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  • #16
    no funds needed??

    Originally posted by 14-H
    Let's here some suggestions about how the SORC might consider spending the promotional fund. Last year we paid for the promotional video that is really directed to a general audience. We can, relatively inexpensively, produce one directed to race sponsors as well. Other suggestions recommended here. Let's hear them. Ed.
    how about convincing APBA to give a large discount to current members (towards there next membership) that sign up BRAND NEW members for the first time? This might get some people motivated to searching for fresh blood?


    Team Darneille



    • #17
      Find a kid

      I do not have a ton of time to post this but....

      something I have wanted to do for the last few months is put together a J hydro rig and find a kid. I was going to look into the possibility of finding a foster kid, or big brother kid etc. to try and get into racing. For a long time I have wanted to do something charitable and productive with my life. I think I could combine my hobby with a more noble cause. We are constatly trying to find new people and kids. I know there are a lot of less fortunate kids out there that would love a J ride. I know that it would take a much more significant commitment, however it probably would have a much greater return. Ed Hearn has done something very similar for the last several years. I intend to do this at some point, but my own family is keeping me busy now. Mike I think someone like you or other experienced racers would be perfect for this. We could start a program and racers could approach the SORC for possible funding to buy some equipment and rigs. As the kids age and move on we can hand down the rigs to new kids.

      Just an idea.....I intend to do this as somepoint in my life. I race now because I love it and the people not to win a sticker or get in the Hall. I can't wait for my own kids to get into it, but why wait find a kid and get him in.



      • #18
        Entry Level Racing

        Still believe that we have to take our blinders off and look at other
        alternatives. Maybe Mr. Dillon could provide us with some kits and
        we run the class with "fishin motors".....no special lower units, no
        special propellers....just something they can have fun with and get time
        in the boats at their local water hole. This now becomes something
        that father and son can do together and it doesn't take a crew of
        three or more to get it into the water. Here is the site:


        Tunnel plans available with a "V" bottom in the works. Have also seen
        clevers on the net for a stock 9.9.....maybe Mr. DeWald could enlighten us
        as I have a feeling that he could have built a few of these propellers for
        the folks across the big pond.

        Just a little food for thought.......Ron (the good Sax)


        • #19
          Originally posted by sax
          Still believe that we have to take our blinders off and look at other
          alternatives. Maybe Mr. Dillon could provide us with some kits and
          we run the class with "fishin motors".....no special lower units, no
          special propellers....just something they can have fun with and get time
          in the boats at their local water hole. This now becomes something
          that father and son can do together and it doesn't take a crew of
          three or more to get it into the water. Here is the site:


          Tunnel plans available with a "V" bottom in the works. Have also seen
          clevers on the net for a stock 9.9.....maybe Mr. DeWald could enlighten us
          as I have a feeling that he could have built a few of these propellers for
          the folks across the big pond.

          Just a little food for thought.......Ron (the good Sax)
          Hey Sax

          I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the Mini GT idea goes back almost 20 years or so to the OPC ranks. All these ideas have already been done and failed.

          Sport –C Failed OPC sit down entry-level class

          JP V-Bottom Failed OPC sit down entry-level class

          45SST Tunnel Failed Stock Outboard sit down entry level

          SST45 Tunnel Failed OPC entry level sit down class

          My point is there have been dozens of entry level classes scattered through out all boat racing categories and they all seem to fail or die a slow and painful death.

          The Dillion idea is a good one but that’s why we have the J classs some folks might think I’m wrong but I find this Mini GT class a complete waste of time when we already have the Jr. and entry level classes available for dads and kids.

          If you are a new dad to racing with kids let the kids run J and the dad can run ASH or 20SSH to get his feet wet.
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          "https://twitter.com/HydroRacerTV?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @HydroRacerTV


          • #20
            OPC vs Stock Outboard

            You have cited three OPC classes of which I know nothing about
            but the 45ss was introduced when we had at least four outboard
            manufacturers building Stock Outboard motors for knee jockeys.....today we
            have two that are building "race only" engines. One of them, from
            what I understand, is putting all their efforts into perfecting the
            four cycle racing engine and the other is a fledgling company that
            we all hope can make us proud and provide us with what we need
            for the future of our sport. Not sure of pricing but from what I have
            heard, a used fishing motor or two could be purchased for what a
            gear case conversion costs....not too appealing for someone starting
            out from outside of our existing ranks. I have not forgotten about
            the Tohatsu/Bass hybrid but that again is not a complete engine
            from an engine "manufacturer".

            Just thought that I would throw this out to the people here to see
            what they thought......just figured it would be a viable alternative to
            what we are now facing and something that would be "cost effective"
            for a newcomer.

            Dan, you forgot one of the biggest S.O. debacles of all......the MerCub. In
            my opinion, the reason it failed was that the boats were too heavy,
            too boring, and overpriced.


