Didi he not show up at all or just after the last heat. Also, what has been done in the past is usually an announcement over the PA for the driver to report to inspection immediately with or without his/her boat to receive his/her penalty or reprimand by the inspector and/or referee. Now I'm sure I'll get one of those "we don't need to hold your hand" or "babysit" comments on this, but I think it sounds reasonable to first issue a "yellow card" type warning before going all Kyoti like and beaching the driver for a year.
Hopefully all this was to do is to warn us drivers that something like this can and will happen in the future and not really to actually throw out a member of one of the most influential families(I know there is a lot of other families) in boat racing within the past 40 years.
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2009 APBA Winter Nationals Coverage
Originally posted by tj15m View PostFor those who don't know.....Rule 8 section 6 in the APBA rule book states that any driver that refuses inspection at a Divisional, National or record-attempt regatta, said driver shall be suspended for a period of one year for unsportsmanlike conduct.
4-J did not show up at inspection. The referee decided to issue a red card instead of implementing the automatic one year suspension (a much lesser penality). The red card was appealed and removed by the race committee.
Tom Johnston
My only question that I have over this particular situation is that if the Referee opted for the Red Card as an alternative to implementing the automatic suspension, couldn't he just as easily opted for a Yellow Card? Sends the same message ('you screwed up, don't do it again') with a far less serious ramification to the person who committed the infraction.
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Just what you need 2 more cents
To me the issue is why does a probationary entry have to report to inspection.
As has been mentioned the reason for the rule is to prevent people from running illigall motors durring national, divisional or record setting events and changing the outcome or taking a legal motor out of the finals.
If it was probationary for no points, I see no reason to report to inspection, there are no points to award or take away for failing inspection so why do you have to report to inspection(I know in the rule book it states all entries will report to inspection). But does it say probationary entries will
The real issue is what do you do with probationary entries durring a boat race, what rules do and do not apply. I think maybe the Referee could of used some degree of descretion in the matter but his hands may off been tied also by the letter of the rule.
Yes the rules are way to gray and other times to black and white.
I hate when that happens
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Matt, Dave,
If you guys go through your rule books and point out some of these senseless rules, I'd be glad to propose eliminating them to the Stock & Mod commissions. While you're at it, could you also cross-reference category racing and safety rules with General racing and safety rules and list the rules that could be eliminated due to duplication or superceding criteria? That would be a great help and a good first step in solving this problem. Thanks, John
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Matt, I really do not know why that rule is in the book. Could it be.
Say that there are 25 20ssh at the championship event. They run Eliminations and Low behold I make the finals. The motor is sealed with nail polish. Problem is my motor will not pass inspection. I really want to run in the finals and besides I will not place in the top anyway. So I run the finals and do to gun jumpers I place in the top 3. But wait a minute my motor will not pass inspection and i already have a tech DQ for the current year. What to do is just not report to inspection.
Now the problem is what about that boat qualified 13th. I just kept him on the beach so I could race the final with my illegal motor. I just will not report to inspection and I am good. Not so fast as that rule will nail me.
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Matt ??
Originally posted by Matt Dagostino View PostThis is just one more example of our APBA Rulebook on Steroids!! To many rules spread all over the entire rulebook!! We are boatracing, not playing Soccer! 4-J simply should have been forced to work on the judges stand with Referee Ed all day Sunday as his punisnment ............he would never fail to come to inspection again after a day of doing flags with Ed. BUT, rules are rules!!
We are way to willing to put all kinds of silly rules in our rulebook but when they are enforced all hell breaks loose..........It seems our officials were enforcing the rulebook, that's a good thing. The bad part is the rule they were forced to implement should not be in the rulebook to start!! So to me it is a 'catch 22'. We NEED to have black and white enforceable rules in place that make sense!!
But i guess that makes to much sense!
Rock on!
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To Many Rules................
This is just one more example of our APBA Rulebook on Steroids!! To many rules spread all over the entire rulebook!! We are boatracing, not playing Soccer! 4-J simply should have been forced to work on the judges stand with Referee Ed all day Sunday as his punisnment ............he would never fail to come to inspection again after a day of doing flags with Ed. BUT, rules are rules!!
We are way to willing to put all kinds of silly rules in our rulebook but when they are enforced all hell breaks loose..........It seems our officials were enforcing the rulebook, that's a good thing. The bad part is the rule they were forced to implement should not be in the rulebook to start!! So to me it is a 'catch 22'. We NEED to have black and white enforceable rules in place that make sense!!
But i guess that makes to much sense!
Rock on!
MattLast edited by Matt Dagostino; 03-24-2009, 07:56 AM.
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For those who don't know.....Rule 8 section 6 in the APBA rule book states that any driver that refuses inspection at a Divisional, National or record-attempt regatta, said driver shall be suspended for a period of one year for unsportsmanlike conduct.
4-J did not show up at inspection. The referee decided to issue a red card instead of implementing the automatic one year suspension (a much lesser penality). The red card was appealed and removed by the race committee.
Tom Johnston
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According to the rules, the red card was not inapropriate for the infraction. However the interpretation of certain words used within the rule and the instructions at drivers meeting got the red card recinded.
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Kyle, my dad, and I all made it to Seattle safe and sound a few hours ago. It was about 83 hours driving round trip.
Thanks again to the entire race committee, what a beautiful place to race.
-Mike Perman
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Ref - Pineville???
Adam and others,
Sanction is on the APBA race calender.
No question this was an abuse of power. Yellow card-maybe with a legal motor. Disqulification for a Probationary motor by the inspector for not showing - another maybe.
What I don't get is why the Assistant Refs allowed this to happen.
We have been coached well by an International Ref here in Wisco, guess it didn't get to those in other parts of Region 7. Wonder why they do not attend the R7 meetings where this subject has been discussed in detail several times.
This is an
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Who was the Ref?
Originally posted by 3rd Chance View PostAs a Ref, I am very curious to hear how someone got a red card for not attending inspection. My understanding has always been if you don't attend inspection, you are disqualified from the heat(s). How or why was this red card issued?
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Many Thanks!
I just wanted to THANK everyone who welcomed my family and I to our first kneel down race. Most of all I want to thank Howie, Ernie, Carelton, Jeff, Mark and all the others that helped me try and figure out why my motor only wanted to run without the restrictor. Congratulations to all the winners & record setters. Braxton, you the man! My son & I had a blast, even though we got DQ'd on our first win. (I should have known better than to use pump gas) Never the less, my son and daughter are hooked. Look forward to Trenton, possibly Grass Lake. Hopefully, I will see some of you at Port Neches!.....Mike & Jonathan
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Sounds fishy.......
As a Ref, I am very curious to hear how someone got a red card for not attending inspection. My understanding has always been if you don't attend inspection, you are disqualified from the heat(s). How or why was this red card issued?
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