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If I Were King I'd....

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  • Bill...they are running the SLTs at Trenton on the Detroit River. The only time I was there it was so rough we had to scrub the Stock marathon and if you know Top O we NEVER scrub that race. It was really bad but the SLTs ran. They also run them at Bay City in conjunction with some capsule classes. Both those places draw large crowds and still the numbers of SLTs need major improvement. Exposure to large crowds is one aspect of the problem but naturally there are more factors that have to be explored as well.


    • Originally posted by Skoontz View Post

      What I would ask then is when they race, are they racing in front of large groups, such as Bayfair, or perhaps in rougher lakes as Lake Geneva Wisc.? Williams Bay for example would be a geat place to hold a race, launch by Chucks Pub, its a little dog leg off the lake. Places where lots of people are or go to are what the target needs to be. Those two things need to be worked hand in hand and if they are, things will change.
      Actually, SLT guys could have a blast running Geneva Lake. If some of you wanna have a go at it, try contacting the people at Gordy's in Fontana (Next door to Chucks) and maybe they would be interested. It would be next to impossible to control the pleasure boat traffic, and insurance could be a nightmare, but it would be fun to see!



      • Change


        Change Nothing, keep it like it is.

        Have a great holiday.


        Nothing will change in our generation anyway. The same ideas have been tossed around on here since the sites inception. Let APBA hit rock bottom. It is what will need to happen to change anything with it.
        Dave Mason
        Just A Boat Racer


        • Riddle me this

          Been reading this from that start, hoping that it would be more positive than negative. Doesn't seem like that is going to happen.

          Here is a novel idea - how about get the current members we have (guys who already have invested in equipment and that equipment actually hit the water) to race more?

          In every Stock, Mod & J, about 1/3 or 33% of the drivers in each class race either 3 days or less (that is 1 1/2 weekends) and well over 1/2 or 50% of the drivers in each class race 6 days or less (3 weekend events). (see participation sheet).

          How many issues/ problems would be solved immediately, if every current driver raced at least 8 days (or 4 weekend events) or more?

          So today's 1 million dollar question is how do we as a group or as individuals get these part time racers to go to more events? This should be the question that needs to be answered before all others.
          Attached Files
          Brian 10s


          • 10S Riddle

            Brian you are within 3.5 hours of our 3 MHRA races, Grass Lake (2 times), and Augusta. Why don't you come to those events? You are one of the guys I think of when you talk about getting people to race more?



            • Think bigger

              I've kept up on this thread reading all ideas and nay sayers opinions. That being said i think we are not thinking big enough. I understand we are basically more or less backyard racers trying to keep a dying sport alive. But what we need to be doing is moving more towards the model of car racing and currently water sking/wake boarding. It's going to take some money (like most things do) but i think this could be done.

              So here it is, if i was king i'd:

              Build a site spefically ment for boat racing. Like the Ams oil water sports park in Missori, but in each area of the country.

              Do 10 'stadium' style lakes and have friday/sat night racing. It can be done. Car racing does this everywhere. In washington there are at least 3-4 dirt tracks just in the seattle area. Currently i've been seeing more and more water skiing parks pop up. I passed one in Florida on my way to the Worlds and thought why cant we do that?! This would also stop the hassel of putting on races at local lakes where the communities do not want 'their' water lost for a summer weekend. Instead of traveling to different lakes in one local area, you have one major spot in each part of the country. Race differnt size courses, etc.

              This type of deal is going to take major money and sponsorships. Think Mercury Racing water park of seattle washington type thing.

              This even gives a place where a racer can go test on non race weekends.

              You can even bring in the inboard category too. Do inboard one weekend outboard another. Bring all boat racing together under one banner and make a full on show of it. Also think Valleyfeild in Canada. I have never experienced (want to real bad) but have heard nothing but good things. Small course, good show, boats close to shore for good viewership. 200,000 people in the stands.

              Market it like a horse racing event (without the betting). Vendors, Beer gardens, etc.

              This could be done. All it takes is money. I think APBA is going to need to look at something like this in the near future for it's own survival.
              Kyle Bahl

              "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


              • Night Racing...

                People that own and like boats use their boats during the day. I've thought that night racing would work, just like anything else. Anyone who has ever done anything on water at night have 16 reasons why it won't work.

                When we raced on TV we had a live NIGHT "SHOW".

                Greg Foster has offered his freeway lights anytime I'm ready....

                Lake Elsinore in SoCal would be the perfect place to start!


                • Originally posted by CSH12M View Post
                  Brian you are within 3.5 hours of our 3 MHRA races, Grass Lake (2 times), and Augusta. Why don't you come to those events? You are one of the guys I think of when you talk about getting people to race more?

                  Dean -
                  I race 2 boats (CSH & 500MH) and MHRA only races Stcok classes 99% of the time. I can travel 3.5 hrs and race one boat or I can go somewhere else and race both boats. This goes a long way when I am planning on what races to attend. Would love to come North, just trying to get the most bang for my travel dollar.

