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If I Were King I'd....

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  • #16
    Originally posted by bill van steenwyk View Post
    1. I agree with dan (surprise) 100 %. Two many folks have had their chance for too long, and no improvement in our membership numbers or our sport and the way it is run/administered. There have been many reasons given for this decline over the years. The reasons don't really matter at this point, the lack of action by apba to stem the slide does. If you want to see how a boat racing organization should really operate, look at the japanese model called maris. (used to be the japan motor boat association.)

    2. If #1 cannot be implemented, bar "eddie the chairman" from ever holding any meaningful office in apba again.

    If you want a reason for number two, besides an outsized ego that prevents rational thought, anyone who suggests, even in jest, his suggested treatment of ron hill, has no appreciation for what someone who cares about our sport has really done for it. Ron has done more for the sport of boat racing, both on and off the water, in the last five years than eddie has done his whole life.

    join attend and vote american way.


    • #17

      PROMOTION, it's all about promotion, if u don't advertise ur product no one is going 2 buy it! We need promoters or professional sales people selling us! More websites. U can sell anything with the right promotion, look at the wwf and all wrestling, (is that really happening, is it real).
      Discounted entry fees for the first race or 2 might help, no more than $20 or $25 for the weekend.
      Less classes, some need 2 go away or be combined. No suggestions, although I have plenty.
      Racers cannot make the rules, it just doesn't work, as we have seen in stock car racing and other forms of racing.
      I agree with Dan we need 2 make changes but if we fire the the current people who is going 2 step up and run APBA? I have seen this happen too often, people bitc* and complain and we fire them, then everything falls apart!! None of the complainers will step up and anything!!! If u r willing 2 step up say so now!!!
      Lets ask for volunteers to help the current staff and see what happens!
      Look at the Japanese stadium racing videos. We need 2 deepen propshafts (like 2"). Notice no rooster tails which equates 2 close racing and passing without flips from riding up rooster tails!
      We r going 2 have 2 make motors quieter, as we have no place to race in FL because of the noise, and if we want 2 be close 2 the people we need 2 b close to towns or cities!
      We need changes, I often hear ("we've been doing it like this for 50years WHY WOULD WE WANT TO CHANGE"). Well just look at the declining numbers and u will c why.


      • #18
        Originally posted by HRTV View Post
        Clean house! fire the entire paid staff relief all comminsioners and presidents of their current duites.

        Tear down the national HQ building and sell the brand to a private entity that has the ability to restructure and rebuild the brand.



        * For any of you that might think my post is joke, please think again I am very serious.

        hey listen if ya realy want to do that ya do not need APBA just start you own version of F1 and have at it...


        • #19
          Originally posted by sponsonhead View Post
          Bring back A REAL, PRINTED RULE BOOK that is provided to Members as part of their benefits of membership.
          I second this.

          Remove or reduce cross over barriers.
          Have the SORC and the MORC or whoever it needs to be get together and try to come up with a rule system that makes cross overs easier and less costly. Even withing the same committe. For example most CSH run 20ssh with same rig. Put the engine height the same for both classes. Leave it up to the mbr to choose to run it at 1/2 or lower it to 3/4, his choice. Make the weight minimum the same.

