chance to realize their dunk dreams in the "Dunk Day" of the event.

        In addition to jamming slam dunks and sinking three-pointers on two basketball areas with three different size baskets, fans can participate in a wide array of interactive off-court activities, including video games, player measure-up areas and other displays, and a giant video wall featuring the NBA action and highlights.

        "NBA Jam Van allows us to bring an authentic NBA interactive experience to many parts of China we have never reached before," said Mark Fischer, Managing Director of NBA China.

        "This traveling event will enable us to touch hundreds of thousands of fans via the fun and exciting Jam Van elements. With the continued support of our partners in this event, we look forward to expanding the reach of the NBA Jam Van in China even further in coming years." he added.

        According to a figure released by Red Bull, the Tour attracts over 2,700 fans aged between 12 and 45 from all walks of life. The NBA and Red Bull both say they will continue this authentic hoop program in the future.
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        "https://twitter.com/HydroRacerTV?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @HydroRacerTV


        • #34
          Great post Dan. I love the trailer idea!
          When the green flag drops, the bull**** stops!!!!!!!!!!!
          Keep'em Sunny Side Up Boy's!



          • #35
            You have a lot of good ideas.

            I think returning racers would be the easiest to re-awaken if they could be found. Maybe they could be told about and sold on the Merc 15, Sidewinder, 302 or Tohatsu.

            I also think a racing schedule fixed for the year well in advance would help. Many people work for "the man" and have to request time off months in advance. Having races pop up a couple of weeks before race day makes it tough. An advanced fixed schedule give people the abiltiy to plan their vacations, a boat racing weekend could be considered a vacation for many, throughout the year.


            • #36
              Road Show

              The problem is and always has been, guys, that the boat taken on the big road show will not be a kneel-down outboard. I do agree with you that APBA should be actively promoting its attractive classes to get the word out about boat racing. But that will assuredly not include stocks, mods or pros on such a large scale. The whole business with regard to the dealings of Offshore and Unlimited have set things back for years. They are still not resolved. If that is resolved and the large scale boats are promoted, Stock, Mod and Pro will surely ride the coat tails of that success.

              But my concern and responsibility is Stock Outboard, not the entire APBA. In Stock Outboard, TV and mass media has never worked and has always been a collossal waste of money. We have been much more effective in targeting our audiences to promote individual races. We get our new members from people who come to the races and see what we do and having equipment available to purchase.

              This is one of the reasons that I support the Tohatsu D and why I want the SORC to look at the CSH 102 vs. 302 issues. It is also why I am very hopeful about the resurrection of the Hot Rod. This new equipment being available is much more important for membership growth in Stock Outboard than TV shows.

              By the way. SO did produce that DVD showing what we do so that local clubs can conduct their own dog and pony show. That helps us get the races where the new members are generated.

              "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


              • #37
                Words from Steve

                Was reading thru some old propeller magazines and came across an article that Steve Warnock did back in Nov.1992. About mid way thru his article I think he gives some sound advice for everyone to think about this winter. Even nowadays.
                Attached Files
                Tom L.


                • #38
                  Demo Boats

                  I Think life is what happens while you wait for the big stuff. As soon as the new committee is appointed I'm sure that one of it's first missions is to provide the templates / Ideas/ tools to go out and recruit as we go. Until then..... every one has a duty to step up... THIS WORKS and is low/NO cost

                  Get out that used rig and hang a for sale sign on it. Buy an INFO TUBE like for real estate. Fill it with propaganda. Place in a good location. Leave it for a week. Move it. Take calls, get names, give rides. Sell your sport. Sell that boat. Include an APBA/Nbra/Aof Membership in the cost of that rig. Put your boat out there even if you have NO INTENTION of selling it. get them in the loop and sell them something else. The trick is EXPOSOURE.

                  Location : should have good access, hot rod shops< Bike shops> Marinas. these places are motorhead hangouts and will often let you park for little or nothing. Main drags, near highschools. ect... also don't leave in one place too long. A week is about right.

                  MY FAVORITE SPOT SEES 100,000 CARS A DAY
                  How many people will see them "little boats" for the first time? Passive. No work, unlike a boat show.

