I was hoping that someone might be able to verify something for me. I have attached two pictures of exhaust pipes for an A or B deflector Mercury. If my fading memory serves me correctly, these are Quincy Welding pipes from the early 60s. They are steel pipes and there are two water relief holes at the top of the plate & two in the front of the plate. All four holes are drilled on an angle to spray water on the pipes and elbows.
"Fading memory"
is an accurate description. Any input would be greatly appreciated. I bought these pipes just the other day. There is no evidence that they were ever used. However, they are old. They are not TIG welded. The welding appears to be 'old school' (not that there's anything wrong with that). I was just hoping that someone would recognize the manufacturer.
Thank you,
Barry Rees
"Fading memory"

Thank you,
Barry Rees