          Eliminate sending out ballots, establish or add to APBA website online voting to ensure everybody gets a chance to vote, and its much easier and more centralized.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Bob Dunlap View Post
            PROMOTION, it's all about promotion, if u don't advertise ur product no one is going 2 buy it! We need promoters or professional sales people selling us! More websites. U can sell anything with the right promotion, look at the wwf and all wrestling, (is that really happening, is it real).
            Discounted entry fees for the first race or 2 might help, no more than $20 or $25 for the weekend.
            Less classes, some need 2 go away or be combined. No suggestions, although I have plenty.
            Racers cannot make the rules, it just doesn't work, as we have seen in stock car racing and other forms of racing.
            I agree with Dan we need 2 make changes but if we fire the the current people who is going 2 step up and run APBA? I have seen this happen too often, people bitc* and complain and we fire them, then everything falls apart!! None of the complainers will step up and anything!!! If u r willing 2 step up say so now!!!
            Lets ask for volunteers to help the current staff and see what happens!
            Look at the Japanese stadium racing videos. We need 2 deepen propshafts (like 2"). Notice no rooster tails which equates 2 close racing and passing without flips from riding up rooster tails!
            We r going 2 have 2 make motors quieter, as we have no place to race in FL because of the noise, and if we want 2 be close 2 the people we need 2 b close to towns or cities!
            We need changes, I often hear ("we've been doing it like this for 50years WHY WOULD WE WANT TO CHANGE"). Well just look at the declining numbers and u will c why.

            Bob we have been cheap as owl shi--- for 50 years so that dog don't hunt.
            Jap racing BIG BUCKS GAMBLING not allowed in USA money solves a multiude of sins.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Boatracer4fun View Post
              I second this.

              Remove or reduce cross over barriers.
              Have the SORC and the MORC or whoever it needs to be get together and try to come up with a rule system that makes cross overs easier and less costly. Even withing the same committe. For example most CSH run 20ssh with same rig. Put the engine height the same for both classes. Leave it up to the mbr to choose to run it at 1/2 or lower it to 3/4, his choice. Make the weight minimum the same.

              Eliminate sending out ballots, establish or add to APBA website online voting to ensure everybody gets a chance to vote, and its much easier and more centralized.

              Ya want a copy Download and Print---ok to vote online ok to get rule book same way "online" I had to learn to use this Piece of Shh computer so anyone can do it .



              • #22
                Promotion is the answer?????

                Carl could read the writing on the wall and left the sport:

                Iron Fist: The Lives of Carl Kiekhaefer


                If you dont know your history, you will be doomed to repeat it.

                Make a good Christmas present.

                302SSH.....Putting the Stock back in Stock Outboard


                • #23

                  Originally posted by MGallagher View Post
                  Ok, I'll have a wack at it.
                  If I were king...I would have any new and, some how, current members participate in a spec class that includes a hydro and a runabout class that can perform and compete in waters that we currently cancel a days racing over.

                  The OPC category is currently working on this project. If you really want a spec class that can run on very rough water, I do not think we should be talking about hydros and runabouts.


                  I think we need to start to move to 3 heats per race. Obviously most clubs currently run too many classes in the course of one day to fit in more heats, but perhaps clubs can start by picking just one or two classes to run the third heat. You saw MRC do it this year at Rochelle for JH, it can work. I realize that some of the real points chasers might have an issue with this, especially the guy who would have "won" after the first 2 heats and I do not have an answer for this except why would'nt you want to go for another ride?
                  Support your local club and local races.

                  Bill Pavlick

                  I'm just glad I'm not Michael Mackey - BPIII


                  • #24
                    Time to Reorganize the Sock Drawer?

                    I have watched this thread for some time with a lot of interest. In all fairness, I have to say that most of you boat racers are some of the most highly skilled and under recognized sports athletes.

                    My advice, for whatever it's worth, would be to first separate the process that you all are attempting into two very basic fundamentals.

                    First, poll all of the drivers in the outboard ranks of racing and ask them this question: What do you primarily want out of boat racing? (ie fame, recognition, satisfaction, challenge, competition, etc) Do you want to make a profit in racing? Break even? What is your dream in the highest expectations and your lowest you're willing to accept in order to race?

                    Second, after compiling the results of an extensive study of the first poll, the next step would be to poll the drivers and ask: What are you willing to sacrifice and how far will you go in terms of effective change? (ie what are you willing to compromise and give up for the greater good and the future of the sport -- ie combining classes, eliminating classes, mixing classes to put full and exciting heats out there on the water for spectators.