            • #21
              Fishin motors

              Just wanted to add that my first race boat was a Speedliner
              with a Merc KF-5 on it, complete with the fishin lower unit
              and gear case. Am sure there are still a few out there that
              raced these pre-60J rigs with the motors being taller than
              what the drivers were at the time.
              Last edited by sax; 10-24-2006, 06:34 AM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Admin
                SST45 Tunnel Failed OPC entry level sit down class
                How has 45 Failed in OPC. There is a good number of boats still racing out there..
                Youngest Member of the Flyer Raceboat Gang


                • #23
                  How about this

                  How about a way to provide rides (not races) without all the membership & SE stuff? A one time deal. We all know the best promotion is get in a try it. Nothing beats first hand experience.
                  Here is what I am thinking. If a club could get a 45 min break in its day (I know next to impossible already but), and get 1 or 2 C size hydros detuned with a old props, they could offer rides to spectators or other interested parties. Those individual's sign some sort of waiver (and this would be where Ed the Lawyer comes in and the Insurance Co) that waives all rights, etc, and they suit up in and take a lap. We all have old safety gear (pants, sleeves, helmet, etc) laying around that could go to the cause. It needs to be somewhat organized with rescue boat on scene, explaination of what to do/ not to do, etc. but those that come to watch already have an interest, this might appeal to some to get in a boat and see if they like it.

                  I thinking that sponsors could raffle off rides or the local TV sports guy could give it a try or even clubs could offer a ride for the gold sponsorship.

                  I don't have the whole program thought out but the idea might work.
                  Brian 10s


                  • #24
                    how does someone go about getting a copy of the promo video?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Admin
                      Hey Sax

                      I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the Mini GT idea goes back almost 20 years or so to the OPC ranks. All these ideas have already been done and failed.

                      Sport –C Failed OPC sit down entry-level class

                      JP V-Bottom Failed OPC sit down entry-level class

                      45SST Tunnel Failed Stock Outboard sit down entry level

                      SST45 Tunnel Failed OPC entry level sit down class

                      My point is there have been dozens of entry level classes scattered through out all boat racing categories and they all seem to fail or die a slow and painful death.

                      The Dillion idea is a good one but that’s why we have the J classs some folks might think I’m wrong but I find this Mini GT class a complete waste of time when we already have the Jr. and entry level classes available for dads and kids.

                      If you are a new dad to racing with kids let the kids run J and the dad can run ASH or 20SSH to get his feet wet.
                      Dan, Where do you get your information from? 45's and sport C's are the largest in numbers in Region 11. Region 12 has a very large number of 45's. Check your facts. They may not be very big in your neck of the woods but here on the left coast they are doing great. I wish I could say the same for stock/mod and pro.
                      bill b


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by bill boyes
                        Dan, Where do you get your information from? 45's and sport C's are the largest in numbers in Region 11. Region 12 has a very large number of 45's. Check your facts. They may not be very big in your neck of the woods but here on the left coast they are doing great. I wish I could say the same for stock/mod and pro.

                        Hey Bill,

                        Sorry I should clarify, they are all dead classes here on the east coast except for Florida. I think Florida still has SST-60 SST45 Mod -U and SST-120 but thats only one region from Maine to Florida. The rest of the country is dead except for a few mid west states OH, IN then its over to you guys.
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                        "https://twitter.com/HydroRacerTV?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @HydroRacerTV


                        • #27
                          Free Rides

                          Originally posted by Brian10s
                          How about a way to provide rides (not races) without all the membership & SE stuff? A one time deal. We all know the best promotion is get in a try it. Nothing beats first hand experience.
                          Here is what I am thinking. If a club could get a 45 min break in its day (I know next to impossible already but), and get 1 or 2 C size hydros detuned with a old props, they could offer rides to spectators or other interested parties. Those individual's sign some sort of waiver (and this would be where Ed the Lawyer comes in and the Insurance Co) that waives all rights, etc, and they suit up in and take a lap. We all have old safety gear (pants, sleeves, helmet, etc) laying around that could go to the cause. It needs to be somewhat organized with rescue boat on scene, explaination of what to do/ not to do, etc. but those that come to watch already have an interest, this might appeal to some to get in a boat and see if they like it.

                          I thinking that sponsors could raffle off rides or the local TV sports guy could give it a try or even clubs could offer a ride for the gold sponsorship.

                          I don't have the whole program thought out but the idea might work.
                          Steve J and myself have done this at the end of the race day at are local races. I think it is a good idea.

                          Last edited by Lights; 10-24-2006, 09:05 AM.
                          When the green flag drops, the bull**** stops!!!!!!!!!!!
                          Keep'em Sunny Side Up Boy's!



                          • #28
                            everyone needs to help

                            After reading all the great ideas on Hydroracer, every one needs to be a committee of one to help. Dont wait for someone to take the lead, you do it. Lots of the ideas expressed here dont take much money but they take time and committment to helping the sport grow. After watching the Dean Sutherland presentation on membership in Stock Outboard Racing, it shows that we dont do a good job of keeping the new racers that we get. We need to help the new people, lots of them show up with equiptment that is not any good. Remember your back up boat may be lots better than the stuff that the new guy is trying to race , loan it to him . We all know that good equipment will help anybody drive better. Remember to a new guy who is running last every race , passing 1 or 2 boats is like a victory. Helping a new racer or getting someone started boat racing is very rewarding. Lets go to work........


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Abbott Racing
                              how does someone go about getting a copy of the promo video?
                              Download it from this site. Ed.

                              "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Lights
                                Steve J and myself have done this at the end of the race day at are local races. I think it is a good idea.

                                All's you need to do is to have them sign the waiver. Ed.

                                "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.