                  As for my number of races, last year was a down year. I was only able to go to 4 races. Had planned to go to more but sent an engine for a midseason tuneup to Dr TJ and that cut into the racing budget.

                  Last edited by Brian10s; 12-06-2010, 03:01 PM.
                  Brian 10s


                  • Irony...

                    I have read every post on this thread, and one fact I notice is this: the members with the most/longest posts are the members with the LEAST amount of actual laps on the race course every season... Just an observation... GL
                    Future J dad!


                    • Originally posted by Racerkyle20 View Post
                      I've kept up on this thread reading all ideas and nay sayers opinions. That being said i think we are not thinking big enough. I understand we are basically more or less backyard racers trying to keep a dying sport alive. But what we need to be doing is moving more towards the model of car racing and currently water sking/wake boarding. It's going to take some money (like most things do) but i think this could be done.

                      So here it is, if i was king i'd:

                      Build a site spefically ment for boat racing. Like the Ams oil water sports park in Missori, but in each area of the country.

                      Do 10 'stadium' style lakes and have friday/sat night racing. It can be done. Car racing does this everywhere. In washington there are at least 3-4 dirt tracks just in the seattle area. Currently i've been seeing more and more water skiing parks pop up. I passed one in Florida on my way to the Worlds and thought why cant we do that?! This would also stop the hassel of putting on races at local lakes where the communities do not want 'their' water lost for a summer weekend. Instead of traveling to different lakes in one local area, you have one major spot in each part of the country. Race differnt size courses, etc.

                      This type of deal is going to take major money and sponsorships. Think Mercury Racing water park of seattle washington type thing.

                      This even gives a place where a racer can go test on non race weekends.

                      You can even bring in the inboard category too. Do inboard one weekend outboard another. Bring all boat racing together under one banner and make a full on show of it. Also think Valleyfeild in Canada. I have never experienced (want to real bad) but have heard nothing but good things. Small course, good show, boats close to shore for good viewership. 200,000 people in the stands.

                      Market it like a horse racing event (without the betting). Vendors, Beer gardens, etc.

                      This could be done. All it takes is money. I think APBA is going to need to look at something like this in the near future for it's own survival.
                      Kyle, build one in Cle Elem, Elensburg or somewhere in Central Washington and we will be there every other weekend. Of coarse have you ever heard about all the hoops you would have to jump thru to put in a lake or wet land. You are not that old and it would probably take more than your life time to get it done. Regulations are out of control. I think that is what it will take though to save boat racing!

                      Is there only 480 racers left in APBA, NBRA and AOF?? I read that in one of the posts I think.
                      Mike - One of the Montana Boys

                      If it aint fast make it look good


                      • Originally posted by 14-H View Post
                        oh, yeah, goes without saying: Don't hijack the thread!
                        LOL! Yeah right.


                        • Originally posted by Gunjumper View Post
                          I have read every post on this thread, and one fact I notice is this: the members with the most/longest posts are the members with the LEAST amount of actual laps on the race course every season... Just an observation... GL

                          I noticed too. It sure would be nice if the people that did race the most were concerned enough to have and express an opinion here.

                          302SSH.....Putting the Stock back in Stock Outboard


                          • Is there only 480 racers left in APBA, NBRA and AOF?? I read that in one of the posts I think.
                            480 is the number I have seen several times for the number of current APBA Stock Outboard drivers only for 2010. It is often pointed out that the numbers for Stock, Mod and PRO are slightly inflated because of the Super License.

                            I have no idea of the current memberships of AOF and NBRA.

                            302SSH.....Putting the Stock back in Stock Outboard


                            • Good Point But...

                              Originally posted by Gunjumper View Post
                              I have read every post on this thread, and one fact I notice is this: the members with the most/longest posts are the members with the LEAST amount of actual laps on the race course every season... Just an observation... GL
                              Having helped my Grand Niece to run JSH, AXS and ASH, KT Schwab, Amanda Rich, Jarrid Wallach, Kevin Curtis to name a few get on the water and sponoring two COR 2.0 leaders boats that ran most of 2010....Plus I got the Knudsen girls a motor for JSH and ASX...And had a complete NEW A Hydro rig to sell MIke Wright, our new driver in Region 12.

                              When my kids played sports, the coach with the most gray hair WON THE CHAMPIONSHIPS..........ALWAYS!
                              Last edited by Ron Hill; 12-06-2010, 09:59 PM.


                              • If I were King

                                Originally posted by HRTV View Post
                                Clean house! fire the entire paid staff relief all comminsioners and presidents of their current duites.

                                Tear down the national HQ building and sell the brand to a private entity that has the ability to restructure and rebuild the brand.