                    I've been thinking for a long time and like Alan Kulwicki (of NASCAR fame & a successful privateer that won a NASCAR championship) said -- NASCAR, good, bad or indifferent, is all about ENTERTAINMENT and keeping the interest high based on the entertainment value, because without the entertainment value and interest level being high, you do not have SPECTATORS in sufficient numbers to warrant bigger SPONSORS contributing the CAPITAL necessary to sustain and grow the sport successfully & financially so that more dedicated racers CAN AFFORD TO continue To RACE.

                    Do you racers want to take our sport to a much higher level in terms of sustainable affordability for it's future OR keep doing the same things you are doing now and watch the sport, as a whole, continue to die off?

                    It is going to take a lot more cooperation, sacrifice and then proper marketing to get the job done.

                    What do you fine and talented boat racers wish to achieve?


                    Paul A Christner
                    Last edited by Original Looper 1; 12-01-2010, 08:36 PM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by BP125V View Post

                      The OPC category is currently working on this project. If you really want a spec class that can run on very rough water, I do not think we should be talking about hydros and runabouts.


                      I think we need to start to move to 3 heats per race. Obviously most clubs currently run too many classes in the course of one day to fit in more heats, but perhaps clubs can start by picking just one or two classes to run the third heat. You saw MRC do it this year at Rochelle for JH, it can work. I realize that some of the real points chasers might have an issue with this, especially the guy who would have "won" after the first 2 heats and I do not have an answer for this except why would'nt you want to go for another ride?
                      Agreed, pick your premiere classes and give em 3 heats on Sat and 3 heats on Sun then score them as 3 days of racing. No problems. Any reason this cannot be done right now?

                      302SSH.....Putting the Stock back in Stock Outboard


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Original Looper 1 View Post
                        I have watched this thread for some time with a lot of interest. In all fairness, I have to say that most of you boat racers are some of the most highly skilled and under recognized sports athletes.

                        My advice, for whatever it's worth, would be to first separate the process that you all are attempting into two very basic fundamentals.

                        First, poll all of the drivers in the outboard ranks of racing and ask them this question: What do you primarily want out of boat racing? (ie fame, recognition, satisfaction, challenge, competition, etc) Do you want to make a profit in racing? Break even? What is your dream in the highest expectations and your lowest you're willing to accept in order to race?

                        Second, after compiling the results of an extensive study of the first poll, the next step would be to poll the drivers and ask: What are you willing to sacrifice and how far will you go in terms of effective change? (ie what are you willing to compromise and give up for the greater good and the future of the sport -- ie combining classes, eliminating classes, mixing classes to put full and exciting heats out there on the water for spectators.

                        I've been thinking for a long time and like Alan Kulwicki (of NASCAR fame & a successful privateer that won a NASCAR championship) said -- NASCAR, good, bad or indifferent, is all about ENTERTAINMENT and keeping the interest high based on the entertainment value, because without the entertainment value and interest level being high, you do not have SPECTATORS in sufficient numbers to warrant bigger SPONSORS contributing the CAPITAL necessary to sustain and grow the sport successfully & financially so that more dedicated racers CAN AFFORD TO continue To RACE.

                        Do you racers want to take our sport to a much higher level in terms of sustainable affordability for it's future OR keep doing the same things you are doing now and watch the sport, as a whole, continue to die off?

                        It is going to take a lot more cooperation, sacrifice and then proper marketing to get the job done.

                        What do you fine and talented boat racers wish to achieve?


                        Paul A Christner
                        Several versions of this discussion have taken place over the years. Let me give you the short version:

                        Stock Outboard racing is a grassroots event which emphasizes comraderie, competition, and financial sustainability over a show or an event which can be promoted for profit.

                        In other words, if you want fame, fortune and fast chicks, go PRO, they have a show!

                        Seriously, future NASCAR drivers start in karts at early ages. Stock outboarding is karting, not NASCAR.