                  Take some nice photos of your for sale rig. Tack to the billboards of the local NAPA. Trading times? Auto trader? ( run ad till you sell)

                  Now to make everyone think it's "some kinda MOVEMENT" can ya Imagine if everyone that can spare a boat co - ordenate to do this say , the week of Nov 15 and again on May 1, and June 20. It would get us back on the map for almost free.
                  Last edited by Steve Johnson; 10-25-2006, 06:37 PM. Reason: Spelling


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by RacerX

                    How can you even say that? I was born into boatracing ***
                    Mike: You are the same guy that was championing Mike Allweiss' courting of outboarders as the saviour of kneel-down racing and lecturing the "cronys" that they didn't know what they were doing. The entire APBA was brought to its knees because of this guy and his plans for APBA which you openly supported. So before you go lecturing me about what will work and what will not, recall the disaster that you once thought would launch the APBA.

                    There are plenty of other APBA expenditures for TV time that you did not mention and they have gotten us nothing. I re-read the article Warnock wrote over a decade ago and it is still true today: our clubs are the heart of our organization.

                    If you want to close the APBA office and spend all of that money on TV time, then run for the Board of Directors on that platform. We'll see if it sells any better than your idea about an alliance with Allweiss. Ed.

                    "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                    • #40
                      [QUOTE=Steve Johnson]**. Buy an INFO TUBE like for real estate. Fill it with propaganda. Place in a good location. Leave it for a week. Move it. Take calls, get names, give rides. Sell your sport. Sell that boat. Include an APBA/Nbra/Aof Membership in the cost of that rig. **QUOTE]

                      Now, on the other hand, cutting the national office budget and buying info tubes to place in the pits is a GREAT IDEA. Thanks Steve. Ed.

                      "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Abbott Racing
                        how does someone go about getting a copy of the promo video?
                        Originally posted by 14-H
                        Download it from this site. Ed.
                        It just occured to me that a lot of people will see the SO Promo video by downloading it from Hydroracer ... but wouldn't even more people see it if it was on YouTube? Wouldn't putting it on YouTube be putting it out where NEW people would see it?


                        • #42
                          Good idea Sam, The USTS promo is already on YouTube.
                          HTML Code:

                          "https://twitter.com/HydroRacerTV?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @HydroRacerTV


                          • #43
                            Seems To Me...

                            All the political BS is still going on.................... think about Racer X............ Ed.............

                            If both of you would put forth the effort into growing boat racing as you do posting here about stuff that obviously has an agenda, it might grow.

                            Bottom line is this, If you want it to grow, do it yourself. For many years you could see rides given at just about any race. Kids, mostly. Of course back then we did not have the regulations that seem to inhibit our growth now.

                            Here is one suggestion. When I had a tomato stocker (brief mid life crisis) I took it to a local spot and tested. It drew attention. What I wanted. I offered up a ride to anyone who could fit in the boat with me. I believe I took 8 or 9 kids for a ride that day, and let them drive it. They steered I worked the throttle and held my hand near the wheel. Not once did I hear insurance come up, or a waiver. We were just some guys hanging out having fun. No registration #'s on the boat, the local sherrif stopped over and never said a word. I thought for sure he would bust my chops. I think he saw the gleam in the kids eyes and moved on with a smile.

                            That my friends is a form of growing the sport. Make some new friends. Get phone numbers, and not just of the cute chixs.
                            Dave Mason
                            Just A Boat Racer


                            • #44
                              on a larger scale

                              It would be nice to see the APBA affiliated with the "marine industry" ...
                              If you take a walk through this web link you will see many ways to get "boatracing" in the public view.




                              • #45
                                Originally posted by 14-H

                                You're right! Mike Allweiss ***

                                A) He proved in The United States Supreme Court ***

                                B) He kicked you and your fathers LAWYER behinds and told me that your father was one of the worst Lawyers he ever saw.

                                C) He stood up for what was right and won.

                                He would have been an excellent leader. ***
                                Mike: Thank you for clarifying your position on this issue. Now, the masses who agree with you and Allweiss can start supporting your cause.

                                Do you think about what you type before you actually hit "submit"? This isn't even a challenge anymore. Ed.

                                "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.