                                * For any of you that might think my post is joke, please think again I am very serious.
                                APBA Board of Directors: 11/7/2010
                                Follow up Open letter to APBA Board

                                Another season has just concluded and the continued decline in membership (-12%) and loss of sanctioned events continues under the current leadership.
                                In my business world the loss of 12% of customers and decline of income from the product the business sells would be a guaranteed departure of the top management. I don’t know how long the Board thinks this can continue or if there is any hope of turning the ship around before it runs aground.
                                I ask just a few questions:
                                (1) The President has spent thousands of $$ on a driving school program the past couple years, purchasing boats and equipment and incurring overhead cost that could have better been spent supporting struggling races with reduced cost so the races would generate some income rather than $0.00 for APBA.

                                How many new drivers have come from this effort?

                                (2) The deal cut to purchase tunnel boats from a west coast supplier is now in trouble. There are orders unfilled and questions about product quality issues.

                                Who was responsible for reviewing the viability and long term ability of the boat company to ensure this investment of APBA funds were a good business venture? (Who’s budget is paying for this?)

                                (3) The 30% decline in membership last year added to the 12% this year adds up to 42% of APBA customer decline in 2 years. This, combined with the loss of sanction revenues for the past 2 years must have the APBA income balance sheet bleeding of red ink! (How long has it been since the financial records of APBA have been audited?)


                                This week you have the chance to look in the mirror and ask yourself the question that many members of APBA are asking, “HOW MUCH LONGER CAN THE PERSON IN COMMAND CONTINUE and is NOW the time for a change?”

                                Below for your easy reference and for the new board members information is my letter of concern from last year. I hope this week is the time for action! Not more half- baked ideas that cost APBA $$ and have little to no return on investment.

                                Respectfully submitted,
                                Howard Shaw
                                APBA member #1487
                                Region 10
                                APBA Board of Directors: 3/26/2010

                                Open letter to APBA Board

                                As a long time member and paid customer of the APBA organization I feel compelled to write you this letter of concern.
                                I have been a member since 1963 of APBA paying my dues each year as they escalated from $34.00 a year to today’s rate’s of over $190.00. I have been a race chairmen, commodore, region activity chairman, served on APBA category commission, an approved Referee in all divisions and volunteer for many duties to support boat racing when called upon.
                                All this comes, as you know with no monetary reward. In fact the 100’s of us that perform these same duties across the country actually pay APBA to have the pleasure to perform these volunteer duties.
                                APBA gets it income from members, “paying customers” every year as membership’s dues and also from our efforts finding race sites and putting on races that generate sanction income for the ABPA business model.
                                As a customer of APBA I ask you to please remind President Weber that in any business the customer is king if the business is to survive. Customer satisfaction is paramount for any business that hopes to grow and prosper.
                                President Weber has shown over the past years that under his leadership that customer satisfaction simply does not exist and the recent decline in business income bears out that fact. The 30% decline in membership, 20% decline in sanctions, along with President Weber’s personal agendas on reversals of agreements, and inability to see the big picture, have lead to lay offs in the office as your customers become disenchanted and go elsewhere to spend their time and monies.
                                I have been advised that President Weber, when questioned, about the insurance agreement that he did not realize his wife worked for that company awarded the contract. Are you kidding me? Does President Weber think we are all idiots, or is it just more of the issues at hand in the management of the A.P.B.A business.
                                Boat racing will exist with or without A.P.B.A., there are other options out there in spite of what some would lead you to believe.
                                I’m sure that if you ask President Weber he would have you believe that the economy has caused this down turn and you can’t lay this at his feet.
                                I keep coming back to a statement that President Weber made at the Detroit national meeting that “he hoped he was not going to be the last APBA president”. Was this premonition on his part or did he know what many members are now finding out that President Weber has no customer satisfaction skills or presence and his management style is simply “my way or the highway” dictatorship.
                                The future of APBA is truly in your hands as APBA board of directors. Due to the fact that the paying customers (members) no longer vote in the APBA president, you as the board now control that selection process and we the customers are out of the process.
                                I conclude this with the hope that you as the Board will take the needed steps to improve the customer satisfaction efforts of the APBA and let your paying customers, once again have a voice that is heard as well as the chance to provide a racing series or venue as a part of APBA without needless interference by a third party because he/she disagrees with the process they have designed to run the series/events. If you choose to do nothing and disregard this letter that’s fine, again, it is your choice to change the coarse APBA is on or let it run down the current track of extinction due to lack of customer service, high cost, diminishing sanctions and declining customer base.
                                There are some good people at your disposal who understand customer satisfaction and opening the door to all groups or racing series that will bring new members and fans to APBA. It simply will take a President willing to open his/her eyes and listen to all customers that wish to pay for the privilege of being part of the APBA family and support the growth of boat racing for everyone.

                                Respectfully Howard Shaw
                                Region 10 # 1487