                        Many thanks to your families contributions to this great sport, Paul

                        302SSH.....Putting the Stock back in Stock Outboard


                        • #27

                          Originally posted by B Walker View Post
                          Agreed, pick your premiere classes and give em 3 heats on Sat and 3 heats on Sun then score them as 3 days of racing. No problems. Any reason this cannot be done right now?


                          No, I mean 3 heats per race. More boat time for the buck. And you are right, it can be done now-current stock rules allow for three heats per race.
                          Support your local club and local races.

                          Bill Pavlick

                          I'm just glad I'm not Michael Mackey - BPIII


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by BP125V View Post

                            No, I mean 3 heats per race. More boat time for the buck. And you are right, it can be done now-current stock rules allow for three heats per race.
                            Ah, I get it now. I think cash strapped clubs would rather go for 3 days of racing over 2 days though to get 3 days entry fees. Either way racers get more time on the water.

                            Dont know how it is in your region but you cant even whisper "more heats" to a scorer in Region 4 or 5 without getting something thrown at you.

                            302SSH.....Putting the Stock back in Stock Outboard


                            • #29
                              Are You Kidding Me???

                              Originally posted by 14-H View Post
                              Okay, for all of the whining on this message board, I see little concrete thoughts on how anyone would improve anything. Here is your chance. If you were King (or Queen) of APBA, what would you do to improve the organization? Door is open for anything and I really do want to hear what you have to say.

                              Couple of rules though:

                              1) Don't give me your particular brand of class combinations. I've heard them all. If you think that would save APBA though, by all means, just post "class combinations."

                              2) "Fire Chairman Eddie" is NOT constructive criticism! Besides, I've heard it before and been sued for being the Chairman. I'm not going away.

                              3) "Make Mike Barrett President"... also, NOT an option (although I admit that this would be VERY intertaining).

                              4) "Lower costs" or "Remove barriers". This is what we conservatives call politically-correct psycho-bable. Be specific!

                              5) "Give me free entries (or equipment or beer)". No can do! That is why Obama is in the White House. Ask him. APBA cannot confiscate money from anyone like he can so it ain't gonna happen.

                              6) Ron Hill MUST offer constructive ideas within 24 hours of this thread opening or the whole thread will be erased. (and none of that rambling non-sense, Ron ).

                              That's it. Let's hear your ideas.
                              I make constructive ideas everyday.

                              1. Lower the one day membership to a dollar or not have any fee if you can show medical insurance.
                              2. Combine classes, shorten the day.
                              3. ALLOW one points race per weekend, allow new drivers test and have practice time on Saturday.
                              4. Give more points for more boats beat.
                              5. Allow the the 15 A to have a class of their own....
                              6. Make the Sidewinder a B motor ONLY until their are over 100 Sidewinder motors in APBA.
                              7. All production 15 HP Johnson/Evinrudes to run in J Class.
                              8. Require all runabouts to have a vertical side measure and the fin must be on the bottom out of sight of future racers.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Ron Hill View Post
                                I make constructive ideas everyday.

                                1. Lower the one day membership to a dollar or not have any fee if you can show medical insurance.
                                2. Combine classes, shorten the day.
                                3. ALLOW one points race per weekend, allow new drivers test and have practice time on Saturday.
                                4. Give more points for more boats beat.
                                5. Allow the the 15 A to have a class of their own....
                                6. Make the Sidewinder a B motor ONLY until their are over 100 Sidewinder motors in APBA.
                                7. All production 15 HP Johnson/Evinrudes to run in J Class.
                                8. Require all runabouts to have a vertical side measure and the fin must be on the bottom out of sight of future racers.

                                1. disagree no free lunch
                                2. agree
                                3. agree
                                4. disagree (not all categories are the same)
                                5. disagree (believe bore and stroke is the best way)
                                6. undisided here
                                7. agree
                                8. disagree (just do not like this)


