Originally posted by Kev43V
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USTS Schedule
Bruce speaks the truth...every year he stands up and makes a proposal to get rid of gas and oil than he gets the look, the gavel and takes his seat.
No one is proposing any fuel changes for the PRO Catagory I think the cold weather is giving everyone cabin fever.
The PRO Nationals schedule is my baby and my responsiblity. I do have certain requests I must honor for the Men's Club before any changes occur. I would also be very disappointed if I make a bunch of changes ony to have no more enteries than if I had not changed it The nice thing about our schedule is that it does not change and everyone has a good idea about when they race. The drivers meeting does not interfere with our schedule.
Kristi Z-22
PRO Commissioner
"Ask not what your racing organization can do for you...Ask what you can do for your racing organization"Tomtall 06
Originally posted by dwilderacer View PostNo, but you can get a synthetic that is grown in some rather quick cows!
"The Coffee Guy"
Cranked up and ready to Roll
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)
"Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
" IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)
Alternative Fuels
Dancing Bear--
When I first proposed ALL ALCOHOL I was dead serious. This was in part because of fuel test problems and the availability of E-85 and alcohol. I met with so much oposition that I backed off and now it is a JOKE. It helps break up the sometimes too serious meetings. In the future we may be forced to consider it as fossil fuel supplies diminish. We'll cover that problem when it arises.
The pro commission is a well balanced group. We are well represented in all catagorys. I will bet money on it that K-Pro and OSY will remain where they are as they are while this commission is in office.
If we have no conflicts we probably will. Always good to get a coffee high and have breakfast with the Turzinski gang.
An OLD F--T going in circles,
I have actually suc***bed to pressure. I have started roasting a pound of decaf before every race.Don't tell anyone but there is actually a YOUNG guy that drinks decaf too. Sigh, whats the world coming too. LOL
Hope to see you both there!
Sry! not trying to hijack your thread! I promise to not do it any more.Last edited by Kev43V; 01-17-2009, 09:26 PM.
"The Coffee Guy"
Cranked up and ready to Roll
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)
"Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
" IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)
Dancing Bear
When I say pick a category, I mean just that. If you have all those entries, and spend so much money, why not use your funds to build one category to an all time glory ? It would be the perfect summer to do just that. I know the kids want to race both, and so on and so forth. They could run like 6 classes with the APBA J engine. Forgive me if you run the OMC's, I truly don't know. If you do run the OMC's, better to get them into the Kpro as the OMC is being phased out according to the stock plan.
Whatever you decide, you are forgetting one thing. Keep the fun in it, and don't kill yourselves trying to travel to all the races at one time.
Of course I understand you frutrations some what. When they combine Mod and stock Nat's it cost me a ton more money. Have to be there for a whole week to race twice. Makes perfect sense to me...... See what I am getting at ? When they are combined Nat's I have to make a choice, and most of the time I choose another organization as it makes a lot more sense financially. And it is a lot of fun to boot.
Anyways, best of luck in your racing, glad your kids are doing so well.Dave Mason
Just A Boat Racer
Making every one happy?????
I find it very interesting that some how people have the impression that people are supposed to schedual their race dates based on what date another catogory has their races schedualed. It would be like saying you cannot have a race on the same day as the Gold Cup because you want to go see the unlimiteds run. It's nice that people can cross catogories and participate but I would believe this is a small portion of the overall membership.
I find it hard to believe this post whent on so long, it shows very limited understanding of how race dates are set and the hard work and amount of time it takes to organize a major event like the nationals. The Pro Nationals have been the same for a long time, the stock nationals had up untill we started going to Wakefield been the first week in Aug, but for various reasons the date moves up and back based on the location of the nationals, one coast or the other yadda, yadda, yadda. Never in all my years or racing do I remember ever hearing we can't have the nationals or a race on this date or that date because there was a pro race-or even a mod race-completely different catagories, completely diferenet types of boats and motors. There is no way to make every one happy, if people cross catagories to participate great for you but do not expect the whole catagory to stop and change major plans to facilitate your wishes.
I may be misunderstanding some of these post but it seams some people just don't get it.
Well said
I agree with you. Most of the time when a National Championship race is scheduled and announced, it is too late to change the date. These races take a lot of work to get and the sponsors usually have a date that works for them and cannot be changed. Even if the different catagories knew what dates were already taken, if the same weekend was all they can get for their Championship, then they would probably schedule it on the same weekend. It is unfortunate that this happened this year, but it probably will not be the last time 2 races are scheduled on the same weekend.
Rex Hall
DePue is for sure I am still working with Paulie to get permission for a 5 day event. If the City will let us test Wed and Thurs then we will have the 2 races over 3 days as I mentioned. I will post the info as soon as we are 100%certain we can do this.
Kristi Z-22
PRO Commissioner
"Ask not what your racing organization can do for you...Ask what you can do for your racing organization"Tomtall 06